
Archive for December 31, 2012

Give the New Year a Clean Start With These Machines

With the New Year upon us it is time to forget the old and start embracing the new, which also applies to our homes. No one wants to begin the New Year fighting off dust bunnies from the past year. There are many things you can do to keep your house cleaner this new year. For instance, replacing the old cleaning machines will not only improve the cleanliness of the home, but will also give you more time to space. These ten machines are all top of the line cleaners that will make your job easier and faster as well as save you money long term!

1. Dish Washer
A new dishwasher can change your kitchen activities from a chore to breeze. This Frigidaire Gallery 24″ Stainless Steel Built In Dishwasher – FGBD2445NF is one of the top models are the market for right now. This dishwasher comes with a great stainless steel design that is absolutely smudge proof, so it is one less thing for you to worry about cleaning. This dishwasher comes with sensors it will know what level of cleaning it needs to perform on your dishes, which will keep you from having to rewash dishes over and over. This dishwasher is even incredibly quiet, so you can run it during dinner without having it interrupt conversations! One of the best features is the stay put door which won’t move from the angle you leave it at, thus your kitchen becomes a safer environment for you and your family. You can find this dishwasher at the brilliant price of $494, a $100 discount, on

2. Washer and Dryer
Laundry is one of the most tedious and endless jobs in the household. Clothes often tend to appear out of nowhere leaving you with more chores to do. Buying a new high efficient washer and dryer is one of the best ways to make the endless cycle of laundry disappear. These LG 4.0 cu. ft. Front-Load Washer and 7.3 cu. ft. Steam Dryer is perfect for any household. The washer uses the minimum amount of water to get your clothes, leaving your water bill lower than ever. This washer is energy efficient, but one of his best features is the fact that it has Turbo Wash Technology which allows you to wash just about any load in 20 minutes! The dyer is perfect for getting your clothes dry in a hurry. It is even great for steam cleaning your dry clean only clothes. No longer will you have to spend tons of money at the dry cleaners or on the electric bill thanks to these machines. They also stack on top of one another so that you don’t have to waste space! You can purchase this set for $1978 on

3. Steam Cleaner
Having a steam cleaner around the house is also a great way to keep germs at bay. Steam cleaners can be used on just about anything and will make your home look perfect. This Shark SC630 Steam Pocket Multi-Purpose Handheld Steam Cleaner is great for any of life’s little accidents. Pet stains as well as hard to remove stains like cool-aid are a thing of the past. This steam cleaner will even leave your couch and other furniture looking brand new again. This steam cleaner can even do your dry cleaning for without a problem! One of the best things about this steam cleaner is it is light weight and easy to carry around without you. You can purchase this steam cleaner for $54.99 at

4. Dyson Vacuum Cleaner
Every family needs a great vacuum to help keep the germs out of their home. Our floors are great carries of a bacterium that causes families to get sick or prompts bad allergies. Many vacuum cleaners remove some of the grime from the floor, but often don’t do enough to prevent the family from taking in the germs. The Dyson DC26 Multi Floor Canister Vacuum is the perfect machine for taking your home’s cleanliness to the next level. This machine will bring up dust that is so deep in the carpet you would have never guessed it was a danger. This machine is all light weight and easy to maneuver even in the most difficult of places, like the stairs. One of the best features about this vacuum is it is also bagless so everything your machine takes in won’t be spilled out again when you empty it! You can find this Dyson for $299 at

5. Rotary Floor Machine
Keep the indoors and outdoors of your home looking fabulous when you purchase this HydroForce Versa Pro Rotary Floor Machine MH48 W/ 17” Apron. This rotary floor machine will give you home’s floors an entirely new look. Use this machine to clean and polish your kitchen linoleum or tiles. Your tiles will shine and make your kitchen look even more inviting. This machine is also great for outdoor cleaning. Use this machine on your wooden deck to help keep it polished and protected from the weather. It also works great on stone pieces, so your garden will look even more perfect with its shiny stone walkways. You can purchase this rotary machine for $846 on

6. Jewelry Cleaner
Sometimes things we need to clean aren’t as obvious as other things. For instance, most people rarely think about cleaning their jewelry, but with this great La Sonic Supreme Jewelry Cleaning Machine – 2 Count Pack there is no reason not to make your prized possessions shimmer. From now on, when you go to put on your favorite necklace it will look just as it did the first time you wore it giving you more confidence than ever. This jewelry cleaner can be used for many other things though. For instance, candle holders and other small things that could use a bit of shine are perfect to put in the jewelry cleaner. Kids will also love cleaning pennies they find in this cleaner! You can purchase the Sonic Supreme cleaner at for $59.99.

7. Gutter Cleaner
Cleaning the gutters is one of the most fought over chores in many households. The chore is usually reserved for the man of the house, but often goes uncompleted for months. Now, you don’t have to fight over who has to clean out the gutters thanks to this iRobot Looj 330. This gutter cleaner can clean your gutters in one shot. This cleaner blows dirt and leaves out of the gutter while shooting water out to remove clogs that might have built up. While this is happening the gutter cleaners brushes your gutters clean so you don’t have to worry about cleaning again for a while. Now, your household might argue over who gets to clean the gutters rather than who has to. You can purchase this cleaner for $299.99 at

8. Robo Cleaner
Save time and money when you purchase this robo floor cleaner. All you have to do is turn the cleaner on and enjoy watching this robot clean up many of your household’s messes. This tiny robo cleaner actually looks for messes to clean up, making your household chores so much fewer. Robot can clean up dirt, dust and even liquid spills! Due to its size this robot can even get in hard to reach places that often get overlooked. This robot runs on batteries and last a long time without having to have them replaced. Your will love the extra time you have each day thanks to your robot and your guest will surely compliment you on the cleanliness of your floors. You can purchase this robot on for $19.95, a $10 discount.

9. Shower Cleaner
Cleaning the shower can be one of the most daunting task in the home. Due to the fact the shower is usually wet it makes it easy to grow mold which is harmful to your family. Instead of spending time every day making sure your shower is clean you can purchase this Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner Starter Kit. This kit will spray your shower every day with cleaning solution that will keep the soap scum and mold from growing in your shower. This cleaner will also give your shower a new shimmer that will make your bathroom look even cleaner. This great cleaner will work in almost any shower, simply slip this machine over your shower head and enjoy all the benefits of a clean shower. You can purchase this cleaner for 25% off or $14.99 at

10. Leaf Blower
Cleaning up your yard can often take hours to do and in the cold weather no one really wants to be outside raking leaves. This high tech GreenWorks 24092 85 MPH / 125 MPH Two Speed Lithium Ion Cordless Blower is the perfect machine to help you give your lawn a fabulous look without having to spend hours in the cold weather. This leaf blower will clear out leaves, moved grass and even clear out the dirt on the sidewalk and near the road at up to 125 MPH. The leaf blower is light weight so older kids can even use it to fulfill the household chore list. It is even cordless so you don’t have to worry about being attached to anything while your work. This machine can be purchased with a discount of $10 making it only $36.33 from

Now, you can start you New Year off to a great start thanks to these fantastic tools. Your household will love the way your home smells and looks thanks to these machines. Your day will be more open to do things you want, which will make it easier to meet all of your New Year’s resolutions. To top things off you will save a lot of money when you purchase these items. In the long run they will save you on energy charges as well as water!

10 Frugal Living Tips For 2013

With the new year right around the corner, everyone is searching for new ways to better themselves as well as their lifestyles for an incredible year. While jotting down your new years plans filled with wishes of exercising, dieting, and getting a new job, one thing you do not want to forget is saving money. Make this next year sensational by applying essential frugal living tips to your lifestyle so you can save up more money for an amazing Christmas next year.

1. Set A Goal For Yourself
Much like everything else in life, setting a goal is an important part of making something happen. For instance, those who are on a mission to lose weight will often have a weight goal they are trying to obtain, which will help them to keep going until they reach their goal. This same principle applies to frugal living. Setting a goal for yourself will ensure that you have something you are trying to obtain. Make a goal that is moderately difficult yet still approachable, such as saving at least one hundred dollars each month. When you reach your monthly goal, have a prize lined up for yourself. This will also help you to keep striving to reach your goal.

2. Make A Plan For Yourself
Making a plan for yourself is an essential part to living frugally. The basic reason for this is that you do not want to walk into a new lifestyle blindly. Instead, write down a thorough and well executed plan that you can stick to. Do not make your plan too hard, as you will most likely end up failing. Instead, make a plan that is easy to follow and is either daily or monthly.

3. Pay Off All Credit Card Debt
Starting out the new year, you do not want to have any hang ups from the last year. One thing that you will definitely want to have with the new year is a clean slate of credit. Before the new year begins, make sure all of your credit card debt is completely paid off. This will not only give you ease of mind for a great new year, but will also allow you to have some credit in case something happens in the new year and you find yourself in desperate need of some money.

4. Find New Auto and Health Insurance
Auto and health insurance can be extremely expensive, depending on the company you choose as well as the policy you have. However, you can dodge high prices this upcoming year by searching for brand new auto and health insurance. Do plenty of research to find out which company has the absolute best price. An important thing to note is that some companies will offer both insurance policies, while others will offer them separate. Keep this into consideration when buying a new plan.

5. Compare Phone, Internet, Television, and Electricity Plans
Besides costly auto and health insurance, other essentials that can be extremely costly include phone, internet, television, and electricity plans. Much like insurance, you can search around for companies that offer a much cheaper service without any substitution of quality. After researching for the lowest cost insurance, take your researching skills to the areas of phone, internet, television, and electricity. Most companies will offer bundle packages that include three or four of the aforementioned things at a discounted price, which not only means a lower overall cost per month, but less bills to pay.

6. Start Couponing
We all know those people that can go to a store, have a full cart full of items, and end up paying little to nothing at all. While you might not be able to get that much of a discount at first, you can spend a considerably less amount of money simply by the use of coupons. You can find coupons in the newspaper, certain magazines, and of course, the internet. Cut or print the coupons and take them into the store with you and notice a significant decrease in the amount you will have to pay at check out. This is definitely one easy way to spend a lot less at grocery stores, convenient stores, and even retail locations.

7. Delay Buying
Impulse buying is definitely something that happens to all of us at one point or another, and some people may find that this type of buying happens a lot more then it should. If you are a victim of often impulse buying, this next tip is for you. Simply try your hardest to delay buying, even if it means you wait only a few hours. Think hard about it, maybe even sleep on it. Ask yourself some basic questions: 1. Do you need the item? 2. Is it essential to your well being? 3. Do you have the money for it? 4. Is it something you will regret? If you can answer these questions and feel positive about the purchase, then at that point it would be okay to purchase it.

8. Wait For Sales
At one point or another, almost everything goes on sale. Most of the time companies will inform customers about upcoming sales. Keep track of all sales coming up in the future and wait until the sale date to purchase the items you want. By doing this you could save 20 percent, 50 percent, possibly even 90 percent, which means a significantly lower price at check out. With such an easy way to save a ton of money, who wouldn’t want to follow the simple sales tip?

9. Buy Generic Brands
There are two types of items: generic items and brand name items. While most of the time brand name items will have better ingredients or will be built to last (such as makeup and clothes) there are some items you can buy generic. Buying generic does not always mean you are substituting quality. Find generic items that have the exact same ingredients or materials as the brand name item, and choose the generic instead. Purchasing the generic brand item is a sure fire way to lower your bill at the end of the shopping trip.

10. Shop Online
The last, and probably one of the greatest frugal living tips, is the tip to shop online. Shopping online comes with a load of benefits. The main benefit of shopping online is that you will most likely find a discounted price, unlike the price you would find online. Even when items are not on sale in the stores, they can still be for sale online. Buying online can save you a lot of money and time and is a wonderful option; that is, if you are willing to wait for shipping and handling time.

Best Outdoor Toys for Winter

Winter is one of the most magical times of the year, especially with children. Snow Days mean more time to play and catch up on being a kid. The scenery reaches a new form of beauty that only last so long and the cold weather leaves kids feeling warm inside as they create new winter memories. Kids need great toys to play with though so they grow in new ways and winter is one of the best seasons for kids to go outdoors and have a bit of fun with nature. These great toys are perfect for just about any kid and will work wonders with your budget too!

1. Snowball Maker
Snow days are one of the most important days of the year for many children. A day off of school can only lead to adventures that will last a life time. One of the most popular things for kids to do when there is plenty of snow is to have a snow ball fight. Of course, shaping snow balls is an art in itself and can often lead to your kids freezing their little hands. This Paricon Snowball Maker will make creating snowballs a fun task for your kids. Kids simply scoop up snow and squeeze the handle and they will have a perfectly shaped snowball in less time than it would take to build it with their hands. Your kids will love having the advantage in the battle! You can purchase this inventive product for $9.99, a $5 discount, on

2. Igloo Kit
Kids love to make club houses, especially ones that they can actually play in! This Emsco Group 53020 Castle Maker Kit is the perfect kit to take your kids imagination and make it a reality. This cut comes with molds that your child can place snow in that will allow them to form a snow brick. Bricks can then be used in your child’s very own igloo. This great toy will keep kids occupied for hours and will allow them to use their creativity to make something that they only dreamed about having previously. Kids will enjoy playing inside the igloo and will take pride in the fact that they build the igloo themselves. This kit is a great way to get kids to bond with one another as create family memories that will last forever. You can find this igloo kit at for $21.99.

3. Snowman Kit
Building a snowman is classic winter activity that most kids enjoy doing. This great set will help your kids create the snowman of their dreams. This kit comes with everything to fully dress your snowman and make him or her look like the snowmen that are featured in popular TV shows. Your kids will love dressing their very own Frosty in his corncob pipe and will feel a great since of accomplishment. This set will also allow your kids to build up to more intricate snowman kits, such as a dinosaur. This kit will bring families together as they build their very own person from snow alone. You find this kid for $12.25 at

4. Snow Shoes
Your little ones will love bounding through the snow in these adorable Tubbs Kids’ Snowflake Snowshoe. These shoes are perfect for allowing youngsters to make their way through the snow without slipping and falling. These shoes are easy to get on for most kids due to their two strap design and can be adjusted to fit many different sized. Kids can even customize their snow shoes with the stickers that are included in the set. Your child will love sporting these cool shoes as they tackle the newly fallen snow. You can find these snow shoes for $26.99, a 23% discount, at

5. Saucer Sled
One of the best parts of the snow is being able to slide down just about any hill you come across. This Lucky Bums Snow Saucer Sled will turn any bland day into a rush of adrenaline when you take this saucer sled out onto the snow. This sled allows more than one person to twist and turn down many different slopes. One of the best parts about having a saucer sled is you do not have to make it go straight down the hill, but can have a little extra fun making this sled go this way and that until you make it to the bottom. Saucer sleds are also easier to carry up and down a hill thanks to their plastic design. This sled is especially great for younger children who must ride in the sled with an adult. You can find this fantastic sled for $19.99 at

6. Beginner Snowboard
It is never too early to prepare your child for snowboarding. This PARICON Flexible Flyer 110cm Freestyle Foam Snowboard is one of the best ways to get your kids up on a snowboard at a young age. This snowboard is made of foam so your child will not be weighed down by heavy materials that will make it harder for them to control the board. This board is also much shorter than the average snowboard so that your child can control what he or she needs to but does not have to worry about extra board to steer. This snowboard even has a flashy design that will draw your child into the sport right away. You can purchase this fun toy for $34.95 at

7. Ice Skates
Ice skating is a timeless sport that has entertained children for centuries. One of the best toys can your child can own is a great pair of ice skates that will teach them the basics of skating. This pair of Reebok 11K White Pump Ice Skates is a great pair of skates for any child who is just learning how to skate. These skates are durable and protective of your child’s feet while allowing them to feel the movements they need to make to become a better skater. Once your child has learned how to skate these skates are great for gliding across the skating rink or learning how to play hockey. The black and white skates are even perfect for boys and girls thanks to their non-gender specific black and white design. You can purchase these Reebok skates for $79.99, a $20 discount, at total

8. Beginner Skis
Every kid can’t wait to get off of the bunny slope and onto the adrenaline inducing fun slopes. Of course, your child needs to learn how to ski properly to do this and in order to do that they need a great pair of skis that will help them to understand the way skiing works. These Lucky Bums Kids’ Beginner Snow Skis and Poles are great for any kid to try on. These skis are made with plastic so they are light weight enough for kids under 4 to use. They also have strong bindings so you don’t have to worry about your child coming lose from the ski while they learn. These skis even have a great design that will rival mom and dad’s artsy skis which will make the child feel like a big kid. Your kid will be skiing in no time when your purchase these skis for $51.95 from

9. Snow Paint
Spark yours kids creativity when you buy them this Cadaco Sno Paint Sno Art Kit. This kit will allow your kids to use mother nature as their very own canvas. Kids can choose between many different colors that they will apply directly onto the snow to make a creation of their choice. Just make sure to take a picture of their creations because they will not last long! This paint is not harmful to the environment and will give your child endless hours of entertainment on their snow day. There is an endless amount of games your family can play with your children and their friends when you use this snow paint. Hopscotch and Tic Tac Toe will bring more fun than ever, leaving your child with memories that will last. You can purchase this snow paint kit for $12.99 at

10. Snow Sled
There is nothing more traditional than taking your child sledding on a classic wooden snow sled. Pass down the family tradition with your child as your tug them along through the snow allowing them to enjoy all of the sites. This sled is light enough for smaller children to pull with an ease so your kids can entertain themselves for hours. This sled can fit up to two younger children. This sled even has side barriers so your child will not fall off while sledding. This sled is made of alpine wood and is built to last for generations to come. You can purchase this great Tracker Snow Sled for $99 at

Spending time in the snow is what many kids live for in the winter months. There are many things to discover and learn how to do that it is often overwhelming and discouraging when Spring rolls around. These ten toys will keep your child occupied and enjoying themselves throughout the Winter and even into part of the Spring or early Fall. Kids will learn how to do new sports, flex their creativity and imagination and most importantly have fun. When you purchase these toys you are creating great memories for your child while still saving money.

Great Deals on This Season’s Best E-Readers

E-readers are one of the most popular ways to indulge in classic novels, check out the newspaper, or glance through our favorite magazines. Today’s society loves to have everything in one place so that it is right there when we need or want. This is one of the main reasons why e-readers are such a great device to have around. With e-readers there is no reason to even head to the store to purchase new releases, subscribe to magazines, or check out the weekly newspaper. There are, of course, many e-readers to choose from which makes the task of finding the right one for you even harder. These eight e-readers are known as the top of their industry, but each has its own unique qualities that will please avid readers around the world.

1. Nook HD
The Nook is one of the most popular e-readers on the market today. This e-reader began out as a simple reader that worked great for books and had evolved into a full functioning mini computer. The Nook HD is the newest Nook to be released from the Barnes and Noble brand e-reader. This e-reader not only allows you to read just about any book on the market, but it also allows you to interact with the books, which is the perfect way to get children interested in reading. The Nook HD has ranges in memory, the smallest memory setting being the 8GB. Even this e-reader has ample space for storing tons of books, movies and apps that will bring your favorite stories to life. Kids will love watching movies on the HD screen while riding in the car and you will love the access to so many books and magazines! The Nook blocks advertisements and comes with a power adapter so your Nook will always be ready for use. You can find the Nook HD Snow 8GB on for $199.

2. Kindle Fire HD
The Kindle has been one of the leading names in e-readers for some time now. This Amazon e-reader has evolved from a simple e-reader to a tablet inspired super center for entertainment. The Kindle Fire HD features a great HD screen that makes this e-reader perfect for watching movies and playing games. With the Kindle Fire HD you will have access to Netflix, Youtube and many sites that stream your favorite T.V. shoes. This Kindle Fire also allows you to search through millions of movies, music and books to find exactly what you are looking for. This e-reader is perfect for downloading books and the amazon marketplace has many free novels to choose from! Teach your kids how to work this great device and spark their interest in reading and learning at an early age. This Kindle Fire will change the way you do things from day. From browsing the net, to sitting down for some relaxation time this tablet has just about anything you could ask for! You can find the Kindle Fire on for $199.

3. Nexus 7
If you’re looking for a little more from your e-reader then the Nexus 7 is the perfect gadget for you. The Nexus is a creation of Google which means it has all of your favorite Google programs already installed. Navigate around traffic, locate the best restaurants, access you Gmail account, or watch videos on YouTube all of the touch of the screen. This e-reader comes with a quad core processor that will allow you to browse the internet, stream a video, or download a book faster than ever. This little e-reader is also perfect for playing games and can handle some of the most graphic games on the market. This device has a wi-fi that will connect to just about any network around so you will always be connected! Not to mention the 32GB of storage that will hold tons of files. This e-reader has a 10 hour life span while in use and can stay charged for up to 300 hours on standby! You can purchase the Nexus 7 on for $249.

4. KOBO Arc
The KOBO is a lesser known name in the world of e-readers, but still packs a punch when it comes to carrying outstanding features. This device has ample room for movies, books, magazines, newspapers as well as music, apps and games. This device has a great 1.5 GHz dual core processor that makes surfing the internet while enjoying hours of music a breeze. This e-reader even comes with preloaded software that will you access to a multitude of magazines, books, and newspapers without any additional charge. This e-reader is perfect for those who love to discuss what they are reading and share their favorite parts of a story. The KOBO allows users to highlight passages they’d like to share on their favorite social media page as well keep tabs on what they’ve already read, what their friends are reading and suggestions for they might enjoy in the future. You can find the KOBO Arc with 32 GB for 249.99 at

5. SuperNova
The Pandigital SuperNova is another e-reader that often gets overlooked. This e-reader has a direct link to the Barnes and Nobles market so you can quickly purchase or borrow and books that might strike your fancy. This e-reader is also perfect for watching movies, listening to music or surfing the web. The e-reader comes with Android software so getting on the internet just about anywhere is not a problem. One of the main differences in this e-reader opposed to others is the fact that it has a camera on the back of it and a webcam on the front. Now, you can take pictures and upload them to your favorite social media websites without ever having to go home. Chat with your friends via messenger while at a café, or get those important notes you missed in class from your favorite study buddy. This e-reader comes with 4GB of memory, but can be upgraded with an SD card. You can find the SuperNova for $129, a 44% discount, from

6. Ematic Touch
If keeping all of your files organized and ready to go then the Ematic 7″ Touch eBook Android is the write e-reader for you. This e-reader comes with various different programs that will give you access to tons of different books, magazines, music and movies. This e-reader, like many others, comes with Android software already installed so that you can download books with ease and surf the internet without having to wait an eternity. This ebook reader kept the simple design of the earlier e-readers, but added touch screen capabilities so that you can access your information faster than ever. You can purchase the Ematic Touch for $85.11 on

7. Ink Black Reader
If simplicity is your thing then the Sony 6″ Digital E Ink Black Reader is perfect for you. This e-reader is about the size of the average paperback book and doesn’t weigh much more. The e-reader only shows black and white because it is only meant for users to read with. The Ink Black Reader comes with WiFi so you can borrow and purchase books off of your favorite bookstores and libraries. It also has a screen protector that will stop your screen from getting glare on it. This tiny e-reader can hold up to 32 GB of books and can stay charged for up to 2 months at time! This e-reader even has six dictionaries programmed in. If reading is the only thing you want your e-reader for then the Ink Black Reader is perfect for you. You can purchase this e-reader for $129 at

8. Cybook Opus
The Cybook Opus from Bookeen is another great e-reader that focuses on what reader’s desire most. This great e-reader features the E Ink Touch Pearl Screen which allows users to read their books on a screen that will not harm their eyes no matter what the light is like around them. This e-reader allows you to customize list to its software can make suggestions for future reading. The Cybook connects to the internet like a dream so surfing the net and downloading books is simple for any user. Readers can even consistently read for an entire month without the battery going! You can find this e-reader on for $129.

There are many e-readers on the market today and as they increase in popularity even more will come out giving you tons of choices. These eight e-readers offer a little something different for each user. May you be looking for simplicity or a full on entertainment center these e-readers are sure to match your personality. At these great prices it will hard to turn down such a convenience as the e-reader!

What Do You Do On Christmas Day After All Presents Have Been Opened?

It is the holiday season again, which means it is time for Christmas trees, snow on the ground, and most importantly- presents! While it is common that most of us will open presents early in the morning on Christmas day, each and every one of us has our own way of doing things once all of the presents have been opened. Traditions are one of the best parts of the holiday season, besides the gifts of course!

While there may be a never ending list of what people do after opening presents, one of the most common things families do is to visit their extended family members. Many people will decide that after opening gifts in the comfort of their homes while still being in their pajamas, it is time to visit the rest of their loved ones. For most of us, we will hop in the shower, put on our Christmas attire, and head out to grandmas and grandpas house to spend time together; and if we’re lucky, we will get more presents as well!

However, for some of us out there who live far away from extended family members, this may an issue. We might have grown up going over to our loved ones homes and spending time with them, but as we grow older we find ourselves drifting further and further away. For those of us who live far away, after opening our presents we will most likely make the string of phone calls to our loved ones to let them know we are thinking of them, miss them, and to wish them a very happy holiday, because no matter how far away you may be, you still care for them deeply.

While driving or calling our extended family members may be one of the most important and common after present tasks, another very popular tradition is to eat dinner with the family. Christmas dinner is definitely one of the most popular and essential parts of Christmas day; the amazing food, the great company, and the influx of adorably decorated and incredibly delicious Christmas cookies in shapes of Christmas trees, snowmen, and so much more. Christmas dinner is definitely one of the best- second to Thanksgiving, of course. Christmas dinner is one of the most famous after present traditions performed by families across the entire country.

When it comes to Christmas, the focus is definitely on family; but that doesn’t mean you forget about friends. Another commonly performed task after opening presents on Christmas day is to contact all of your close friends and wish them a happy holiday; that, and to talk about all of the cool gifts you got. Chit chatting with friends about gifts and all of the fun things you did that day is definitely an essential part of Christmas day.

It seems like every Christmas there is something different in the family; maybe it is a new baby in the family, or you are in a new home. For this reason, many families decide to take a family photo right after opening presents. The typical Christmas family photo will consist of the entire family standing in front of the Christmas tree, hugging each other or simply standing there and smiling. It is a great way to keep track of how things are changing and you and your family will love looking back on old memories of how past Christmas days went. Family photos are definitely common after present ideas, and there a lot of ways to make these photos fun and exciting; for instance, you could all wear Christmas hats or have snow in your hands, something of that nature.

One thing that everyone loves when it comes to Christmas time, if the Christmas cookies! One favorite activity for families is the baking and decorating of delicious Christmas cookies. After opening presents, you have probably burned a lot of calories and are pretty hungry; that, and, you want a special treat to snack on. After all, it is Christmas time and you deserve a delicious treat, even if you are on a diet! Whether your making sugar cookies in the shape of snowmen or making a red and green cake, it is definitely something fun that you and your family can do together.

Another family activity that falls nothing short of insanely fun is heading outside to play in the snow. A lot of families who live in areas where the snow falls endlessly through the winter will decide to head outside for some much needed fun. After opening presents, why not go expel some energy while enjoying the miraculous beauty of the snow white outdoors. Whether you are making an angel, having snowball fights with your loved ones, or building a funny looking snowman, it is positively a fun activity enjoyed by many families on Christmas day. What better way to show someone you love them than with a huge snowball right to the face!

Last on the list of common activities families perform after opening Christmas presents is watching Christmas movies. Everyone loves Christmas stories; they are fun, silly, and bring you into the holiday cheer instantly. It is a wonderful family activity as you and your loved ones sit around the TV and fireplace, sipping on a cup of hot cocoa, and watching Christmas classics such as Home Alone, A Christmas Story, and other crowd favorites that never get old no matter how many Christmas’ you may decide to watch them. What is Christmas without adorable and hilarious Christmas movies, anyways?

It doesn’t matter what you decide to do on Christmas day after opening presents, as long as you do it with family. The holiday season is a time to relax and enjoy, and show you loved ones how much you really care. Whether you are close or far, making an effort to show your love and appreciation is essential to a happy and warming holiday.

How to Tell Your Kids You Can’t Afford a Vacation this Holiday

The holiday season is a time for lavish and fun presents, pearl white snow across the ground, and tons of time spent with the ones you love; and for some families, it also means an exciting holiday vacation to somewhere fun and extravagant. A lot of families make it a holiday tradition to take a great vacation each and every holiday season; however, with the economy the way it is a lot of parents have found that they are not as comfortable as they were years before. Some parents may even find out that they are completely unable to afford the holiday vacation altogether. While this is a devastating fact, even more devastating is having to tell your kids; so how do you do it?

When it comes to telling your precious little children the holiday vacation they have been waiting for all year long is not going to happen, you may become anxious and worried about how to break the horrible news. It will no doubt be a devastating action; they may decide to cry, get mad at you, plus so much more. However, there are ways you can make this news slightly lighter on their dear little hearts.

The first option when it comes to breaking the horrible news is to give them an early present. Who doesn’t love presents? Parents love presents, teenagers love presents, and kids love them even more. An easy way to bring a smile back to their faces after breaking to them the horrid news is to give them an easy present. You have two options: 1. You can either hand them a gift of your choice hoping that they will be happy with your choice, or 2. You can let them pick a gift from under the tree. They will more then likely choose the biggest gift they see, but if it means they will be happy with you and with themselves and the entire situation, it is definitely worth it. What better way to help get their minds off the bad news then with a brand new, totally fun toy they can indulge in for hours and hours?

If you think the presents you purchased should be strictly opened on Christmas morning, then don’t fret; you have plenty of other options. Another great option that will certainly bring them happiness is to purchase their favorite food item. Take them out for a delicious ice cream treat, get them a fun and delicious Happy Meal from McDonalds, or get them something else they absolutely love. They might not be happy with the situation, but they will surely forget when they are indulging in their favorite food or sweet treat. Who said ice cream never solved any problems?

You might not have enough money to take your loved one on a lavish vacation to an amusement park, the beach, or other exciting place, but there are plenty of places you can take him or her that she will love. For example, try breaking the news to your child positively. Let them know that you will not be able to take them to Disneyland or their favorite location, but you will gladly take them to the park with the best playground or take them to go feed the ducks at the lake. Whatever is free, easy, and nearby that your child loves to do is a great alternative to the huge vacation you had planned. Within hours of teeter tottering or feeding ducks they will have forgotten their anger and be satisfied with the smaller events you have planned.

When you can’t think of anything else, why not revert back to the basics of parenting: love. After informing your little one of the horrendous news, there is no doubt that he or she will be rather upset. Catering to them with an influx of love and affection will really help them through this tough situation. Try hugging them, kissing their little faces all over, and cuddling with them to relieve them of their heartache. If they are angry at you and refuse your love for the moment, give them a little while to cool down and relax before going in for the affection. Whether it happens instantly or in a few hours, this is one easy way to get the love back and help them through this difficult time. Not only is this a great idea for comforting them, but is also a great addition to the aforementioned techniques. A little love and affection can go a long, long way; especially for little girls and boys.

An easy option that does not go unnoticed is the blunt approach. With this approach, you will simply tell your child that the vacation will not be happening this year. Inform your child of all the difficulties that have happened and why you simply cannot go on the vacation. If they listen and understand, then you are definitely in luck, and parents around the world will be jealous. This is very unlikely, so after informing them on the basics you can promise them a trip for next year. Make next years vacation so exciting and so glorious that they will not mind waiting another year for it. Mention something like Disney World or the biggest zoo you know and they will undoubtedly feel instantly better. Don’t forget, though, that this promise will not be forgotten. You will need to start saving up for this extravagant trip and you must make it happen, or consequences could be dire!

Even though vacations are a fun and exciting way to spend time with the family through the holidays, sometimes they just can’t happen. If this unfortunate event happens to you, remember the above listed ways of breaking the news to your child and hope for the best. Don’t forget: There is always next year and no matter how heartbroken your little boy or girl may be, they will always love you no matter what.


10 Great Deals on Kitchen Gadgets You’ll Love

Cooking doesn’t always have to be a chore. In fact, with the right kitchen gadgets prepping for meals can be even more fun with than actually sitting down and eating. With these ten deals you will have your entire family heading to the kitchen to enjoy the process of cooking. Even the younger family members will be able to help out when they use some of the gadgets. Now more than ever before you will be able to create culinary delights that will wow your friends and family and leave you looking for more recipes to try out! This season’s best gadgets are only a click away from providing your home a new favorite chore.

1. Stovetop Barbeque Grill
Every family loves to grill, but during the cooler and rainy months it is often impossible to get outside to make a delicious meal on the Barbeque Pit. This problem is now more when you use the Chefmaster KTGR5 13-Inch Smokeless Stovetop Barbecue Grill. With this indoor barbecue grill you can have summer quality burgers and hot dogs in no time. The grill will work on any type of stove; simply put it on top of one of the burners and fire it up. You can create delicious grilled vegetables, seared steaks and the classic charbroiled hamburger that everyone has come to love. This grill is easy to hand wash because of its nonstick surface. It will also draw the extra grease from your food that will collect in its outer ring, which will make your meals even healthier. This great grill might even draw the man of the house into the kitchen wanting to make his famous barbeque! You can find this indoor grill for $8.84, a 69% discount, on

2. Microwave Egg Boiler
Boiling eggs can be a chore and unless you have a bit of practice with the task it can end up in a mess. There are a lot of key points to boiling eggs as you do not want them undercooked or overcooked, which is why this NordicWare Egg Boiler is perfect for anyone who had trouble getting the hand of egg boiling. This device cooks eggs quickly in the microwave, so that you don’t have to stand around waiting on your eggs to boil. The egg cooker has a setting for soft boiled and hard boiled depending on what your preference is. This device is perfect for making deviled eggs during the holidays as you won’t have to worry about your eggs while you are making the other dishes. This egg boiler holds four eggs and is great for rushed mornings! This NordicWare Egg Boiler can be purchased for $9.09 on

3. Spice Carousel
Spices can take over your cabinet or counter space if you let them. There are many different kinds of spice racks available today, but none so unique as this Select-a-Spice Spice Rack! This spice rack has enough space to fit up to 12 spices, but if you need more room you can buy another spice carousel as the two can stack onto of one another. This spice rack comes with 50 labels that already have the names of spices on them and 5 labels that are blank so you can fill in the information for yourself. This great spice rack is the perfect way to organize your kitchen in a way that makes sense to you! Another great feature for this spice rack is the fact that you can use the special dials to measure out the right about spice for you. No longer will you have to pull the spice out and pour it into measuring devices. You can find this great purchase on for $19.98.

4. Corn Stripper
Corn on the cob has such a great fresh taste that is often missing from corn that is frozen or canned. However, many people often have a lot of problems eating corn off of the cob including young children and the elderly. This corn stripper is the perfect device for anyone who loves the freshness of corn straight from the cob, but hates all of the labor shaving the kernels off of the cob takes. This corn stripper is designed with your safety in mind, so even youngster could help with this kitchen task. The blade is completely covered and each side of the stripper has nonslip grips making this task one of the easiest you will do in the kitchen. This great gadget is even dishwasher safer! You can purchase the Products OXO Good Grips Corn Stripper for $10.34 from

5. Palm Peeler
Peeling foods is one of the most tedious jobs in the kitchen, but it has to be done every time your family wants homemade mashed potatoes or a nice pie. One of the main problems with peeling foods, especially potatoes, is without practice you will end up cutting yourself often. Potatoes especially get rather slippery when you remove the skin. This Chef’N Palm Peeler is the solution to all of your kitchen peeling problems. This great gadget simply slips on your finger like a ring and fits perfectly into your palm. Now, you can peel away without having to worry about cuts or the blade slipping out of your hands, thus making the chore of peeling a bit more fun a lot faster of a task. You can find the Palm Peeler on for $5.95.

6. Cookbook Holder
Cookbooks are one of the most popular ways of learning how to make new meals. Even with today’s digital recipes people still turn to the old fashioned cookbook to create delicious foods that they grew up on. The only problem with the cookbook is the fact that is, in fact, a book. If anything splatters in the air it could cause damage to the book, such hiding certain ingredients on the list with a stain. It is also very difficult to hold a cookbook while trying to add ingredients and stir all at once. There is, of course, a solution to this problem and that is this beautifully crafted Bamboo Cookbook Holder. This holder not only prompts the book up so that you can read your recipe with ease, it also allows you to place a protective cover over the pages of your book so any spills or splatters wont damage a thing. You can purchase this beautiful book holder from for $24.99.

7. Griddle Pan
Making breakfast on a griddle for some reason seems to make it taste even better. There is something about food prepared on a griddle that gives it a bit of a diner flare. This 5-Ply Stainless Steel Round Griddle with See-Thru Glass Lid is the perfect small griddle to use in your home. This griddle is great for cooking eggs without having to use the extra grease to keep them from sticking. Pancakes, toast and other great breakfast favorites with come out tasting fantastic. This griddle is also perfect for creating a great cheeseburger, or Philly steak that will love your family hungry for more. This griddle comes with two handles so that you can move it with ease and a clear cover so you can keep an eye on food as it cooks. It also comes with a lifetime warranty! You can purchase this griddle pan for $38.13 at

8. Adjustable Slicer
Cutting fruits and vegetables in definitely an art form that can be hard to master. Cutting vegetables evenly and making sure tomatoes don’t get too squished in the process can make any kitchen task a chore. Now, prepping your meal is easier than ever thank to the Kyocera Cooks Tools Black Adjustable Slicer. Simply place the appropriate blade on this slicer and rub your fruit or vegetable along the blade to get perfectly slice fruits and vegetables every time. This slice has a handle and protection from the blade so your hands will remain cut free. This blade was also designed to stay sharper than normal blades leaving you with great results for years. This slicer is simple to clean and easy to put together. You can purchase this adjustable slicer for $27.73 at

9. 4 in 1 Avocado Tool
Avocados in one of the best foods to incorporate into any diet. This miracle food is perfect for skin, hair and organs, but is often not perfect when it comes to using it in the kitchen. This 4 in 1 Avocado Tool will help make any dish that involves avocado a breeze. This tool tackles the avocados skin in no time using its plastic serrated edge that will not cause harm to the human hand. The curved top of the device helps you to grab the avocado seed, while the spoon empties out the inside of the avocado. On the other end of the tool is a masher which will help to make amazing guacamole that all your guest will love. This device is simple to use and easy to clean that a child could take on the task of all the avocado jobs in the kitchen. You can purchase this tool at for $15.

10. The Food Pod
Draining water from certain foods can be difficult to say the least. The Food Pod Silicone Food Vessel is a great way to cook without having to worry about burning yourself on scalding hot water. This pod opens up to fit vegetables or eggs and can be placed in just about any size pot to be cooked. Simply pull the pod out of the boiling water and your food is ready to go. This pod is also perfect for steaming vegetables. The top of the bod can hook to any pot and will help you create a healthy meal for you family without the extra fuss. This device can be washed in the dishwasher making your life even easier. You can find this great food pod on for $14.99.

Making dinner doesn’t always have to be looked at as a chore. With these great gadgets your job isn’t just easier, but faster giving you more time to do the things you want to do. These gadgets will encourage your family members to jump into the kitchen with you making the process of making the meal just as important as eating it!

Great Products That Your Legs Will Love

For many women legs are a major insecurity! From hair removals to age spots and veins there is always something that makes many women feel less than perfect Hair removal, one of the biggest problems, can be a frustrating part of the day that many women hate to deal with. Using razors often leads to razor burns or cuts that will make the legs look less than flawless. Constantly having to replace razors can also be expensive and leave your wallet hurting. There are, of course, many alternatives to having to shave your legs. Many of these will make your legs smoother and looking better than ever. Some of the devices can run very expensive, but there are many great deals available that will help you keep your legs looking great. If hair is not the issue there are also many ways to cover up things that make you feel insecure, such as great pantyhose. No matter the problem these great deals will have you showing off your legs in no time.

1. Hair Removal Laser
Lasers have been one of the most popular ways of removing hair for some time now; however, most people who think of hair removal by laser often think of getting this special procedure done in doctor’s office. This is one of the best ways to remove hair for good, but often cost a fortune. Today, we are lucky to have technology that allows us to use lasers in our own homes. The Tria’s Hair Removal Laser is perfect for anyone who wants to get rid of hair anywhere on the body. This laser is gentle enough for home use without a doctor’s supervision and is one of the few lasers on the market that is FDA approved. Women who choose to use this great laser will allow themselves the freedom of not having to shave every day or worry about unsightly hairs springing up. Legs will be as smooth as can be and it will be hard not to want to show them off. This laser can be purchased for $345, with a $50 promo code, at

2. Hair Removal Handheld Device
When it comes to laser hair removal there are many options that allow you to remove unwanted hair at home. Another great option is the Silk’n SensEpil All-Over Hair Removal Handheld Device. This device comes with a safety in mind guarantee. This hair removal device comes with its own skin sensor that will stop the device from using the laser if a skin tone is too dark for it to work on. This device also comes with a comfortable to use laser that will fit in the palm of your hand. The device comes with its own storage container that duals as its recharger, so it is always ready to be used. One of the best features of this hair removal device is the fact it senses skin before it allows the laser to work, rather than using the pressure system like many other lasers do. You can find this device for $499 at

3. Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal System
There is, of course, always an even cheaper item than before. The Vector Electrolysis Permanent Hair Removal System is a medical grade hair removal device that uses electrolysis rather than radio waves like many other hair removal devices. This device often takes a bit of time and patience to use, but it is worth it in the long run. This device removes one hair at a time using its galvanic tweezers that actually dissolves the hair follicle so that hair cannot come back. This device is painless to the user and will leave long lasting results that you will love. This device also will not cause skin damage to certain skin tones, so anyone can rid themselves of unwanted hair! You can purchase this device for $150, 42% off its retail price, at

4. The No! No!
The no! no! hair removal device has recently swept the nation as one of the most safe and effective ways to remove hair from your body. This device is small and discreet and can be taken just about anywhere. It is also designed to work at your convenience using familiar colors to let you know if you are using the device properly as well as its small hand held design. This hair removal device actually uses heat to get rid of the hair. Of course, this device takes more than one use to completely get rid of the hair, but it is perfect for anyone who just want to thin out some of the hairs on their body. This device makes noticeable changes to your body hair from day one and with continued use your hair problems will be no more. You can purchase the no! no! for $275 and will receive a $100 rebate on

5. Emjoi Soft Caress Epilator Corded
Anyone interested in using a hair removal device that isn’t look for permanent results should check out the Emjoi Soft Caress Epilator Corded. This epilator uses new technology so it will cause users minimal pain. Epilators can often take time to use as well, but they will leave the area virtually hairless for longer than waxing and shaving. This device is rolled over area containing undesired hair and will latch onto the hair and pull it out. This may sound painful like tweezing often is, but this device is designed to work in a way that will cause minimal pain to you. This epilator is perfect for any area with thick hair, such as the legs! You can purchase this epilator for $37.99, a 14% discount, at

6. Panasonic Close Curves Razor
If simple is more your thing the Panasonic Close Curves razor is a great choice. This electric razor is designed to get a close shave every time you use it, which will cut down on the amount of times you do actually have to us it. This razor is perfect for anyone who has sensitive skin and can be used in the shower. This razor runs on batteries, so it can be completely submerged in water without breaking. This razor comes with a bikini trimmer and extension trimmer for areas that have longer hairs. You will absolutely love the silky feeling of your legs when you use this razor. You can purchase the Panasonic razor for $29.97, a 25% discount, at

7. GiGi Mini Pro Waxing Kit
Women who prefer to use waxing kits on their legs will love the great price of this complete waxing kit. The Gigi Mini Pro Waxing Kit provides you with everything you need to give yourself a professional wax job. This kit includes a wax warmer, 1 large accu-edge application, 10 small accu-edge applicators, and 10 mini applicators as well as 30 large strips, 30 small strips and cooling gel. This kit will be the talk of your girls’ night and will leave your legs feeling smooth for weeks to come. This wax is safe to use all of the body and will cause you less pain than many other waxing kits. You can purchase this great kit at for $43.26, a 42% discount!

8. Nair
One of many women’s favorite ways of removing hair is the Nair product. Nair is great for women who do not want to deal with any pain while they remove hair. This product is also perfect for women on the go. Simply apply the lotion and wait three minutes for the product to begin its magic on your legs. Shower regularly and make sure you have wiped away all of the product and your legs will be hairless for weeks to come. This product is perfect for girls who want to begin shaving, but are still young. It is also great for all of those days the alarm clock doesn’t go off, or an unexpected events comes up. You can purchase Nair at for 15% off or $5.19.

9. Sculptz Foliage Semi-Sheer Shaping Tights
Many women often have problems feeling insecure about the way their legs look due to age spots, veins, scars or bruising that make take place on the legs. Although there are not many options to fix these issues quickly there is many fashionable ways to cover up the insecurities so you can leave the home feeling wonderful. The gorgeous blue pantyhose feature a bright blue design with a semi-sheer lapis design. These pantyhose are perfect to wear with just about any style of clothing and with work with causal or formal attire. These pantyhose are designed to make your legs look more shapely and even help slim down your tummy area. You can purchase these great pantyhose for $7.50, a 50% discount on

10. Bare Legs Cover Up
For many women, scars, veins and bruising are an issue they want to cover up without having to cover up their legs. For these women there is the Joan Rivers Beauty-The Right to Bare Legs Corrective Cover Up! This great cover up can cover up just about any flaw that can be seen as embarrassing. Simply order this cover up in your skin tone just as you would a foundation for your face. The cover up does not have to be applied thickly as it will work magic with just a thin coat. Your legs will look entirely natural and you will finally be able to go out in confidence without covering your legs up. This cover up can be purchased for $7.50 on

It doesn’t matter what bothers you about your legs there is a simple solution that will have you on your way to self confidence in no time. May it be discoloration, hair, or other issues there are many ways to improve the way you feel about your body. These great products will not only make you household budget happy, but they will also change the way you feel about yourself, which is absolutely priceless. From time saving hair removal to the confidence to go out with bare legs you will soon be on your own to a happier place.

10 Worst Gifts for Teenage Girls

It is the holiday season again, which means it is time for family, snow, Christmas trees, and most importantly, presents. If you are planning on purchasing a gift for the teenage girl you know, don’t go into the stores blindly. teenage girls are one of the hardest people to buy for, as they seem to always be unhappy with just about everything; however, by following this simple guideline of what not to buy, you can save yourself embarrassment and disappointment from the female receiving your gift.

1. Books
First on the list of 10 worst gifts for teenage girls is books. While it may seem like a great idea to purchase her a nice, relaxing, and intriguing book, the fact of the matter is quite simple: almost every teenage girl on the planet is not interested in reading any type of book, from romance to horror. They either don’t have time, are completely uninterested, or think it is uncool. In a teenage girls mind, who would want to read a book? They are already forced to do that in school and with homework, and they would much rather be with their friends or talking on the phone then being engaged in some boring book.

2. Barbies
Remember when that teenage girl was an adorable little girl that could spend hours playing with dolls, especially Barbies? Well, hate to break it to you but the little girl you used to know is all grown up and wouldn’t be caught dead with a Barbie. When it comes to Barbies, they may have been all the rage when she was a lot younger; but now a days, she is much more interested in boys and cellphones then imaginary play with her once loved doll collection.

3. Candies
Who wouldn’t let a ton of sweet, delicious, and all around delectable candy? That teenage girl you know, thats who. Although it is no secret that everyone on this world will fall madly in love with candy, teenage girls are at a certain age where they think candy is the devil. Candy may be extremely tasty and they may even have a secret love for it; however, candy is also a known factor of weight gain, and that is simply not OK with a teenage girl. If a teenage girl opens up a box of candies, she will be practically enraged at the fact that you are trying to make her gain weight and be unattractive to those cute guys in her classroom.

4. Panties
When she goes to open her gift, there is no doubt that opening up a box full of panties is not ideal. No teenage girl wants to unwrap a beautiful gift, only to find a stockpile of panties. There are two reasons why she will out and out hate this present. First and foremost, you could have gotten the wrong style- or even worse, the wrong size! Save yourself the hassle and pass on the panties. She will be devastated if the panties are too big, and even more hurt if they are under the category of ‘granny panties’. Secondly, it is quite a boring gift. Which do you think is better, a bunch of boring pairs of underpants or a new bracelet? You make the call.

5. Gift Cards
If you can’t think of what to buy someone, it is a common option to just purchase a gift card and let your gift receiver pick out what they really want. When it comes to teenage girls, though, this gift looks incredibly unthoughtful. She won’t want to receive a gift card with money on it. It will make her feel unwanted, like you didn’t know her well enough to be able to buy her something she wanted. On the other hand, she would much rather just receive cash then be limited to one shop, especially if the store you picked is not one of her absolute favorites.

6. Weight Loss Products
The ultimate insulting gift on the planet, weight loss product; don’t do it. Purchasing any type of weight loss product for a girl of any age is a sure fire way to get them royally pissed off; and while being pissed off, they will more than likely lose a ton of self esteem in the process. Weight loss products for every woman as a gift is an absolute no no.

7. CDs
While getting a CD a couple of years ago might have been really cool to a teenage girl, in this day and age it is a big no no. CDs used to be a great gift for kids; however, CDs are quickly becoming a thing of the past thanks to the digital world. There are two potential risks when buying a CD. The first risk is that you will purchase a band or singer that the girl doesn’t like, which means she will have no opportunity to enjoy your gift. Secondly, you could offend her by buying something so aged. She would much rather get a gift card for iTunes then getting a CD. That way, she can pick the music she really wants and be able to transfer it onto her iPod, MP3, cellphone, etc.

8. Clothes
Another go-to for those who don’t know what to buy their teenage girl is clothes. There are so many risks when it comes to buying clothes for a female it is not even funny. If you buy something that isn’t in style, she will be unhappy and will definitely not wear it. If you buy her something that is too big or too small, she will be insulted and think she is either too fat or too skinny. When it comes to buying a teenage girl clothes, you simply can’t win and it is best to buy a different gift.

9. Cellphones
Much like the issue of clothing, you never want to buy your teenage girl a cellphone. The reason for this is simple: you probably won’t buy the one she wants. She will want a specific type, in the right color, and one that matches her friends phones to a tee. If you don’t have all of the specifics in order, it is best to opt out of purchasing her a cellphone altogether. Instead, offer to take her to the store so she can choose which one she absolutely wants.

10. Cheap items
Last on the list of 10 Worst Gifts for Teenage Girls is cheap items. Items bought from the Dollar Tree, 99 Cent Store, and other popular cheap stores are not the places to go to when buying a present for a teenage girl; or any woman for that matter. Woman have a keen eye for cheap gifts, and there is no doubt that she will be unsatisfied with a cheap present. Not only will she never use the item you got her, she will probably be upset and insulted that you could possibly spend so little on her.

Great Deals on Gifts for College Kids

Shopping for college kids, or high school seniors, can be a tricky process. College kids are still in between the teenage stage and the adult stage in life, so knowing what is best for them can be a challenge. Often, parents end up getting their kids expensive gadgets that they think will help them in school, or something that involves the schools colors. While these gifts are great there is also a great amount of unique gifts that will not only make your students life easier, but will also bring a bit of pleasure to their dorm room lifestyles.

1. Exam Guide
Every student goes into college having one great stressor in common with other students. That stressor, of course, is their college exams. Exams can frighten even the strongest of people, so why not give your kids the tools they need to laugh off the stress of exam periods. This F in Exams: The Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers by Richard Benson is a collection of students’ answers that are totally wrong. This exam guide will prove to your student that they have what it takes to get through their exams and will provide a lot of humor that will help relieve them from stress. This book is perfect no matter what your college kid majors in! You can purchase this book for $5.52 on

2. Mini Fridge
Every college kids needs their own mini fridge, so they can keep their own sodas and snack cool. This gift will probably be the most useful to your student, especially since most college kids run on soda and energy drinks. This fridge will allow your child to save money, since they won’t have to constantly buy from vending machines. This Koolatron KWC-4 Coca-Cola Personal 6-Can Mini Fridge – KWC-4 will give your student’s dorm an awesome retro feel that their friends will love. This fridge can even be locked so roommates will not take your kid’s goodies. You can find this great gift on for $$36.14.

3. Survival Kit
There has been a lot of talk, some serious and others joking, about the end of the world, zombie apocalypse and other disasters. College kids are one of the most popular groups for discussion about such events, so what better gift than a survival kit for your kid to show off or put their mind to ease with. Better yet, just in case they do actually find themselves in bind. This Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Kit comes with sixteen pieces that can be stored in this small bag. Kids can leave it in their dorm rooms, backpacks, or their cars in case anything should occur. This kit will take care of situations like being stranded in the wilderness, or simply just dealing with a power outage in the winter months. You can find this Gerbit kit for $34.43 on

4. Massage Chair
College kids get stressed a lot, so what better way to relieve that stress than with their very own massage chair? The Nap Massaging Bed Rest will sit right on your students bed, so they will not need a lot of room for the chair. They can stay up late studying with this fantastic chair as it has a built in light and a cup holder for their much needed coffee or energy drinks. The chair even has a built in storage space for their papers or books and a small pocket to hold their remote control. When students feel too stressed they can turn on the chair’s back massager using the control panel in the arm rest. This chair can even be folded up and stored when student is ready to sleep. If you are worred about the chair getting broken you can also purchase a warranty. This chair currently ships for free with a $50 wine voucher, for you of course! You can find this chair on for $99!

5. Texting Gloves
Everyone knows how hard it is text and operate other technology with a pair of gloves on. This Christmas grab your kid a pair of gloves that will not only keep their hands warm, but will also allow them to carry on with their daily activities without having to constantly take their gloves off and put them back on. These gloves come in black so they are not gender specific and can be purchased in three different sizes. These gloves will make it easier for your kids to keep in touch with you, make sure their homework assignments are correct and chat with their friends. They will also be able to take notes on their tablets while staying warm in drafty classrooms. These gloves can be found on for $14.99 or less.

6. Pinball for the iPhone
Kids love to play games in their free time and with this great device they can play between classes, on the bus, or while waiting in lines. The Pinball Magic for iPhone and iPad Touch is the perfect gift for any college kid who likes to make the most of their free time, even if it is only a few minutes. This little device attaches on top of the iPhone and allows students to play Pinball in the same manner as the game was originally played. Everything functions just as it would a regular machine, it is just much smaller. Kids will enjoy sharing this game with their friends and will have a boost in morale no matter how hard they have to work each semester. You can find this fantastic gaming device for $27.52 on

7. Cookbook
Ramen is one of the biggest staples of student life because it is such a cheap food and you can purchase it in so many different flavors. Sometimes, though, ramen gets old and you want something a little bit different. This cook will teach your student how to spice up their budget friendly meal and still save! 101 Things to do With Ramen Noodles by Toni Patrick will not only teach your student how to make their meal worthwhile, but will also entertain. Your student will learn how to build onto basic recipes and cooking techniques which will help them become better chefs in their own kitchen one day. Next thing you know, your student might even be offering to cook you dinner! You can find this great book for $7.50 at

8. Beanie/Headphones
Kids love to walk around with head buds constantly in their ears. With this great beanie no one will know that they are listening to music. Kids will also have a better chance of keeping their ear buds in working order and they might not get lost! The Tooks Velocity Light-Knit Audio Beanie has earphones attached safely inside of the fabric of the hat. The cord comes out of the back of the beanie and can be connected to any form of audio player discreetly. This beanie comes in four different colors and will work for both male and female students. Your student will be the envy of all of their friends with this beanie! You can find this great product for $27.99 at

9. Solar Battery Charger
Students that love to conserve energy as much as possible will love the Solio Bolt Solar Charger Plus Battery. This set allows students to charge just about any device that charges through a USB port. The Solio charger can hold solar energy up to a year, so will typically be good to go whenever your student needs to charge anything. It also charges devices just as quickly as they would if there were plugged into a wall. This charger is great for students who always forget to charge their stuff as they can hook it up to the solar charger no matter where they are, even in class! This device has enough energy to fully recharge an iPhone twice without having to be placed back in the sun. You can find this great gift for $79.95 at

10. Headphone Splitter
Kids love to share their music with their friends, which makes the Kikkerland US005-LB Music Branch 3-Way Head Phone Splitter – Wired Headsets – Retail Packaging – Light Blue the perfect gift for dorm room kids. Now, your kids can connect up to three headphones into one audio device making your students noise pollution zero. Kids can watch movies together without bothering their roommates, listen to music, or even use audio books to help one another study. This head phone piece can connect to most phones and is easy to hook onto a belt loop or keychain so that it will not easily get lost. You can find this three way splitter for $8.99 at

The college years can be a fun and exciting time for your student, but it also comes with a lot of periods that are filled with stress. These great gift ideas will help your student perform at their best ability because these gifts will bring entertainment and stress relief to their lives. Of course, there are many other things that a college student would love to have, but with these great gifts you will score a lot of cool parent points with your college kids and your budget too!

Worst Money Saving Tips on Beauty Products

In this economy, citizens of society are constantly searching for ways where they can save money. While some people may opt to recycle their cans for cash, cut out spending on expensive dining, and other things of that nature, some women are choosing to cut spending on the makeup they purchase. While this may seem like a grand idea, it is actually one of the biggest mistakes a woman can make. There are a few distinct reasons why cutting spending on beauty products is a bad idea.

1.Stocking up when your favorite beauty items are on sale

It may seem like a very good idea to purchase your favorite beauty products when they go on sale. Lets face it, that eye cream that was originally priced at forty dollars looks a lot better half off. Buying this half off beauty product is truly a great idea, if you only buy one or two. It becomes a problem when a woman decides to purchase multiples of this item, simply because it is priced significantly lower. So what is the problem with this? The main reason why it is a definite no-no to bulk up on sale items is that these beauty products will eventually wind up in the trash can, without them even being used.

For instance, if a woman finds her favorite mascara on sale and decides to buy five, it becomes a problem. Once you have gone through the first two, the remaining three will probably be dried out and unable to use. Therefore, you end up throwing away three brand new mascaras and ultimately wasting money. It is better to buy these types of products when you absolutely need them, so when you wear them they will be fresh and ready to use, not ugly and sticky, damaging your appearance.

Another reason why purchasing sale beauty products in bulk is that fashion and your style is constantly changing. Right now, you may be really into dark red lipstick; its winter, and this dashing color is warm and inviting. All the biggest movie stars are wearing this red lipstick, and it is all the rage. But once winter time is over and this trend has faded significantly, you will have a ton of leftover lipsticks that will be thrown away. Instead of buying this fad in bulk, buy one and be happy with it until the fad is over.

2.Buying generic products instead of brand name

When your walking through the store, you will undoubtedly see a generic product that states ‘Compare to [expensive brand name here]’; so you think, why not? If it is just as good as the brand name product, I can receive a great product at half the price, sometimes even more than half off! While you may think you are getting quite a bargain, there is one imperative thing to keep in mind: generic products are inexpensive for a reason. This reason is none other than the fact that they are not of the high quality brand name products put out. Instead, generic products are made with ingredients that money saving, equaling to a lesser quality ingredient that may perform the same results as the regular ingredients at first, but will eventually slack.

For example, if you see a generic anti-aging wrinkle cream that is seventy percent cheaper than the brand name, you might think you can get rid of your fine lines at a steal. However, the generic anti-aging wrinkle cream you bought will not have the same lasting effects as the brand name, as the generic product is made with lower quality ingredients that are not made to last. Instead, go all out on purchasing the brand name. The end result will be much better and well worth the cost. When it comes to looking your best, generic products are simply not the answer. And while your wallet may be slightly fuller when purchasing a generic beauty product, you won’t get the same amazing results that a brand name product can offer you.

3. Buying products that do ‘double duty’

We have all seen those products that state that they accomplish two things at once. These products seem like the greatest products imaginable; not only do they save you a ton of money, but they also make your makeup bag significantly smaller, leaving more room for other interesting and imperative items. However, the problem with double duty beauty products is that they are simply a scam. You might think that you are doing yourself a favor by purchasing the double duty moisturizer that can not only add moisture to your skin, but also reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but the fact of the matter is that this is simply false.

Do yourself a huge favor and buy these products separately. Buy products that are made for the specific thing you want. If it is more moisture for your skin that you are after, buy a product that is filled with all of the necessary ingredients to add a significant layer of moisture to your skin. Buying a double duty moisturizer means that they have had to substitute vital moisturizing ingredients to add the essential anti-aging properties, which means you are not getting exactly what you want and the results will suffer immensely.

4. Buying cheap beauty products from unknown sources online.

While buying reputable beauty products from companies online may offer you a great discount, there are two definite problems with buying beauty products from unknown sources online: 1. You may be unfamiliar with the product and once you decide to use it, you end up not liking it, and 2. It is a scam from the time you checkout. If you plan on purchasing a product online, make sure the company and website are both legitimate. This will ensure that you do not give away your money to a scam without receiving a product. You should also be one hundred percent familiar with the product. Never buy a product you have not heard before or haven’t tried before. Once it arrives at your household and you do not like the product, you could end up losing a lot of money.


10 Shopping Habits Women Will Never Understand About Men

1. Why don’t they like shopping?

It’s common knowledge that ninety percent of men in this world are not huge fans of shopping; but have you ever wondered why? The simplest way to answer this question is that they simply don’t like the idea of looking around at ‘things’ for hours on end, knowing that they are unable to purchase it. To men, the idea of shopping around seems pointless and boring. They would much rather be out doing something productive, like playing sports or watching the game with their buddies.

But it is not just shopping around that irks them. Men are also incredibly turned off by shopping with a women. Coming from a man’s point of view, who would want to stand behind their wife or girlfriend as they look at a bunch of pointless items that don’t interest them? Even worse, men hate shopping with women because they will undoubtedly have to hold their bags; and that in itself is enough to send men running. It is purely devastating to a man to walk around carrying a bunch of shopping bags with a bunch of girly items.

Last but not least, men hate to shop with women because they will more than likely be forced to shell out a few pennies. Once their wife, girlfriend, or daughter looks at them with those beautiful eyes, how could they possibly say no? And out goes the hard earned money, only to be wasted on something the woman more than likely does not need.

2. Why do men prefer to shop online?

The biggest reason why a man would prefer to shop online is so that they can get what they need quickly, and get out. By simply searching for the item they need, they can be routed to the website, click purchase, and be on their way, without having to search through crowded malls or shops to find it.

Another reason why a man prefers to shop online is so they don’t have to deal with the public. Men are not like women: as a women could spend hours in the store looking around and conversing with others around them, a man would much rather ditch the crowd and the searching and get right to the point. They don’t have to deal with other customers, long lines, or even the cashier.

3. Why do men only have one kind of shirt?

Women may notice that men typically only have one kind of shirt, in several different colors. The easiest way to answer this question, is to say that men get ‘set in their ways’. Once a man finds a shirt he is happy and comfortable with, he will stick to it. If it looks good on him, why would he want to change it anyways? Unlike women, men don’t need to follow certain fashion trends and don’t need to compete with other men or impress women as much as a lady does.

4. Why do men always wear blue or black?

The two most common colors you will see on a man is blue and black. These two colors are simple, yet handsome, and accent a man perfectly. These colors can be described in one word: manly; and that is exactly why they choose these two colors more often then not. Unlike a woman, men don’t run towards ‘fun’ and ‘pretty’ colors such as pink and yellow.

5. Why do men always want a new computer?

The best way to answer this question is to answer a different question: why do women always want a new top? This is because technology, as well as fashion, is constantly changing; and we all want to have the very best. Looking around at what’s available on the shelves, if we don’t have it, we want it. The same principles go for a man with his computer as it does for a woman with her wardrobe.

6. Why doesn’t my man buy flowers for me?

Women always want flowers, whether it is randomly, for their birthdays, or Valentines day. The problem with this is, many men in this world are simply not as romantic as women want them to be. A man most likely won’t think about buying his women flowers at random. It is not because they don’t love you, but rather because it simply doesn’t come to mind. They would much rather give you something else, something a little less feminine and something you both can enjoy.

7. Why do men care so much about their hair style?

It might not be apparent to most women, but men actually care about their hair a lot more than they think. Men take a lot of pride in their hair, and worry at a young age about hair loss. When a man loses his hair, it is more devastating then women realize. For this reason, it is very important to a man to style his hair properly when he has it; and when he begins to lose it, it becomes even more of an obsession for a man and he will try everything he can to make his hair grow back while covering the bald spots as best as possible.

8. Why do men like to buy watches?

Women have earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, toe rings; the list goes on and on. However, men don’t get to wear the same type of luxurious accessories as we do. The one option they do have is to purchase watches. Watches are incredibly manly and are an easy way for a man to appear sophisticated and elegant. For some men, it can even be a way to show off how high class or rich he is, making it more able for him to attract a fancy woman.

9. Why do men like power tools?

Ah, power tools, one of mans best friends; but why? The first answer to this is that men love to build things. Whether they are building his wife a fabulous new armoire for the bedroom, or simply messing around with tools, they love it. It gives them a chance to show off their skills and present their handmade goods to their loved ones.

Another reason why a man loves power tools is that they are incredibly manly. Men love to show off, and what better way to show off his muscles and abilities then with a rough and tough machine? They know no women will want to work with high powered tools, and they also know that women love to watch a man flex his muscles while working with something so powerful. It is a win-win situation. The best way for a man to show off his masculinity, is with a power tool; it is as simple as that.

10. Why are men willing to spend $50 on a video game, but not a shampoo?

The basic fact is this: men care much more about their video gaming system than they do about their hair. They don’t care where their shampoo came from, what it can do for their hair, or what fashion forward company made it like a woman does. Instead, a man would much rather have a fun and intense video game they can get lost in for hours then to buy something they simply don’t care about.


10 Great Gifts for Co-workers This Christmas

Tis the season for Secret Santas and office holiday parties. It is always difficult to pick out a present for someone that you hardly know, or perhaps you know well but do not want to give away that you are their Secret Santa. Office appropriate gifts are often hard to find during the holiday season anyway. It seems that department stores seem to stock up on soaps, perfumes and other goodies that may not seem right to pass on to a co-work. So, of course, there is a dilemma every time the Secret Santa hat is passed around. These ten gifts are just about perfect for almost any co-worker without doing damage to the holiday budget, or revealing who their Secret Santa truly is!

1. Books
A book is usually a safe bet for anyone; of course you do want to be careful what book you choose. For instance, giving a self help book could be offensive to some, while others would find it fairly useful. You also do not want to choose a book that is overly personal or else you may give away the secret of who provided the present. Works of fiction are usually appreciated, but some people do not enjoy reading, so it is up to you to figure out who does and who does not. The Office Dirty Tricks: 50 Ways to Sabotage Your Coworkers and Bluff Your Way to the Top with Other by Hunter S. Fulghum is a safe bet for many co-works. Pranksters will love the great ideas found in the book and might even add a little spice to office life, while many others will just enjoy the humor of the book. You can find this book on sale for $.99, a 90% discount, on

2. Gift Basket
A gift basket is one of the best gifts to give to someone you hardly know. It is typically not a personal gift, can’t be misread by the receiver, will not give away who you are, and offers a wide selection of gifts that should please the recipient. One of the best things about gift baskets is they come in a wide variety of prices, so you do not have to spend too much if you don’t want to! This Perfect Picnic Gift Basket by Hickory Farms is perfect for anyone you might need to buy for. This gift is especially great for single guys who might want to use this fabulous set to take someone special on a date. This particular gift basket comes with its own picnic basket, three different kinds of sausages, two different kinds of cheeses, peanut brittle, mints, crackers and two different kinds of mustards for only $110. This basket can be purchased on

3. Custom Pens
When you work in an office a pen can be a precious commodity, especially a really nice pen. The only bad thing about owning nice pens is they often go missing. People run off with them and often clients take them by accident. So, one great gift idea for your colleagues is their own person pen. The Customize Your Engraved Pen generator from VistaPrint allows you to place your co-workers name, title, or a special message on their very own pen. Customers can choose the font and color of engraving, so this pen will be a fun creative project. Your co-workers will love opening up this pen and will be able to hold onto it for so much longer! You can purchase this pen for $5.99, a discount from its original price of $11.99 on

4. Coffee-To-Go Maker
Every office runs on coffee, which makes the gift of coffee one of the top gifts for colleagues. This Innovative Twin Coffee Maker by Toastess is perfect for any coffee lover. This coffee maker has the capabilities to brew two different cups of coffee at once, making it great for multiple users with different taste. This coffee maker even comes with two tumblers that are great to take on the go and will keep your coffee warm throughout the day. The Twin Coffee Maker makes it easy for anyone to clean up as it does not even take a filter and brews coffee quickly so you can be on your way. This great coffee maker can be purchased for $29.99, a great price for a coffee maker of this caliber, at

5. Money Tree
Most people love a little foliage on their desk to make their work life a little bit better. What better way to give your co-workers a little foliage than this beautiful money tree. The money tree symbolizes a new line of luck and prosperity that your co-workers will surely adore. This tree is easy to take care of, so is perfect for the office or the home. This tree will only grow to be about 10 to 12 inches high so it will not overtake the work space. Money tree comes with a Chinese food inspired container, but can be upgrades to a beautiful bamboo container for $9.99. This Braided Money Tree can be purchased for $29.99 on

6. Desk Organizer
Keeping the desk area tidy is important when you work in an office and have minimal space. It is often hard to organize this small amount of space without the help of organizer. So, grabbing an organizer is one of the best ways to bring a smile to your co-workers face. This Safco Faux Leather Multipedia Organizer is perfect to help keep the smallest of spaces organized. This organizer has space for a stapler, C.D.s, paperwork, index cards and just about anything else that can be found on your colleagues desk. It also looks great on the desk with its faux leather design! This organizer will speed up work times and make life so much easier! You can purchases this brilliant organizer for $35.99 on

7. Popcorn Tin
Popcorn is another great option, especially for people you do not spend a lot of time with at work. During the holidays there are so many different kind of popcorn to choose from that there is surely something for everyone. This Caramel Corn Holiday Tin will bring a smile to your co-workers face. The popcorn will not only make a great treat during the holiday season, but the tin will make a great decoration or storage unit when the season is over. This one gallon tin of popcorn can even be used as a party favor for office get togethers. You can find this tin of popcorn on for $32.99.

8. Day Timer
Keeping track of your time is also an important part of work life. Many workers often have the most trouble in this area, which is why this Day-Timer(R) Handheld Vinyl Computer Binder, 3in. x 5in., Black is the perfect gift for anyone who has trouble planning their time, or for people who love to keep track of the things they do throughout their work day. This day timer comes with an area for a handheld device, notepad, pens and identification card slot. The exterior is made of black vinyl so it not only looks great, but will also protect all of your hardware from any spills or bad weather. Your co-workers work will improve with this great day planner! You can purchase this day times for $18.99 on

9. Candy Container
Having candy on the office is great for many pick me ups during the day and is a great to please customers. This Unzipped Glass Zipper Bag gives the illusion that the candy is sitting in an open Ziploc bag, which will be a great conversation piece for coworkers and customers. This candy container would make a great gift for any coworker, especially if you add a bag of candies to go with it. Your coworker will love the candy and can use the candy container on their desk at the office or at home. This unique candy container can be purchased for $17.50 at

10. Digital Picture Frame
Everyone loves to have pictures of their friends, family and pets on their desk, but they do always have enough space to fit everything they want. This Gear Head 1.5″ Digital Photo Frame Travel Alarm Clock is a great gift for coworkers who lack desk space, but love to decorate their desk space. This picture frame fits neatly on the desk and will rotate between 50 different digital pictures. Frame comes with a USB that will charge the picture frame as well as allow your coworker to easily uploaded pictures of their choice. This great frame even comes with a clock and has a durable frame, so it will not break if dropped. This great frame can be purchased for $9.99 at

This holiday season please your coworkers with these unique gifts that will surely bring a smile to even the most distant coworkers face. These gifts should be able to provide a great burst of the holiday spirit to anyone who receives them. This season do not stress over coworker gifts, but rather enjoy the actual giving spirit of the holiday, while still saving money.

Great Deals on Gift Wrap for the Holidays

As Christmas approaches it is time to get all those goodies into their proper boxes and wrapped up for friends and family. The only problem with holiday supplies is when you need them they often seem to have disappeared. Somehow they end up in a Halloween storage box, or last year’s fantastic wrapping paper gets wedged between hockey gear in the storage area. Even when there are recovered from their season rest there never seems to be enough left over goodies to wrap half of the presents. This season find new great designs and gift wrapping products that will help make Christmas morning magic. After all, the wrapping paper is the first thing that people see when they open their presents, so it is important that it looks as special as it is!

1. Bike Bags
Bicycles are one of the most popular gifts requested around the holidays. For a kid a bike means freedom and every year their old bike suits them less and less. This year if you decide to buy your child a bicycle, or perhaps a person who loves to cycle as a hobby, then fret not on how to wrap this precious toy. Wrapping a bicycle can be a nightmare. Getting the wrapping paper all the way around the bike and then trying to tape it up is practically mission impossible. Leaving the bike out is also an option, but it takes away from the excitement of opening up the present. This year try putting your gift in this Red Holographic Bike Gift Bag. This bag will cover just about any size bike and kids will love trying to figure out how to get into this bag. You can find a bag of this caliber for $15.99 at

2. Unique Wrapping Paper
Wrapping paper is the most popular gift wrap for the season and most other holidays as well. As time as progressed there have been many advances to the wrapping paper line. It can be bought with thickness in mind, in matte or flat, with various designs and even with holographic colors. There are, of course, many wrapping papers that are seen often because they are mass produced and sold in most department stores. Today, though, many people are looking for a unique gift wrap so there presents will stand apart from others. This Gingerbread Men Wrapping Paper is the perfect gift wrap for the season. As the name implies the giftwrap shows gingerbread men some in on piece while the others have been eaten. The gift wrap reads naughty next to some of the cookies and nice next to the others. This gift wrap will receive many giggles and is also not religious, so gifts would suit all of your friends and family. This unique gift wrap can be yours for $7.95 a roll at

3. Gift Boxes
We have all encountered those gifts that are ridiculous to wrap. They come in all shapes and sizes and no matter how great of a present wrapper you are it is quite obvious what your gift is. Clothes are another chore to wrap because they feel soft and light no matter the wrapping paper. When this problem arises the best thing to do is neatly place the gift in a gift box and hope for the best. With these great Happy Holly Days Gift Boxes there is no need to hope because your gift will look perfect. These boxes are shaped like a gift bag, but provide the support and concealment of a gift box. Each of these boxes comes with its own durable handle and name tag, so the only thing you might need to add to your gift is a bow and tissue. These boxes come in a few designs, so you will have plenty of choices. Each box does incorporate some form of holiday design from trees to poinsettias. A set of 6 gift boxes will cost $4.99, a $2 discount, on

4. Tissue Paper
One of the greatest looks for a present is the items that help to accessorize the gift wrap. One of the biggest items used around the Christmas season is tissue paper. Tissue paper comes in all sorts of colors, but sometimes you just want something special for the holidays. This Holiday Starlight Assorted Tissue Paper will add that extra holiday touch to all of your gift wrapping needs. This tissue paper comes in red, white and green, the traditional holiday colors, but also has a bit of a sparkle to it that looks like snow falling in the sunlight. With this tissue paper you can spice up all of your gift bags by adding this to the top so children (and adults) can not look into their present until Christmas day. This tissue paper is also perfect to wrap small gifts in, or to make it a bit harder to unwrap gifts on Christmas morning. This tissue paper can even be used for crafts if you have any extra. Customers can find this beautiful tissue paper for $4.76, a small discount from the original price, at

5. Ribbon Bows
Nothing says gift receiving quite like looking at the beautiful bow wrapped over a present. The bow has been one of the biggest gift giving symbols for decades, so why skip out on bows for your gifts, especially the extra special ones! Bow can be incredibly difficult to make though and if you are using expensive ribbon then it often means wasting money because the ribbon is unusable after so many tries. There are many beautiful ribbons that can be purchased at a low price online, such as the Midori 1 inch Double Face Satin Luxury Ribbon Fig Limited Edition. These bows come in five different colors, so you will have an easy time matching your other gift wrap and will make any gift have that extra holiday magic. These ribbons would look perfect on large gifts that cannot be wrapped too! You can find these ribbons at for $2.50.

6. Gift Bag
The gift bag is one of the most convenient gift wrap items to be had around the holidays. Gift bags can be purchased in all shape and size, colors and designs and some can even be customized. These bags are especially important when it comes to wrapping small items. A lot of the time items that are small can get lost if they are simply just wrapped up, but putting them in a gift bag makes them easy to hold on to and makes the receiver feel like their gift is extra special. These adorable Snowman Drawstring Gift Bags are the perfect bag for the holiday season. They are great for putting candy and small gifts into and kids will love the way they look. These are even perfect for teachers to give their students a small holiday treat with. These cute little bags can be purchased for $12.99, a 16% discount, on

7. Stick on Bows
Everyone has used a stick on bow from time to time and has definitely received one on a presents. The stick on bow is almost as iconic as the traditional Santa wrapping paper found in every department store. Of course, you have your different levels of bows and many different colors and sizes to choose from, but this year there is something a little different on the market. This holiday season make your presents really stand out with these brilliant LED Christmas Gift Bows. These bows look like your typical stick no box on the outside, but on the inside they flash beautiful lights making your presents illuminate under the holiday tree. These bows are reusable and also make great holiday decorations if you choose not to use them on a present. A set of 6 of these LED bows can be purchased for $14.99 on

8. Curling Ribbon
There is nothing like getting a gift that has beautiful curled ribbon on it. You know that the person who wrapped your present took a little bit of extra time to make your gift look fantastic. The beauty of curling ribbon is it can be used in multiple ways. Of course, the more obvious way is to curl and it place is by a bow to make the gift look fabulous. It can also be used to tie around a gift to give it more of a traditional feel. This Tidings of Joy Curling Ribbon 80 ft will allow you to do whatever you want with your gift this holiday season. This ribbon comes in red, green, white and gold which will match just about any holiday gift wrap around. You can find this amazing ribbon set for a mere $1.99 at

9. Gift Tags
On Christmas day, one of the most important parts of your gift wrap is the gift tag. Without the gift tag your holiday morning could be completely chaotic. The gift tag allows everyone to know who the gift is to and who it is from, without them opening presents would be guess work and there would be a lot of disappointed children. Finding the right gift tags can be difficult though. There are many different characters, colors and designs to choose from. You can even choose between tie on labels or labels that stick onto the presents. These 100 Holiday Gift Tags is perfect for just about any household. The set of tags has everything ranging from traditional holiday images to cartoons for the kids and all them will stick securely to the present. This fantastic set can be purchased for $3.89 on

10. The Big Bag
Finally, there are those big gifts like doll houses and sports equipment that may need a slightly larger bag. Or, perhaps, you would like to put all of your gifts into one bag in order to take them to friends and family’s homes. The Big Red Santa Christmas Gift Bag is perfect for both of these needs. The bag is made out of fabric so it will feel just like a real Santa bag and can hold heavier items. Kids will be pumped to see that Santa left their gift in his own special bag. The bag itself is red and features an adorable felt made Santa Claus! The bah has a drawstring at the top so all you have to is slip the item in and close the top without having to worry about kids trying to glance into the top of the bag! You can purchase this bag for $8.99 and 50% off shipping from

Wrapping presents is one of the best parts of the holiday season, especially when you imagine the look on the receivers face when you present it to them. Of course, once Christmas morning hits the gift wrap is gone in seconds! This year, make your gifts look perfect, if only for a few days with these great deals on holiday gift wrap. Your family and friends will feel the extra magic of the season with your beautiful gift wrap art.

What Happened To My Wallet? 8 Money Saving Tips For Holidays

Every year when I was shopping for Christmas gifts, I sighed to myself: what had happened? Looked at my credit card bill for November. I have spent more than $1200 on gifts. I don’t know how much I am going to spend in December. If it is more than $2000, I will have to use the money in my saving’s account. I have read many money saving tips on newspapers and magazines. Here are some of them I think are very helpful.

1. Don’t Overspend
This may be the most important rule for me. On average I will give $25 to $50 worth gifts or gift cards to my kids’ teachers and my bosses. Cut it to $10 according to the experts and try to buy gifts from discount stores. It is hard to tell the difference from a $10 gift to a $50 gift. Parents may spend $100 to $200 on kids’ gifts. This is just too much. If your kid asks for a expensive gift, ask them for the money from their own piggy bank.

2. Buy gifts when they are cheap
It is very hard to shop cheap yet good gifts especially during the holiday season. What you need to do is to stock up the gifts all year long whenever you saw a good bargain. Black Friday is a good chance for cheap gifts. And watch out all major holidays. Most merchants will have big discounts during those days.

3. Buy gifts online
Do your research online, you will find 99% of chances are that prices are way cheaper if you buy them online. Some online stores offer free shipping while some not. Personally I will use free shipping only. Standard shipping will typically take one week on the road, which means you have prepare all your gifts at least one week before the Christmas. Pay extra for faster shipping is a waste of money!

4. Gifting at no cost
For co-workers, friends, classmates, etc, send a warm email or e-card for the holiday is enough. If you have to give a real gift, make one by yourself.

5. Do not over tip
During holidays it is very common that you over tip your waiters and stylists. If you are short of money yourself, I don’t think it is a good idea to tip anyone over 15%.

6. Avoid traveling in holidays
Holidays are for family gathering. Stay home with your kids, your parents, and your friends. They are the one that make you laugh. Plan the vacation in a less-peak time, such as summer. It could save you hundreds of dollars on flights and hotels.

7. Cut back your holiday parties
An average party with 20 guests will cost you $400 if you prepare everything by yourself. But the cost will cut into half if you host a potluck party. And remember, alcohol may be the most expensive items. Ask the guests to bring their own alcohol if they want to drink.

8. Decorate for less
You think those lights are cheap? Ornaments? Power cords? Don’t buy some of them every year? And don’t forget the electricity they consume. If a Christmas tree is a must, buy a plastic one at no more than $100, and it will last forever if you take good care of it.

And lastly you need to watch closely on your bill every week if not everyday. This is a good habbit for a frugal life. Start it today if you have not. Some family may spend a few hundreds for Christmas, while some may spend a few thousands. But no matter how much spend, I am sure you can cut back a big chunk if want to.

Top Electronic Gadgets For Christmas

Every year there is always new technology that releases around the holiday season. Of course, all of the big kids in the house go crazy for it too! It is a season tradition to explore new ideas and ways of playing through technology, but for people who do not have time to check out the ads they may be lost as to what is what this season. This article will give some of the best new technological toys and some of the best places they can be purchased online. With any luck your family will be enjoying these new electronics on Christmas.

1. The Nintendo Wii U
The makers of Nintendo’s Wii line have always been experts at getting people up and moving while playing video games. Their games have encouraged many to exercise and try things they may have never tried before. Now, the makers of the original Wii have just released the Nintendo Wii U, just in time for the Christmas rush. This device gives game fanatics a chance to connect everything they love into one small device. The Wii U controller does not only allow gamers to play games on their television, or on the controller itself, but it also allows gamers to connect to the internet, watch a movie, listen to music, or even take pictures. This console is really an all in one deal and will leave gamers wanting more time with this gadget. The Nintendo Wii allows for more multiplayer gamers and finally, users can connect with their friends even when they are not in the same home. The Nintendo Wii U Console Basic Set comes with the Wii U console in white, the GamePad controller which comes with a stylus, an AC adapter, HDMI cable and GamePad adapter. Games for this system are reasonably price too! currently has a great deal on this console for $299.99 and comes with guaranteed Christmas Delivery.

2. Ultrabook
The Ultrabook is one of the newest additions to the typical home laptop. These laptops take your average laptop and runs circles around it. It is a high quality notebook that features a slimmer design that is much easier to carry around. There are many different brands carrying the Ultrabook right now. This HP Envy 4-1130us 14-Inch Ultrabook is a great example of the power and design of the new ultrabook. This laptop features many of the same concepts as your typical home laptop, such as a 6 GB DDR3, a 500 GB hard drive and 32 GB Solid State Drive, as well as a 17 inch screen and Intel HD 4000 Intel Graphics. The ultrabook also features a Intel Core i5 3317U 2.6 GHz (32 MB Cache) that is typical of the new ultrabooks as it is a low power processor that allows the ultrabooks to remain slim without compromising vital parts. This ultrabook even comes with the brand new Windows 8 software, so students, workers and hobbyist will have up to date software to play with. This ultrabook can be found fairly inexpensively for $711.53 at

3. Microsoft Surface
The Microsoft Surface is another cool gadget that has recently hit the market. This great tablet can play the role of a laptop or function as your everyday tablet with a simple click. The Surface comes with its own stand and keyboard that is easily switched from tablet mode to stand up mode. This tablet can also run tons of software that your everyday tablet can not, such as the Microsoft Office software suite. Users can chat online, send emails, check their social media pages and the type up an essay that is due in one swoop. When users want to watch a movie on the bus they simply click back to tablet mode and enjoy the movie on this pristine 10 inch screen. The Surface even has eight hours of memory life, so user can be out of the home for quite some time and still get work done, or just have a bit of fun. The Microsoft Surface is the perfect gift for college kids that are always on the go. Right now the Microsoft Surface can be purchased for $499 on

4. Kindle Fire
Amazon’s original production the Kindle just came out with a new version of the Kindle Fire just in time for Santa Claus letters to be mailed out. The new Kindle Fire runs at least 40% more efficiently than older version of the Fire and has a 9 hour batter life. The Kindle is also known for its vast library of books, magazines, newspapers and so much more that users can buy and subscribe to. They also have many freebie books that would please any book worm! Now, the Kindle Fire allows its users to watch movies in HD, listen to thousands of songs and play some of the most popular games on the market. This Kindle is perfect for anyone who loves to their media with them wherever they go, but does not like carrying around bulky products. This product is perfect for students who love to save by downloading their text books, avid readers who constantly have to have a book on hand, or for a car full of kids who are begging to see the latest cartoon release. The Kindle Fire is one of those gifts that could be passed around and enjoyed by so many different kinds of people. Now, on, the kindle fire can be yours for only $159.

5. Apple iPad Mini
The new Apple iPad also steps up the game as far as its versatility is concerned. Apple iPads have always been known for being pretty versatile. They play games, movies, allow you to connect to the internet and have a multitude of apps that could keep any iPad fan happy for hours at a time. The new iPad mini features a 7.9 LED screen that will play movies and games in their finest quality. This iPad is designed for people looking for a smaller toy, but still want a high quality screen resolution and power packet processor. This mini iPad even has a 16GB memory that will hold tons of movies, photographs and music. This iPad can also be used as its very own video camera where users can film, edit and upload their work all one tiny iPad. This iPad is perfect for catching up with long distance friends too! Camera functions as a webcam which will give face time with friends new meaning. This great iPad Mini can be purchased for $329 on

6. Nikon D600
Nikon cameras are known for their durability and high quality pictures, but their power often intimidates many photographers who are not trained to deal with manual settings and detachable lenses. The Nikon D600 is great for beginners though and comes with an easy to understand instruction manual. This camera is said to have the power of much higher grade cameras at the price and size of a SLR. Photographs will come out clear and beautiful as if taken professionally. Users even have new options such as shutter speed options and the ability to take multiple shots with one simple click. The D600 even allows users to take full size videos in superior quality. When filming or photographing is complete files can be uploaded to the internet directly through the Nikon D600’s WU-1b Wireless adapter! The Nikon D600 24.3 MP CMOS FX-Format Digital SLR Camera can be found for $1,996.95 with a one year warranty included on

This season find the coolest new toys for friends and family and enjoy the presents together. These amazing gadgets are flying off shelves already and Christmas is still three weeks away. When shopping online these gadgets may turn out even cheaper than expected! As the holidays near the prices on these gadgets will surely begin to change so act fast before these great gadgets are long gone. All the same, with these six deals on the top gadgets you will definitely have a ball this Christmas and enjoy the savings that they cause.

Great Deals on the Perfect Mother-In-Law Gifts

Mother-in-laws can be some of the most stressful people to shop for during the holiday season. Women typically want to impress their mother-in-law with their shopping skills as well as their knowledge of her interest and wants. For some, the mother-in-law is very critical and hard to please while others have trouble understanding exactly what their mother-in-law is interested in. No matter the type of mother-in-law in your life these ten great deals are items most mother-in-laws would love, even if they pretend not to, should help discover the perfect mother-in-law Christmas gift for a price that would even impress her!

1. Picture Frames
Most mothers love to have pictures of their kids and grandkids around the house. Keeping track of loved one’s growth is part of the fun of having a family and as women get older and no longer have young children to take care of doting over grandchildren becomes top priority. The Family Tree with Set of 6 Hanging Frames from Leeber Picture Frames is one of the cutest family tree picture frames on the market. This family tree sits at 15 inches tall on its very own black base. The tree is black with gold leaves scattered on the branches and the black picture frames can be hung on any of the branches. The set comes with six frames, but extra frames can be ordered as the family grows. Mother-in-laws will love keeping track of their branch of the family with this tree and gazing at pictures of their loved one’s balancing on the branches. For some extra brownie points add a collection of photos the mother-in-law has not yet seen of your family. This tree can be purchased for $29.99, a $13 discount, on

2. Mother and Child Necklace
Another great gift for a mother-in-law is a necklace that represents her connection with her children. A lot of times when couples are just wed the mother-in-law is not yet at peace with the idea of losing her child, especially if it is her son. This necklace will remind your mother-in-law that she will always be a part of her child’s life. There are many of these necklaces available on the market today. Many have birthstones, or other intricate designs. The Hand-Stamped Mother + Children Necklace is a simplistic design that features tear drop disk made of sterling silver that has mother and children’s names etched in. Each tear drop has one name and descends from mother’s name. This great because the mother-in-law can add grandchildren’s names later on in life. This beautiful necklace can be purchased for $49.95 at

3. Story of a Lifetime Memoir
Another great gift for mother-in-laws is items that help them keep track of their memories and the memories of those that have passed. This unique book titles The Story of a Lifetime: A Keepsake of Personal Memoirs is a hardcover book that will protect a lifetime full of stories. This book will help aid even the most leery of writers into writing their life story. The book poses 500 questions that will spark up anyone’s creativity and bring up memories that might often go unthought-of. This book will tell your mother-in-law that you care about her life story and respect her life. Mother-in-laws will particularly love this as it is a great heirloom for the family. This thought provoking book can be purchased for $34.26 on

4. Year of Seeds
Many women love to garden and enjoy the flowers they have put their love into. Many women, on the other hand, do not have the yard space to grown anything. This gift of Year of Seeds will allow any woman to grow her own flowers year round in her window sill. Mother-in-laws will love the thoughtfulness of this gift as well as the flowers it will produce throughout the year. It may even be a great project for the two of you to work on together, or a project to entertain the grandkids. This kit comes with twelve packets of twelve different flowers that come with their own unique pot and a bag of potting soil. Mother-in-laws will love the burst of color and flowers that are so easy to grow even a black thumb could do it. This gift can be purchased for $79.95 at

5. The Customized Coffee Mug
The mother-in-law who loves a nice cup of coffee will love her own personalized coffee mug. There are many mugs available on the market for moms and grandmothers, but not a whole lot of options for mother-in-laws, which goes to show the role is often not treated as it should be. The role of a mother-in-law should be respected and cherished because if anyone is responsible for the way your spouse turned out it is because of his or her parents. This Unbelievable Mother-In-Law mug will put a smile on your mother-in-laws face. This mug features an adorable bee and flower and although a bit cheesy it will surely let your mother-in-law know that you care for her. This adorable mug can be purchased for $17.95 at

6. Automatic Vacuum Cleaner
Give your mother-in-law the gift that will continue to give year round. Your mother-in-law will love the Neato XV-21 Pet & Allergy Automatic Vacuum Cleaner and how much it cuts down on her everyday work load. This vacuum is great for homes that have a lot of allergies, which is particularly important when there are grandchildren around. This vacuum will do all the vacuuming and sweeping without your mother-in-law having to bend into uncomfortable positions or push around a heavy vacuum cleaner. While this vacuum cleans the floor your mother-in-law will have more time to spend with her family which will probably be the most rewarding gift of all. This automatic cleaner can be purchased for $343, a 31% discount, on

7. Home Spa
Every woman needs a spa day which is why you will be your mother-in-laws hero when you get her this TheraPearl Home Spa Experience. This great gift will provide your mother-in-law with the gift of relaxation with is a gem to most women who do not often get time to themselves. This spa experience comes with a soy candle, Eye-senntial mask, neck wrap and homemade soap. TheraPearl is one of the most popular brands for home spa experiences and your mother-in-law will soon find out why as she finally will allow herself some time alone. This thoughtful gift can be purchased for $35, a low price for the perfect gift, at

8. Kitchen Aid Mixer
Another great gadget that is perfect for any mother-in-law is the Kitchen Aid 5-Quart Tilt-Head Artisan Series Stand Mixer! This Kitchen Aid will not only help cut down on your mother-in-law’s time in the kitchen, but will also allow her to make lots of great treats that were not possible before. This mixer comes in twenty five different colors so you can choose her favorite color or a color that will match her kitchen decor. This Kitchen Aid also comes with flat beater, dough hook and wire whip so that your mother-in-law can enjoy being in the kitchen. Kitchen Aid also has a lot of add ons that can be purchased this holiday, or at a later date that will allow your mother-in-law to make homemade pasta, breads and candies! This perfect gift can be purchased for $349, an $80 discount, on

9. Candle Making Kit
Many mother-in-laws enjoy making crafts as a hobby, or even for a little extra money. This Beeswax Candle Kit with Multi-Colored, Scented Wax Sheets that will allow mother-in-laws to take up a new hobby, or perhaps spend more time on a hobby they have loved for some time. This kit comes with beeswax sheets that come in many different colors, 6 yards of wicking and instructions that will help create beautiful candles. Mother-in-laws can use this kit to spend time with grandchildren, or even you. She can also create fantastic candles for each holiday that will help save on the holiday spending. This creative gift can be purchased for $21.98 on

10. Charm Bracelet
Your mother-in-law will be grateful for this beautiful charm bracelet that represents her children and grandchildren. There are many necklaces and bracelets on the market that show off the pride women have in their families. This Silver Mama Birthstone Dangle Beads bracelet gives women a beautiful, yet simplistic, bracelet that will represent her life. The bracelet is made of sterling silver and accented by a bicone crystal. The charms can be bought on their own so your mother-in-law can represent each of children and grandchildren as the family begins to grow. Your mother-in-law will respect that you cared to make a symbol of her family and will love the gift. This 7 1/2 inch bracelet can be purchased for $54.99 and each charm for $19.95.

This season gain a bit of respect from your mother-in-law with these great gifts. It does not matter if she is hard to buy for, or condescending earning the love of a mother-in-law feels great. With these cute gifts your mother-in-law may even shed a bit of a smile and with these great deals you will too!

Top 10 Jewelry for Women This Holiday Season

Jewelry is one of the top gifts for women during the holiday season. Most women do love their jewelry and the more the present sparkles the more it is appreciated. This season there is a good number of jewelry fashions that sparkle and many that do not at all, but how do you know which trends to follow? This article will give customers a general ideal of each type of jewelry, so hopefully everyone will get the perfect gift this year. Each of these trends can be very pricey though, especially if the customer does not know where to look to find a great deal. These jewelry gift ideas will not only please just about any woman’s fashionable desires, but will also save customers money.

1. Leather Bracelets
These bracelets have becoming increasing popular this year especially amongst teenagers and young adults. Many of these bracelets feature fantastic weave work and often incorporate various types of beads and gemstones. Leather bracelets can also be found just about anywhere, but there are many low quality options that will last only a few weeks. This season check out this Red Mix Wrap Bracelet on Kansa Leather. This bracelet features Kansa red leather that is weaved in to many different precious stones, such as red coral and smoky quartz. This bracelet is particularly fashionable because it wraps around the wrist on an average of five times. This bracelet will look perfect with any casual attire and will look great with a layered look. This bracelet can be purchased for $94.90, almost a $100 discount, from

2. Collar Necklaces
It has been awhile since these beautiful collar necklaces have been in style. They are one of the oldest forms of jewelry dating all the way back to ancient Egypt. These necklaces can vary in size and decoration though, so find the perfect collar necklace can be tricky. Some are made mostly of metals and are very minimal like the ones of ancient Egypt, while others are heavily decorated and colorful. One of the best things about the collar necklace is that it makes a woman look elegant no matter how she is dressed. This beautiful Antiqued Gold Tone Pink Lips Black Ribbon Collar Necklace from Betsey Johnson is the perfect gift for any women that tends to be on the flirty side. Necklace is filled with sparkly crystal accents that draw attention to the fuchsia glitter lips. Necklace is also accented by the black grosgrain ribbon and gold chain. This wonderful necklace can be purchased for $110 at

3. Party Rings
Another fashion trend that has not been popular in a few decades in the over-sized party ring. These rings were big in the 1920s, but slowly made their way of fashion, only to be reintroduced this year. There are many different kinds of oversized rings ranging from those with huge rocks in them, to those will intricate designs. Finding the right kind of party ring depends on the woman. .Some women will love a turquoise ring, or perhaps a steampunk oriented ring that focuses on industrial work Women who love a bit of sparkle will adore a party ring with a sapphire, diamond or even faux jewel inside. This 6 CT TW Oval-Cut Sapphire and 1/5 CT TW Diamond Ring in 14k Gold over Sterling Silver not only features a beautiful midnight blue sapphire, but also has several diamonds that work as a frame for the sapphire. The ring is gold plated sterling silver that will hold up for years of use. This fabulous ring can be purchased for $119.99, a 54% discount, on

4. Layered Bracelets
Another huge trend today amongst girls of all ages in the layered bracelet look. This is another versatile trend that contains many different kinds of bracelets. Younger girls often wear bracelets that are a bit cheaper and easier to find such as beaded bracelets, silver bands, or even leather bracelets. They are often mixed to match casual attire. For women that are a bit older this trend is usually followed using specific bracelets that tend to match in one way or another. Many women love the silver band bracelets, but also frequently wear bracelets that are thicker and match their outfit. This great Honora Pearl Bracelet Set is perfect for women who want their layered bracelets to match and add an extra flare to their outfit. These bracelets are made of freshwater cultured pearls that 7-8 mm apiece. Each set of eight comes with a black, gray, teal, pink, purple, white and blue bracelet that will match just about any trend. These bracelets can also be worn on their own. Customers can find these bracelets for $95 on

5. Charm Bracelets
Charm bracelets have been popular holiday gifts for a couple of years now and have not run out of steam yet. Getting a loved one a charm bracelet is starting them a collection that will represent their life. Each year these bracelets can add a new charm that tells the story of someone’s life. There are many different charm bracelets available. Some are designed for little girls while others are designed to fit the needs of older women. At Jared, women or people wanting to gift to a woman can choose between a vast selection of charms that will make just about anyone pleased. However, finding the perfect bracelet is one of the most important parts of buying a woman a charm bracelet though. This Pandora Bracelet 6.3 inch Sterling Silver charm bracelet will look great on any woman’s wrist with or without the charms. This sleek bracelet can be purchased for $45 at

6. Layered Necklaces
This season layers are all the rage. Layered clothes to layered jewelry are just about everywhere these days. Unfortunately, layering necklaces is not quite as easy to do as it is to layer bracelets. Necklaces get tangled with one another and often are hard to match with other necklaces. It is much easier to buy necklaces as a set so that necklaces flow perfectly together and look incredibly natural. Finding the perfect set is often difficult to do. There are many sets available on the market that will only last after a few uses due to their manufacturing. The Love Heals Dervish, Orange Braided Orange Glass Beads Necklace is perfectly manufactured for the layered looks. The first necklace layer fits like a typical necklace and features a two drop down charms. While the second layer first like a party necklace and features six different charms. This trendy necklace can be purchased for $260 on

7. Drop Down Earrings
Drop down earrings are another huge trend this season. Drop down earrings offer women a lot of versatility as to different styles. These earrings are perfect for a night on the club, a dinner at a fancy restaurant, or just hanging out with the girls at the mall. Due to these earrings being so versatile it is often hard for many gifters to know which drop down earrings they should choose. Earrings that are often ethnic in style are some of the most popular earrings of the season. These Azuri Arabian Nights Earrings are perfect for just about any occasion and will make any woman feel like royalty. The earrings have a beautiful gold Arabian design with gems and drops three inches. These gorgeous earrings can be purchased for $25 at

8. Simplistic Watch
Although most jewelry seems to be praised for its complexity this year, the watch is taking a more relaxed tone with simplistic designs. Watches for women either look spectacular, or end up being way too bulky on the wrist. Simplistic watches make it easier for people to purchase watches as a gift. Many of the bands end up being smaller and the designs will not clash with outfits and other jewelry. This Bella watch from the Movado collection offers women a sleek design that will be loved for years to come. Watch is made with stainless steel and its band fits more like a bangle bracelet than a watch band. The watch’s face can be purchased in pink or black and is accented by beautiful diamonds. This watch can be purchased for $996 at

9. Message Necklace
Necklaces with messages on them are one of the newest trends on the market. These necklaces range from quotes to personalize messages and can be found in many different shapes colors and sizes. Teens and young adults usually gravitate towards the necklaces that have quotes on them and that tend to have colorful pendants. These necklaces are usually fairly inexpensive, but finding the perfect quote can be a challenge. Older women tend to prefer more of a classic necklace design that states something meaningful, or has a personal message. This Sterling Silver “The Journey Is The Reward” Twisted Pendant Necklace, 18″ is perfect for just about any woman on the list. The necklace drops down revealing the beautiful necklace engraved in the sterling silver. This lovely necklace can be purchased for $19, a 46% discount on

10. Princess Cut Diamond Earring
The princess cut diamond earring has remained one of the most popular holiday gifts for that someone special for years. It is hard to pass up every ladies favorite cut diamond, especially when you know the look on her face as she opens her gift will be priceless. Finding a great deal on these earrings can be a bit tricky though, especially since they can be found in just about any jewelry store in town and on the internet. This 0.75 Ct. Princess Diamond Stud Earrings, D, I3 will please any woman on Christmas day and the price will make any buyer more than happy to order these earrings right away. Earrings can be purchased with yellow gold, white gold or platinum backs depending on woman’s preference. These earrings can also be purchased at the extraordinary price of $281, over $500 in savings, at

This season have customers should have no problem sifting through trends to find the perfect gift for their loved ones. Although, finding the perfect gift is always hard with a bit of patience and this guide it should be a bit easier than years passed. These great deals are great for just about any budget and might even allow buyers to snag a few extra things on the giftees wish list!

Barnes & Noble vs. Amazon – Who Save the Customer More Money?

As the holiday season approaches’ finding the perfect gift at a great price is a major priority for many holiday shoppers. For many, the online search is often tedious and fruitless so customers settle on shopping at stores that promise them the lowest prices. Amazon and Barnes & Noble are two stores that have been known for years to offer great prices to their customers, especially around the holiday season. Both stores have created their own line of digital reader and both have a wide variety of the things people love. So, which store is really the least expensive and who is offering the best deals to help the customer save this holiday season?

1. Star Wars: the Ultimate Action Figure Collection
Star Wars collectors, as well as fans, will have to have this fantastic book that shows every Star Wars Action figure that has been created thus far. This guide will take fans through the creation and evolution of the Star Wars figurines for the past 40 years! This is the perfect holiday gift for any collector who would like to know the value of their collection, or just see what they have! This product can be found on sale at for $25.64 which is a 35% discount from the original price of $40. This same book can be found on for only $21.60 for a brand new copy.

2. The Walking Dead: Complete Second Season
AMC’s The Walking Dead is one of the most talked about television series of the year. Now, fans can purchase the entire second season of the series on DVD or Blue Ray for themselves, or for other fans as holiday gifts. The Walking Dead is one of the biggest zombie stories on the market and has had critics raving for three seasons! offers this gripping series on Blue Ray for $34.99, so fans can watch the show in crystal clear quality. On fans can purchase the same four discs Blue Ray set for $29.75, a $5 difference from the Barnes and Noble.

3. Gaiam Dragonfly Print Yoga Mat
Yoga is one of the biggest exercise crazes at the moment. People need a good way to relieve stress while being able to stretch and build muscle. There have been many videos, equipment and clothing designed around those who are enthused about yoga. This cute yoga mat is the perfect gift for any woman who loves yoga. The mat comes in pink and features a cute design depicting a dragonfly flying through whimsical branches. This gorgeous mat can be found on for $21.99. It can also be found on for $21.98, which is not a huge difference.

4. Rosetta Stone- French Levels 1-5
Rosetta Stone is one of the easiest ways to learn a foreign language. It is utilized in schools, business and home use. Many people struggle with foreign language throughout their lives and then when they discover Rosetta Stone pick up the language in no time flat. This is due to Rosetta stones teaching abilities, as it is designed to trigger all parts of the brain so people will learn the language more naturally. This great program can be found on for $399, which is a $100 discount from the original price. It can also be found on for the same price, $399.

5. Micheal Buble Christmas CD
Where would the holiday season be without a bit of crooning to make the holiday carols seem perfect? This season try out Micheal Buble’s Christmas CD. This collection of Christmas songs comes with fifteen holiday classics that will bring the holiday spirit out in just about anyone and one original song by Micheal Buble. This is the perfect gift for Buble fans, or a great buy to play at holiday parties. On this collection can be purchased for $11.39, a 40% discount from its original price of $18.99. This collection can also be found on for $8.24, a $3 difference.

6. Create Your Own Books
There is nothing better to witness than a kid being creative. This set will provide kids with everything they need to create their very own books. This set comes with 2 hardcover books and one mini book that will allow children to write, draw and use their imagination to tell their very own stories. This set also comes with a wide variety of stickers that will help kids decorate the cover of their books. This great set can be purchased on for $17.95, a 10% discount from its original price of $19.95. This set can also be purchased as part of a buy one get one half off sale. On this set can be purchased for $16.95, a $1 less.

7. Jack Skelington Noise Isolating Earphones
Nightmare Before Christmas fans will love this wonderful Jack Skelington ear bud set. This set features Jack’s face on the back of the ear buds and comes in an awesome Jack Skelington bag. Ear buds provide great quality sound, improves bass and cancels out most of the noise outside of the ear bugs. These iHome ear buds also comes with extra detachable ear covers that will fit just about any ear size comfortably. These ear buds can be purchased on for $14.95. The same ear buds can be purchased on for $9.74, a $5 price difference.

8. The Hunger Games Trilogy Boxed Set
The Hunger Games is one of the most popular young adult series written. These books have sparked a movie trilogy, massive merchandise, and tons of fans. This season purchase the entire hardback collection for the Hunger Games fans on the holiday gift list. It does not matter what age the fan is, they will love this great collection of books whose hardback designs will look brilliant on any shelf. This collection can be found on for $32.92, a 30% discount from its original price of $53.97. This collection can also be found on for $29.82, a $3 less than Barnes & Noble.

9. Dr. Seuss’s Beginner Book Collection
Dr. Seuss’s books have been one of the best choices for early readers for generations. These wonderful books are not only great for teaching children how to read, but they also help with rhyming and morals. Children seem to take to the stories of Dr. Seuss books which help them gain an interest in reading that will last a lifetime. This collection comes with five of the more popular books in hardcover form. This set can be found on for $26.98, a 41% discount from its original price of $44.94. It can also be found on for $24.97, a $2 less than Barnes & Noble.

10. Nook Simple Touch
Surprise loved ones who love to read this holiday season with the Nook Simple Touch. Nook is one of the most popular ereaders on the market today and has many different varieties of ereaders to choose from. The Nook Simple Touch has a built in Wi-Fi that allows users to download thousands of books. This Nook also provides clear words with a subtle backlight that will not hurt the eyes. The Nook Simple Touch can be found on for $99 and ships for free within 24 hours. It can also be found on for $74.50, over a $20 price difference.

While shopping this holiday season it is important to take in consideration one’s shopping options. Although many places claim to be the lowest price a bit of shopping around can prove otherwise. When shopping at Barnes and Noble and Amazon the prices are almost always close to one another, but all of the time Amazon will save customers at least a few dollars. Even on products that were made by Barnes and Noble, such as the Nook, Amazon tends to offer them at a more convenient price. Do I need to say more? Forget about Barnes & Noble, and happy shopping at Amazon!

Wedding Gifts For Under $50

Weddings are always an exciting time for family, friends and the bride and groom. Shopping for wedding presents can be a lot of work though. Many couples register for gifts at bridal registries all over town and the internet, which makes searching down each list a task in itself. Many couples often have expectations about the price of gifts from friends and family. On average, most guest are expected to spend about $70 on presents, while most family will spend around $120.

For many, finding the right gift at the right price is a challenge. Although there are many expectations of guest as far as gifts are concerned any gift is usually appreciated. There are many gifts that are unique and will please the couple for $50 or less. These gifts are often a bit outside of the box though and rarely make registry list! Here are a few great ideas for upcoming wedding guest that everyone will love!

1.Salt and Pepper Shakers
Most couples enter a marriage without having many of the basic household conveniences, such as a salt and pepper shaker. Although this may not sound like the perfect gift at first, once the couple open up these wonderful shakers they will immediately be appreciated. The Jonathan Adler Birds Salt and Pepper Shakers feature two beautifully crafted birds. The male bird sits upright showing strength and protection over the household, while the female bird looks relaxed and nurturing next to her partner. These birds resemble doves which will go great with the wedding theme. These beautiful ceramic birds can be purchased at for only $48!

2.Viney Key Hook
This wonderful customizable key hook is perfect for newly weds. This key hook is framed by wonderfully sculpted vines that signify a family tree. Inside the vines customers can have the last name of the newly weds placed. This gift is perfect for placing at the entrance of the newly weds new home to show their union and to signify the start of their family. This key hook can be used to hang keys as well as coats, umbrella, leashes and anything else the couple can think of. The key hook has six hooks, which allows this piece to be used even when the family has grown. This wonderful gift can be purchased on for $29.99.

3.Photo Album
Every couple will need somewhere to place all of their wedding photos and other memories which makes a photo album another great wedding gift. This Lenox Opal Innocence Silver Plated Album holds over 80 photos in the book and has space for a 4×6 photograph on the cover. This album can be used to celebrate the wedding itself, or used for pictures of the couple and their growing family. The cover of this album is silver plated with leaves carved into the front. This album can be placed anywhere as a picture frame, or stored like a regular photo album. This great gift can be purchased on for $39.99.

4.Gift Basket
Gift baskets are often overlooked by many guests because they are not seen as a traditional gift. There are many gift baskets that cater to the theme of many weddings and provide products that will please any new bride and groom. For instance, the Good Morning Breakfast Assortment provides newly weds with everything they need to cook a romantic breakfast for their partner, or so they can cook together. Gift basket comes with mixes, jams, drinks and even personal his and her mugs that will make any breakfast romantic. Couple may not ever think to register for a gift like this, but when they receive it they will immediately love it. This great gift basket, as well as other romantically themed gift baskets, can be found on for only $49.95.

5.Crystal Dinnerware
Crystal is one of the most traditional gifts for newly weds. Back in the old days it was the guest responsibility to get the couples off to the right start with their dishes and everything else they needed. Many would pass down crystal that had been in the family for generations. This tradition is often practiced today, but many people prefer to buy new things for newly weds now. Crystal can be expensive though, which is why this great deal on crystal goblets is great. These goblets come in a set of four and have more of a modern design that other crystal pieces. These great goblets can be found on for $39.95.

6.Wine and Champagne
Alcohol is one of the most popular gifts for newly weds. Wine is one of the more respectable and appreciated gifts though. Wine and champagne a great way to start off the family’s collection as well as help them with entertaining guest who have come to congratulate them on their new marriage. Finding a great wine at an affordable price can be hard though. Many great wines are very expensive, but there are many websites online that sell fantastic wine at a low price. The De Margerie Grand Cru Brut is a tasty French imported champagne that will be loved by many. This 750 ml bottle will tickle the taste buds of any new couple and is only $34 on

7.Honeymoon Registry
Many of today’s couples often have everything they need for their home and family, which makes choosing a gift even harder for guest. Luckily, there are many great ways to help the new couples on other things, such as helping out with their honey moons. Since so many couples have already lived together, or been on their own for a long time household items are not needed, but a vacation is very much invited. With websites like Apple Vacations Honey Moon Registry guest can enter their couples dream vacation registry and purchase things that the couple would like to do on their honeymoon. For instance, if the couple chooses to go to France gust may be able to buy a ticket, or two, so the couple will not have to pay a lot of the honeymoon financial burden!

8.Gift Card
Gift cards are another great way to appease the bride and groom. Many couple need things that are a bit hard to put on a wedding registry. For instance, many couples who have purchased a new home might need help renovating the home, or making improvements. A gift card from Lowes or the Home Depot will make this task a lot easier on the couple. There are many different restaurants that sell gift cards too, so guest could purchase one so the couple could have a great date night, or two, every now and then. There are also several credit companies, such as Visa and American Express, that sell pre-paid gift cards that can be used anywhere the credit company is found. This will make the honeymoon cheaper, or help the couple buy anything they need that they did not yet receive.

Shopping for newly weds does not have to be a hard task. There are many gifts available in stores and online that would please any couple. Sometimes, thinking outside of the wedding registry and buying a more personal gift makes the couple appreciate the gift even more. These ideas are only a few of the many presents that can be found for under $50.

Deals on Christmas Decor that Kids will Love

The holiday season is a great time to spread joy and creativity by decorating the interior and exterior of the home with holiday favorites. Children particularly love this part of the holiday season that allows them to all of their favorite cartoons in holiday fashion. These brilliant decorations are often enough to create a sense of joy throughout the household. Unfortunately, sometimes the decorations can cost a small fortune and therefore never get the pleasure of being part of the household’s holiday decor. These ten deals are not only affordable, but will bring pleasure to kids and adults alike.
Every kid loves the iconic figure Snoopy from all of the Peanuts cartoons that seem to mark the beginning of holiday cartoons each year. This four foot blow up Snoopy will bring joy to passersby as they catch this bright blow up decoration on the front lawn. This great decoration depicts Snoopy and his best friend, Woodstock, sitting on top of his famous dog house that is already decked out for the holidays. Snoopy is easy to set up as it comes with its own air pump and can withstand all of the harsh winter weather. Normally, this nostalgic decoration would run customers around $100, but can now be purchased for $27.99 on
It hardly seems like Christmas without a little bit of action from The Grinch. Kids will love seeing their favorite Dr. Seuss characters in this 5”6 tall Christmas decoration. Decoration depicts the Grinch himself standing hand in hand with little Cindy Lou Who and his loyal dog Maxx as they sing in front of the Christmas tree. This decoration will not only spark the Christmas spirit, but will remind children that Christmas is not about getting, but about being with those that are loved. This cheerful decoration will look great on end tables, on top of fireplaces, and just about anywhere else. It can be purchased for $32 at
Every child loves Jim Henson’s The Muppets that is filled with so many great characters that appeal to so many. This season, celebrate the holiday season with this beautiful Muppet Christmas village! The set comes with three buildings: Santa’s home, a bakery and a toy store that doubles as a sledding headquarter. This set also comes with numerous characters so everyone should find something, or someone they love. This entire ceramic village is now on sale for $59.99, and can be paid for with installations, at
Frosty the Snowman is one of the most iconic cartoons for generations of kids. This loveable snowman has taught morals and the meaning of the holidays for decades, making him one of the most popular cartoons available. This cuddly plush Frosty the Snowman decoration is perfect for households with small children. Decoration can be placed by the kids so that they feel they have helped with the holiday festivities and parents will not need to worry about it being dropped. This decoration can also double as a cuddly toy for youngsters who love Frosty! This great Hallmark decoration can be purchased for $5.99 at
Trains are one of the most popular images of Christmas. There is really nothing like having a brilliant tree with a train below it for the holidays. The Polar Express is one of the widest known trains for kids of this generation. The train takes children to see Santa off on the eve of Christmas and each come away with their own special gift. This year, give the children of the household the gift of having the Polar Express train Lionel G-Gauge under their very own tree. Children will love watching the train go around the tree while they dream of having their own North Pole adventures. This train is powered by a remote control and comes with three figures from the movie. This wonderful surprise can be purchased for $104.99, a $30 discount on
As soon as fall approaches kids know that Santa will soon be on his way! The countdown begins and parents find their kids asking every day how long it will be until Santa is headed their way. Now, kids can keep a countdown of their own with their very own Mickey Mouse holiday countdown. Mickey Mouse is an iconic figure in cartoons and most children and adults recognize and adore the sight and sound of Mickey. This countdown can be placed on the Christmas tree, placed on the chimney, hung on a door knob, or left by a child’s bed, so that every day they can check on the countdown until Christmas day. This Christmas decoration can be purchased on sale for $12.99 at
There are no better characters to include in the holiday festivities than Winnie the Pooh and his good buddies Piglet and Eeyore. Now, these three adorable characters can be placed on any flat surface from a wall to a window in order to spread cheer for the upcoming winter festivities. This sticker features the three preparing deliver presents to their loved one. Winnie the Pooh takes the lead as the Santa figure, while Eeyore wears reindeer horns at the front of the sled and Piglet rest at the back depicting an elf figure. Children will love seeing their favorite characters in the home every day! This wonderful sticker can be found on for $39.95.
This year help guide Santa to the home with this wonderful depiction of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Kids will love knowing that Rudolph is eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus in their front yard. This piece is 25 inches tall and has 120 clear lights in the body and the iconic blinking red nose. This piece is constructed of wire, but is soft to the touch, so children will not be injured when trying to pet Rudolf. This decoration is also easy to care for and can withstand lots of different weather. When holidays are over it comes apart for easy storage. This great decoration can be purchased, or put on layway, for $60.29, a $30 discount, at
Help keep the scary holiday monsters at bay with this silly Scooby Doo blow up ornament. Kids will love seeing one of their favorite dogs in the front yard wearing a Santa hat and ready to spread holiday cheer to all of his fans. Scooby Doo sits three foot tall in the yard, lights up and keeps the Scooby Doo goofy small on his face throughout the holiday. Scooby Doo is easy to assemble; simply plug into an electrical socket and ornaments fills itself with air. When the holidays are over simply unplug and store away. Scooby Doo is made of a durable fabric, so cool weather will not cause him harm. This wonderful ornament can be purchased on sale for $26.79 at
This year create excitement by adding this adorable Elmo ornament in the home. Kids will love looking at their favorite Sesame Street monster peeking out at them! Elmo sits inside the chimney while wearing a Santa hat, scarf and holding a banner that says “Ho, Ho, Ho!” Kids will especially love pressing on Elmo’s hand and being greeted with song. Elmo sings Jingle Bells while swaying back and forth in the chimney. This decoration will not only encourage kids to sing, but will also teach them the words to this traditional holiday song. Elmo is 10 inches high and requires batteries. It can be found on sale for 28% off, or $40.53, at

Creating a winter wonderland for the children will be much easier this year thanks to these great deals on holiday decorations. Decorations that appeal to children will help them feel more of a part of the holiday magic as they learn how to set up ornaments, and enjoy watching what they created. Kids will grasp an important lesson as they help their parents decorate this year, that is that this time of year is to bring families closer together and the importance of those loved ones.

Great Deals on Christmas Trees

With the Thanksgiving holiday past us already, it is time to break out the Christmas decorations and prepare for yet another fantastic holiday. Every year the Christmas trees line the shop fronts of local stores and fill the air with that holiday pine scent everyone has come to love. Inside, artificial trees glimmer and make children anxious for the upcoming holiday.

Local stores are not the only place to get a brilliant Christmas tree this season. Online there are many businesses that sell some of the most beautiful trees imaginable. These ten deals will lead customers to find the tree of their dreams at a price that is even dreamier.
Many people have allergies to different kinds of pine trees that are sold on the market, but they still love the look and feel of an actual pine tree. There are now many artificial trees that actually mimic the look and feel of an actual pine tree, so now people can have the beauty of a tree without the allergens or the pine needle mess. This Natural Cut Pine Monterey Pine Christmas Tree is one of the best looking artificial trees on the market. This tree is 46 inches tall, and is made to look like a thinner tree so it will not take up too much space in small apartments. This tree even comes with 850 multi-colored lights already on the tree, which will save time later on! This beautiful tree can be purchased for $329.77, almost a $1,000 discount, at
Anyone looking to spice things up this Christmas will love the Ashley Red Pre-Lit Christmas Tree. This tree will be the star of any room, even without decorations on it. Customers looking for something more modern or just something that friends and neighbors will not have are looking at the right place. This bright red tree stands out brilliantly in white rooms and will make most ornaments pop. The tree comes with 700 lights that are built onto the tree. Tree comes ready to be assembled and has color coating on all pieces. Tree stands 57 inches tall and is $249.98, almost an $800 discount, on
People looking for a tree that looks a bit more regal than the average tree should check out this wonderful deal. This tree is great for indoor and outdoor use and will give the home a pristine look. Although this tree is artificial it was created to have the same natural appeal of a real without the mess of painful pine needles. Christmas tree has 200 LED white lights already on the tree and weighs less than 20 pounds, which makes it easy to move from one place to another. This tree looks perfect when paired on the silver pedestal that gives it an almost Roman appeal. Both tree and pedestal can be purchased for under $500 on
Not everyone sees the pine tree as a beautiful symbol of the Christmas season. Half of the planet is in the summer solstice when summer rolls around. For all of those in tropical environments the palm tree Christmas tree is just the ticket! This tree will bring character to the home as well as some much needed cheer. The tree comes with 105 clear lights that wrap up the tree and into the branches. Ornaments can be hung in branches just as they would in a pine tree. Not to mention, there is no need for a tree skirt for this tree and there is even more room to stack up presents! This unique Christmas tree is only $45 at
Choosing the right artificial tree can be challenging due to the amount of different trees available on the market today. Some people prefer trees that show off their beautiful green branches, while others look for something with character. This beautiful Phillips Remains Lit Locked Fir Tree is perfect for any household who likes to look at snow during the holiday season. This beautiful tree has a frosty look that will please any white Christmas wishes, even when the weather outside does not cooperate. This tree already has 400 mini white light bulbs on the tree, so simply assemble the tree and start adding the tree ornaments. This tree can be purchased for $210, a 30% discount, on
Not all Christmas trees have to be large and eye grabbing as we have all learned from Charlie Brown’s Christmas special. This tree is a replica of the small tree that represented the Christmas spirit and true meaning of Christmas to Charlie Brown. This tree will be adored by any children and will make a great story time piece. Even if this tree is not used as the main Christmas tree it will serve as a reminder of what should be considered special during the season. Tree will also work as a great conversation piece for holiday parties. This wonderful tree can be purchased on on sale for $11.12.
Some people prefer trees that mimic the look of those outside of their own home. For those customers, this beautiful Flower Blossom Tree is the perfect product. This tree can also be used indoors or outdoors depending on personal preference. Tree is entirely leafless and is designed to look like it is covered in ice. This piece will glisten in the light and bring warmth to the holiday. The tree is already pre-lit with 512 lights that can be purchased in blue, warm white, or ice white. This piece stands ninety inches high and comes with a 2 year warranty. This iced beauty can be purchased for $544, a $300 discount, on
Some people miss out on the Christmas tree experience because their homes are too small for an actual tree. Nevermore will minimalist have to live with an undersized tree because of lack of space. Now, anyone can purchase this beautiful half tree that fits perfectly in any corner without taking up too much space. This tree can be decorated just like any other Christmas tree and will look just as good! This tree features a real pine tree look and has 957 tips that will look fabulous even with minimal decorations. Tree also comes with a ten year warranty! This fantastic space saver can be found on for $159.99.
For households who do not have the time or desire to decorate their own Christmas tree there are many different options. The Pre-Decorated Pop Up Tree is one of the most beautiful pre-decorated tree on the market. This tree comes in a simple to use pop up box that allows customers to simply unfold tree and have an instant holiday celebration without any stressful assembly. This tree is a majestic 6 feet tall and comes with 400 white lights, 48 inches or burgundy and gold ribbon and 66 ornaments with a bow topper. This gorgeous tree can be purchased for $199, a $100 discount, at
For many a Christmas tree is not a true Christmas tree unless it is real. There are many sites that offer traditional trees that can be delivered to the home. This Noble Fir is one of the most beautiful trees on the market. Its full branches that are soft to the touch will feel the home with the wonderful smell of pine. This tree can be decorated in just about any holiday theme, or can left untouched and still look beautiful. Each tree is harvested upon order and stands nearly 8 foot tall. The needles just also maintain life for longer than other trees, which will save on the painful needles spreading throughout the home. This beautiful tree can be purchased for $118 on

Christmas trees are one of the biggest icons of the Christmas holiday. Children maintain memories of the fun had decorating, gazing at and opening presents under these fine trees. However, the most important part of the tree is how it brings the family together. The decorations and presents will all be forgotten one day, but the time spent together will not. These ten trees might be the perfect tree for the household this season and the prices are a relief on the tree budget.