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About ThriftBooks:

I remember reading road signs aloud when I was five years old. We would be on car trips and my mom would be very impressed. She thought I was a genius. As it turns out, I am now a voracious reader; I read everything placed in front of me with words. But that didn't happen until I went to college. From about the age of five through 17, I avoided reading books at all costs. There was a testing program in elementary school- the student would read a story of a few paragraphs from a color-coated card of hundreds in a box. The answer cards sat directly next to the story box. I would go to the table where both boxes sat, pull the reading material out, but also pull the answer card at the same time. I memorized the answer key and put it back. I'd take the story back to my desk. When the teacher brought me the test, I regurgitated the answers I had placed in my memory. I had straight A's, yet I never read the material. In high school, I read Cliff notes instead of the actual books. In college, however, I had a professor who made fiction fabulous. That's when I started buying used books. I love reading from paper. is one of the great used bookstores left. You can pick the book's condition at a very low price. Their selection is huge. They also offer books in other formats, but I prefer tangible over electronic.

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