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About GE Appliances:

We've always owned our own place for as long as I can remember. My parents owned the home I grew up in. I remember my brother and I helping my dad with all sorts of repairs. Like if the garbage disposal broke or was malfunctioning, he taught us how to unscrew it from under the sink and check it out. When we needed a new one, we went to the hardware store to buy a replacement and installed it together. When Peter and I got engaged, he moved into our basement so we could save money, which we did-a down payment for our condo. The first five years of our marriage we lived in the condo and then sold at financially wise time. We used our equity to buy a house. After years in that place, we realized we didn't need so much space. We thought we'd have a larger family, but it didn't turn out that way, and it seemed silly to spend so much on a mortgage, leaving us with very little wiggle room for leisure. Anyway, we finally sold that house. We moved into a rental, which I love. But things break down all the time. The newest casualty is the dishwasher. The landlord won't replace it. I went on because the company has a reliable reputation. I found a functional, nice looking dishwasher for a great price-and it even offered a rebate. The site lets you know the closest location to buy the product you want.

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