Did you got the new iPhone 5? Are you going to shove about the iPhone 5 cases for girls? Yes, you have come at right place. I have been surfing the web looking for unusual iPhone cases for the new iPhone 5. I have looked at lots of different web sites and found some really interesting cases. These are not the cases you will see on another iPhone next to you on the bus or train; these are really interesting cases that will set your iPhone 5 apart from all of your girlfriends. I have chosen ten different cases and have included a picture of each case so you can see what sets apart each case from the rest. I hope you will have as much fun as I did looking for these different cases.
Whether you want a cute little animal, or a realistic representation of an animal like a wild tiger or giraffe that looks like it has just been snapped in the wild on your case or flowers of all types and colors or something that will make more of a statement, you will find something that will be unique and make your iPhone stand out. Don’t keep it in your pocket or hand bag; put it on the table when you are out with your friends somewhere. Let them see the great case design you have found. They will want to know where they can get an individual case for their own iPhone.
One of the great things I did find was that some web sites let you customize your own case. All you need to do is to upload a favorite photo or picture, follow the simple steps and you will get a definite one of a kind case. It is so easy to do. I found two fantastic web sites skinit.com and coveroo.com that as well as having lots and lots of styles to choose from let you make your own case. So for a truly uncommon iPhone 5 case get busy snapping some great photos of friends, family and pets and design your own case. You could even draw and color your own design to put on your iPhone 5 cases. Make it really an individual work of art that is only yours.
See a really stylish case of handcrafted quilted leather that is studded with Swarovski crystals at case-mate.com. This great site had lots of different categories like slim, fun, rugged, designer prints and artist designed cases. You can get a slim case or a bit thicker silicone case; they will all protect your phone while making sure it looks great. I loved this leather one though. It looks so stylish, like a comfy but smart leather jacket for your phone. Did it remind you the luxury bags from Chanel?

This padded case would feel great to hold and looks great with the crystals setting it off. Now come on girls, this is not your everyday iPhone 5 case. This is a stylish and sophisticated case just right for those nights out with the girls.
Also at this web site I found some beautiful girly cases by some fabulous artists. I found this one, called Lucky Ling by Iomoi. All of the listed artists have several designs you can choose from. I thought this lovely elephant with a paisley styled background pattern was fantastic. The pinks and yellows showcase the elephant beautifully. She had other animal designs too, all along the same lines as the elephant. It is a lucky elephant so I had to vote him as one of the top 10 uncommon cases for the new iPhone 5.

If you are after something a bit out there, won’t fit in your pocket, but will look great on the side table at home or on your desk at work are these fluffy Woogie 2 cases. These are part fluff and part protection.

I found these at this cool web site at griffintechnology.com. This is more the one to leave at home when you have finished work for the day. It has 5 legs that let it sit perfectly in your lap or on a table at just the right angle to play a game or download some music or even talk to your friends. This is a huggable case like a cuddly teddy bear for your phone.
On the more practical side they have a great range of other sorts of cases. They have hard cases and softer silicone cases and lots of bright colors with clear fronts if you are after a nice case that is not too fussy and a bit over the top. There are these animal cases that are too cute. Some of these you can download an app so that your screen matches the case. This cute tiger and koala are just two that they have for you to choose from. The added ear features make them look more like an animal than just a plain rectangular case would.

Most sites have a fantastic range of hard and soft cases or skins and shells to choose from. So, first decide if you want a hard case or a soft case. I found a great selection of both of these types of cases at coveroo.com. The range here is huge from football teams, colleges, basketball teams and a great range of television shows like Cheers and Charmed. There are also lots of seasonal cases for fall, Christmas, Thanksgiving and also cases like this Barbie one I found. This solves two problems, you love Barbie, but you also love shoes. Which case will I choose? Well girls how about both, a Barbie shoe case for your iPhone 5.

It has great circles of black and pink shoes on a white background for everyone to admire. They also have action figures like Wonder woman and Batman to choose from. There are lots of bright colors and patterns to choose from for your case too.
For those of us who like a soft case like a rubber skin I found heaps at this cool web site accessorygeeks.com. They have a huge range of rubber skins for your iPhone 5 in lots of different color ways and lots of cute little animals. There are ducks, pigs, penguins, flowers and floral patterns, polka dots in all sorts of colors but I thought this pink penguin was pretty fashionable. It’s cute own to his or her little wings sticking out making the case look more realistic and not just a plain rectangle with an animal on it. Most of these rubber cases for animals come in a number of color variations.

Also at this web site I found a case like an ice cube tray. They come in different color ways and look really cool. I couldn’t resist this pink and white combination, thought you had to see what I mean by looking like an ice cube tray. On second thoughts could be Lego too. Any way I think this is cute for a girl’s phone.

Remember those design your own cover web sites I was telling you about? I found two that let you upload a photo or picture and they will make you a very unique and individual case for your iPhone 5. It can be any photo, just follow the link to the “customize your own case”, follow the simple instructions and delivered right to your door will be the one and only iPhone case like it in existence. You will have a very uncommon and rare iPhone case and be the envy of your girl friends.
This is one of the great customize your own case web sites, go to the customize page at skinit.com . Of course I can’t show you one of these customized iPhone cases; you will need to make your own but there was so much to choose from here. Just upload a photo and you can add text and shapes and you have a custom made design.
Skinit.com also has a huge range of different ready-to-ship cases to choose from. If you can think of a category they probably will have it. Metal cases, silicone cases, whatever you like best. They also have a list of artists to choose from and a lot of styles of art too. They have Asian art, fantasy art, fine art, tattoo art, skull art, inspirational themes, vintage art and urban art. I found lots of photographs to choose from too, of animals, nature and flowers; lots of different colors and patterns; funny cases and cartoon cases. What I thought most unusual though were the etched metal cases below in different colors to choose from.

Here is just a small selection that I found. These are really gorgeous and different from those every day cases you see on a lot of iPhones. There are swirls and patterns and Japanese style scenes like the blue and silver case has on it. This is possibly my favorite so far. One of the lovely artist designs is this amazing blue butterfly. It could be a magical tattoo but what a great and unusual iPhone 5 cover it makes. There were hundreds of stunning designs to choose from. I could hardly decide which unusual one to include, so many were different span any I had seen before.

The other web site that has lots of designs to choose from and lets you customize your iPhone 5 case is Zagg.com. Same simple instructions to follow, just find the link to customize your case and you are nearly finished. I found some wonderful designs to choose from here that can be quite an individual statement. They had designs made in leather that look like a sporting ball; choose from football, basketball or baseball or a leather case with a snakeskin pattern or crocodile skin pattern. And of course they had plain dyed leather too in a range of great earthy colors. But much more girly were the whimsical animal designs like the one pictured. It is called “Bee wildered” and shows a gorgeous Siamese cat with a bee sitting on its nose in among the flowers.

There were lots of other designs to choose from. There were lots of animals including, cats, dogs, fish, frogs, tigers and penguins to name just a few. Most had one or two different color combinations to choose from. And for something a bit stylish what about the Taj Mahal, or Eiffel tower on your phone case. There are a lot of pictures of sites and famous landmarks from around the world to choose from as well as landscapes and nature designs. You can also have your high school emblem or college mascot on a case or one of the great range of solid colors.
Zagg.com is a bit different from the others as you could purchase a skin only, or add a screen protector altogether. The range of skins is enormous and you could match screens to go with your cases.
I found metal cases, leather cases, rubber skins and silicone skins and lots of different colors and designs. Some are purely decorative, but also protect, like the Woogie and others you won’t want to keep in your pocket. There are hundreds if not thousands of designs by artists, designs of art, and photographic cases of landscapes, nature and animals. You can have your favorite football, baseball or basketball team, the college you studied at, your high school or colorful designs and patterns. There are so many cases to choose from, you will spend hours (like I did) searching for something a bit different that will make your iPhone into a fashion statement. So just visit one of these great web sites and start looking for your ideal iPhone 5 case.