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EXTRA 20% off Sale Footwear
Kiata Mens and Womens Footwear Collection Just $75
FREE Hat with Purchase of Any Vintage Ankle Deck Boots
FREE Hoodie with Any Purchase
Free 2-Day Shipping Upgrade on a $99 Order
EXTRA 35% off Sale Styles
$25 off $150, $50 off $200
25% off Sitewide
25% off Sitewide
Mens/Womens Ankle Deck Boots Just $75
Select Men's Legacy Lace Boots Just $39.99
20% Off (User Submitted)

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Including a coupon for $10 off $100+
Including a coupon for 20% off $99+
Including a coupon for the end of season sale - up to 75% off boots, heels, sandals, lounge & more
Including a coupon for $10 off
Including a coupon for 20% off your first order
Including a coupon for 15% off your first order

About Xtratuf: offers boat inspired boots for every situation.

Pros: The boots offered on this website are designed to handle some of the most extreme conditions. So, whether you're joining a fishing boat in Alaska for work, or just going fishing on vacation, you'll be set up for success. The boots will help keep your feet dry and warm while also offering the traction you need in slick areas. There are also boots designed for leisurely boating or even playing around in a lake. Each item has an in-depth description, which will allow you to know precisely what you're getting into. The website caters to men, women, and children too, so you can find something for the whole family. Apart from shoes, there are lots of tees and other items to show off how much you enjoy the brand. The website's social media pages are active too, with lots of positive comments about the items, which can make you feel better about shopping online. If you'd like to see the items for yourself, then the website does provide a store locator.

Cons: Although there are reviews on the website, the company doesn't allow for reviews on social media. Thus, you don't get to see the unfiltered opinions of people shopping with the company. Apart from that, you can find similar items from reputable brands at a cheaper price. The website's limited warranty might not be worth much either, so make sure you adhere to directions if you really hope to get assistance if something goes wrong with your shoes.

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