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About SlumberLand: offers a wide selection of mattresses and furniture to bring you comfort.
Pros: If you're looking for a huge selection of furniture from a store that has been around for quite some time, then you're going to get a lot out of this website. The website offers some of the top brands in the industry, which will allow you to find the perfect look for your home. One unique thing about this website is it does provide you with some awesome design tools to help you get a professional look without spending a fortune on a professional. You can connect to many local stores, which are listed on the website, but there are delivery options that can help you make the most out of your purchase too. If you're looking to return an item, you have 30 days for any item of furniture. If you purchase a mattress, the company prefer that you give it a 30 day trial before you return it, but you do have a total of 120 days to give your mattress a try before returning it. The company also offers a price match guarantee, so you can make sure you're getting the best possible price.
Cons: If you're not careful, the return policy might be void for you. For instance, if you find yourself ordering a mattress and not the cover, then the 120-day sleep trial will be void, as well as the warranty in most cases. Sales items are also final sale, which can also be a huge problem for you if something doesn't suit you. Apart from that, the website's Facebook doesn't allow for reviews and there are a lot of angry reactions to some of the content posted, with no available comments. This might seem fishy for some customers.
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