
Kiko Cosmetics Coupons, Promo Codes and Deals

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About Kiko Cosmetics:

It's both helpful and annoying that we are able to understand ingredients in products these days. Let me rephrase: we can read ingredients, but it doesn't necessarily mean we understand if they are organic, natural, or full of chemicals that can be potentially dangerous. For example, I just read that the word "fragrance" can be used on beauty products because it's approved by the U.S. food and drug administration. But it doesn't mean it's safe. In fact, fragrance is a word used in place of a bunch of chemicals that are actually unsafe. There's a whole hubbub about the use of phthalates in moisturizers and creams. Those chemicals mess with the endocrine system and there are many studies that are researching links between phthalates and uterine and prostate cancers. Another buzzword being bandied about is paraben. Parabens are generally a compound of chemicals use to preserve items such as cosmetics and other beauty supplies. So, it's helpful to be told what's in a product, but if you've never heard of it or it doesn't sound harmful, then you might be unknowingly be using something harmful. Then, when you do understand, it makes shopping a bit more tedious. On, the site tells you if a product is paraben-free. I like that. I know France has banned most harmful chemicals from make-up, but Kiko products are made in Italy. I like their selection of wrinkle creams. I wish they had a store nearby for me to try the products in person.

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Free Shipping on a $25 Order.
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