
Archive for December 30, 2013

Ten New Year’s Resolutions That Will Save You Big

Every year we seem to come up with a list of resolutions that we think might make our lives better. From earning more money to keeping a larger savings account, people seem to want to find more ways to transform their bank accounts. One simple way to create a list of resolutions that may actually help you gain some extra cash is to think twice about ways that can get you more money without constantly keeping your finances on your agenda. With this simple list of New Year’s Resolutions you make take the plunge into a new lifestyle while helping to keep your finances a bit healthier than previous years. You may even be surprised as to how many of your resolutions will already put you on the right track to saving money in the upcoming year.
1. Drop a Bad Habit
We all have bad habits, but what we might not realize is how our bad habits can ruin our finances. There are numerous habits that really drain us both physically and financially, but many people continue to carry on because they enjoy it. One such bad habit is smoking. The average smoker spends over $2,000 a year on cigarettes which can really push you over the edge if you’re not keeping up with a savings account. If you can manage to slow down your smoking or quit then you’ll easily be off to a better start next year. Another bad habit that most households have is drinking soda. Occasionally, it won’t harm your budget too much if you indulge in a soda, but making them a daily party of your family’s diet can really ruin your entire grocery bill. Try replacing your family’s beverages with water, tea and other inexpensive drinks and you’ll find you will save hundreds during the year. You may even find that they’ll help you lead a healthier lifestyle.

2. Start Exercising
One incredibly free way to save money is start an exercise regime. If you can work out a free way to get moving then you’re on your way to an amazing money saving adventure. Exercising actually helps you save money in a couple of different ways. For starters, when you begin to exercise your mind and body starts to feel fit so you can easily feel better about the way you look. With your confidence boosted you’ll be able to meet new people, work more efficiently and love yourself in the clothes you already own. With your new fit lifestyle you’ll also have to visit the doctor’s office a lot less, which means less co-pays and more money in your bank account. Once you get in the routine of working out more often you’ll easily begin to enjoy the time you’re moving instead of looking for idle pass times. It is important that you might want to avoid spending high premiums at gyms though, so try to find free ways to take on your new hobby of movement. Running, walking, and work out routines can easily be accomplished for free, so have fun exploring your options.

3. Volunteer Time
One way to really help with finances while helping keep a strong connection with your community is to volunteer your time. There’s a lot of different ways to volunteer so make sure you check out everything in your local area to find something you might enjoy doing. If you can volunteer at least once a week you might begin to feel better about yourself and your inner humanitarian. You might wonder how volunteering can save you money because you’re basically giving away your time for free. Well, when you volunteer you’re taking away from you free time so you don’t need money to help keep you entertained. As you spend your time volunteering you may begin to feel a love for helping out others, which could lead to more volunteer hours. This is a great way to keep yourself occupied, especially if your hobbies include any activity that involved spending money. Of course, at the end of the year you’ll get a great tax deduction for your time spent helping out, which can really help you end your fiscal year on a positive note.

4. Read More
We’re all guilty of saying we’re going to read more and then opting to check out the latest sitcom instead. Well, instead of spending your time glued to technology or spending money on other activities you could always pick up a book instead. Reading is one of the cheapest hobbies out there and it can open up your mind to so many different ideas, cultures and adventures. The best thing is you can have instant access to so many books without actually spending anything. There’s a lot of free access books online that allow you to download to your favorite mobile device so you can enjoy the fun wherever you go. You can also get access to a library card for absolutely nothing. Simply remember to return books on time and you’ll be set for an exciting adventures that cost nothing at all. If you’re a collector then you may want to consider buying used books. There’s so many online that you can actually buy for a mere penny, so don’t forget to keep your options open.

5. Learn to Save
A lot of people go into the New Year talking about saving and find out by the end of the year they had no savings at all. One easy way to counteract this problem is to get a bit creative while you learn to save more efficiently. There are a few ways to easily put back a couple of thousand dollars a year without you actually noticing the money is gone. One example is the money saving challenge. This challenge has you put back one dollar for every week of the year. So, the first week you will put back one dollar, whereas the second week you will put back two. The most you will ever have to put back is $52 and you will still see over $1k in your savings account when the year is over. You may also want to keep in mind the 1/3 rule when you put back money this year. This rule allows you to use 1/3 of any bonus you might get for past bills, which can help you catch up on your expenses. Another 1/3 is to put in your savings account so you will have a nest egg for the future. While the last 1/3 is used for the present for whatever you may need or want at the time.

6. Learn to Budget
We all claim to have a budget, but so many of use actually don’t stick to our own claims nor do we know how to create a proper budget for the household. This year you may want to meet with a financial adviser to help create the perfect budget for your family or take some classes to help you work out your budget. By creating a budget you’ll be able to work closer with your family’s needs so you won’t feel the need to splurge or stray from what the household can actually afford. Once you have the budget figured out you can easily practice sticking to it. This will help you stay away from window shopping and other impulsive buys that force you to lose out on money throughout the year. With less being spent you’ll actually be able to throw your extra money into a savings account to help with the future.

7. Ditch the Cards
The plastic generation is one of our major problems when it comes to spending. The fact that all of our money is connected to the bank via an easy to use card can really make buying things on the impulse a whole lot easier. For starters, a lot of our purchases include things that are actually very inexpensive. A couple of these purchases don’t really harm you, but when you’re making them all of the time your bank account is really going to take a major hit. Instead of using you ATM or credit card to buy things try pulling out your budget’s worth of money before going shopping. This will actually give you some tangible to look at before you actually hand it over to the sales clerk. With your money present you’ll have a lt more control over what you choose to buy so you won’t have to worry about as much about going overboard. Holding onto your cash will actually prevent you from making charges that go past your limit, no matter how cheap they are. This can ensure you don’t have any negative withdrawals or overdraft fees next time you check your account.

8. No Fast Food
You might not realize how much your fast food bill can really hit your savings account. Typically eating out cost as much as two to three family meals combined, so it usually isn’t wise to go out to eat a whole lot. If you do go out try to limit it to once or twice a month and you’ll already start to see a huge difference in the amount of money that’s in your bank account. If you can cut down on eating out entire you may save up to $100 a month on eating, which can really make a big difference by the end of the year. Of course, spending money isn’t the only issue involved with fast food. When you eat unhealthy foods then you tend to add to your risk for health problems. This can mean more trips to the doctor as well as major problems later in life that could cost you a lot of money out of pocket.

9. Drive Less
With gas prices as high as they are you may want to considering stepping away from the car as much as you possibly can. Driving today can really drain your budget if you’re not careful so make sure you only go out in the car when you absolutely have to. With driving out of the way you may find a whole lot of fun options that will get you where you need to go without forcing you to pay a whole lot. For instance, you may want to get a commuter bicycle which can help you get in better shape while also allowing you to get to work in a fairly quick fashion. You may also want to scour around your neighborhood to figure out routes that are easy for you to walk while doing your routine errands. Of course, another option is to work out a carpool for work and school which could have you driving only a day or two a week.

10. Reward Yourself
Despite this resolution sounding a little spoiled you may find that a reward every now and then will help prevent you from spending too much outside of the budget. Instead of keeping yourself from treats you should periodically offer yourself something within reasons. For instance, if you feel you’ve worked hard or have a means for celebration then take yourself out to a nice meal, or get a new blouse as a way to boost your confidence. This little way to giving yourself a few reminders that you’re doing good will actually help prevent you from going on massive spending sprees or straying from the budget to get what you want.

As the New Year brings new and exciting things for you remember that a resolution is a great way to help improve the way you live. With these resolutions you will find a great new way to find happiness with yourself and with the money you’ve managed to put away for a rainy day. As long as you can manage to stick to your goal you’ll feel next year roll in even greater.

Winter Activities that Will Cushion Your Budget

With the height of winter upon us it may seem like a lifetime before you’ll be able to enjoy a nice sunny day outdoors. Unfortunately, the amount of time we spend inside our homes during this season can also lead to a spending spree that isn’t exactly pleasant when it comes to facing in the rest of the year’s budget. There are a few ways that you can actually find some peace in the winter months without losing quite a bit of your savings account. In fact, with these simple tips you may decide that winter is one of your favorite times of the year thanks to all of the family activities and fun that you can have by using a little creativity.

1. Use the Snow
Snow can be one of the most magical weather conditions when it comes to saving money. Kids typically adore snow, which means you can look at several hours outdoors without your children getting bored or wanting to do anything that cost money. You should always try to come up with new ways to have fun in the snow, while keeping the kids active and having fun. One of the most common ways to use snow to your advantage is to stage a snowball fight. This will keep your kids as well as some of your children’s friends happy for quite some time. The running around will also keep them feeling warm and comfortable. If you’re looking for a more artistic way to play in the snow then have kids make a snow man using items you find in the home. You could also easily make a snow angel. A cheap activity for the snow that kids will adore is the mix up different colors of cool aid and let your kids paint their very own snow painting.

2. Improvise
When it comes to playing in the snow just about anything goes. Don’t be afraid to search your home for items that could easily be used as toys for winter play time. One of the more classic items to use is a lid from a storage container. This make the perfect sled as you and your kids power down hills on this useful household item. Another classic item to use is a broken tennis racket. This typically makes a great snow shoe for a kid so you can easily take a hike to check out all of the snowy areas in your neighborhood. If you’re caught in an unexpected snow storm or just have some fresh powder then make sure to look around the house for things you can use to have fun rather than going out and spending a fortune. Of course, you should always let the kids come up with some of their own ideas when it comes to creating toys they use for the snow.

3. Rent Gear
If you’re planning on trying something new out this winter, or you just don’t partake in an event often then you may want to consider renting the gear. Typically it is fairly inexpensive to get gear for certain activities and with a coupon you or certain vacation packages you should be able to save quite a bit. Ice skating is one of the top activities that renting gear is pretty inexpensive. Usually you won’t spend more than $10 on skates and rink time if you go the right rink. Skiing and snowboarding are also pretty high up there on the scale of activities you should rent for because the items are typically very expensive to purchase. Unless you plan on hitting the slopes everyday or you really love the sport, buying the equipment isn’t really something you should consider right away.

4. Kids Sports
One of the biggest reasons we spend more money during the winter is to keep kids occupied. With the outdoors off limits a lot of the time kids tend to get a bi stir crazy as they spend more time indoors. The best way to counteract your child’s cabin fever is to look for a winter sport to help keep the child entertained and busy throughout the year. Sure, sports tend to cost money to get into, but when you calculate the money you’re spending on lessons opposed to the amount of money you’re spending on entertaining them then you’ll see a big difference. Hockey is one of the most common sports during the winter season and can teach kids a wide variety of skills. Of course, if you’re looking for something different then you may want to consider signing your child up for martial arts or a dance course. If you can sign up your child through a youth program you’ll be looking at even more savings.

5. Movie Night
The movies tends to be one of the first places we flock to when the weather is too unbearable to do anything else. If you’re family tends to spend a lot of movie at the theater then you may want to start utilizing a movie night in your own home. This is a great way for the entire family to cuddle up together and enjoy movies that will have everyone pleased. The best thing about watching movies at home is you can watch anything new or old as many time as you want. If you’re looking to freshen up your movie might then you may consider renting a movie from a low budget rental agency or finding one on your streaming network. You should also consider healthy snacks that might have everyone feeling like movie nights are a bit better then actually going to the theater, which will save you hundreds on snacks and entertainment cost alone.

6. Bake Together
Nothing warms the home and the heart quite as much as baking with your family. Although you might not think your kids will enjoy baking you’ll be surprised by how well they take to kneading and punching dough down. Baking actually cost you very little, especially if you’re already stocked up on floor and other ingredients. While you’re baking you can cut down on the heating as the oven will help bring a warmth to the home that will make everyone comfortable. As you continue baking throughout the season you may notice a sudden decrease in your grocery bill because you won’t have to buy bread at all nor will you feel the need to look for sweet treats like cookies and cakes. Kids will love working on projects that are made especially for them. For instance, you can set up mini pizza doughs for a great afternoon lunch, or you could work on cookies with their own decorations.

7. Crafts
Getting a kids mind and imagination working is pretty simple when you present them with fun crafts. There’s so many different crafts that your kids can do inspired by the winter months that you may not have time to get around to all of them before the season is over. If your kids seems to be a bit bored then try to set them in front of the window with some paper and paints. Ask them to paint out how they see the winter landscape. If you want to take it to the next level then you can easily use tinfoil as a way to represent ice on the ground. Kids might also love creating their own snowflakes and hanging them from the ceiling. This is an excellent task for kids of all ages and only requires a little construction paper and some scissors. You could always broaden their horizon by teaching them a new craft like sewing, crocheting or working with wood. You may even have a blast creating projects, like birdhouses, for the upcoming spring months.

8. Use the fireplace
If your home has a fireplace then it might the perfect place to create entertainment without the price tag. The fireplace provides a cheaper and more efficient want to heat the home which will help save some cash, but it will also serve to bring the family together. Sitting around the fireplace will help you create lasting memories with your children that can be passed down from generation to generation. From telling stories about one’s lives to bringing up all of those camp ghost stories, the fireplace is one of the greatest places to listen and share as a family. The fireplace is also an amazing place to help get your kids into reading books. Sitting in front of the fire and sharing a story will make kids want to read more and will encourage healthier and cheaper hobbies. You may even find that you spend more time playing board games as a family than looking at electronic screens.

9. Organize
Although it might not sound like a whole lot of fun, organizing during the winter months can be a busy activity that costs you next to nothing to do. In fact, you may actually find that you get more money out of this activity, thanks to garage sales, than you would any other weekend entertainment idea you could pick this winter. Organizing can be tough because winter seems to be the time when everything begins to look cluttered. As you begin to go through your items you’ll probably find stuff you’ve been looking for for years as well as items you don’t actually need or want anymore. If you’re lucky you might even find a bit of money that was lost in the sofa or misplaced somewhere around the house. With your house getting an organized makeover you’ll be able to spring clean and get rid of junk when the time comes.

10. Keep Warmth in Mind
When it comes to winter activity one important thing is to actually keep your family’s warmth in mind. Being out in the cold can be fun for a little while, but if anyone you’re playing outdoors with begins to get too cold then you may be looking at an expensive doctor’s visit. One way to keep warm is to ensure winter jackets are thick enough for the current temperature. If someone doesn’t have the proper coat then try to make sure they layer up properly rather than going out and buying a whole new jacket. Another way to beat the cold with a jacket that isn’t quite ready for what the outdoors is offering then you can easily stuff newspaper into the jacket, pants legs and boots. This will help lock in heat which will allow everyone to enjoy the outdoors for longer without forcing you to buy anything you don’t need. If you’re also spending longer periods outdoors then you may want to pack up a thermos with coffee, hot cocoa or warm tea. This will allow everyone to have a beverage to heat them up without forcing you to buy anything from a store.

Winter activities can be pretty cheap if you work around the more costly activities. There are plenty of fun things to do while you’re enjoying the winter solstice that will still help you keep a great budget. So pull the kids out from in front of the television set and let everyone go out and enjoy some amazing activities while the snow and cool weather last.

Bring in the New Year Right with a Frugal New Year’s Eve Blast

Everyone wants to ring in the New Year right, but many tend to think doing this means spending a lot of money to have the party of the year. Although it is always nice to feel like you’ve done your best to say farewell to old year and hello to the new year it doesn’t mean you have to go crazy with spending. With New Year’s Eve just up the road it might be time to start thinking about frugal plans to get your holiday rocking without the price tag. There are many simple solutions to your party needs that won’t have you making a huge hole in next year’s budget. With a frugal start to the New Year you may find it much easier to follow suit throughout the year.

1. Start Late
Believe it or not, but the time you decide to start your party could actually effect the amount of money you spend on it. Starting the party much later in the evening can help you avoid some major cost like dinner plans. Since most people are guaranteed to stay at the party until midnight at the earliest you may find it easier to start the party around 9 or 10 p.m. This will allow you to easily keep everyone entertained until the ball drops, without having to burn through as much food and beverages as you would for a party that starts around dinner time. Starting the party later in the evening actually makes it more of a success too. This is largely due to the fact that you won’t have to spend as much time trying to keep people entertained. With a more relaxed host people will be able to go with the flow while you stress less about the dwindling food and beverage situation.

2. Internet Radio
A lot of people tend to go out and find new music to make their party the talk of the neighborhood. This can be a pretty pricey mistake though, especially if you don’t really listen to the items you buy after the party ends. Luckily there are so many different internet radios today that offer you free music. If you’re into making your own playlist to add that personal touch to the party then you may want to check out a program like Spotify which allows you to surf through its database of music to create your own personal playlist. There are a lot of radio programs now that actually have pre-made playlist for certain events so you may find some pretty good music there. The key is to give a few different programs and playlist a try in order to find the perfect match for your guest. The only downside is you’ll probably have to listen to a few commercials throughout the night, but most are short enough to give your guest time to catch their breath and get back on the dance floor.

3. Specialized Programming
Nothing says New Years quite like watching the ball drop at midnight. There are a couple of programs now that host a huge New Year’s Eve Party in New York City that consist of interviews, music and the ball dropping at midnight. This is a simple way to keep your guest occupied as they check out their favorite bands live or get caught up with some of this year’s headline events. The event will even promote conversation as the guest interact with the music and the people who made it into the interview room. Of course, nothing will get people ready to cheer on the New Year quite like the countdown, which is the best way to let the world know your party is happy to welcome 2014. The best thing is the program is free so you don’t have to worry about any excess purchases to please the guest. If you’re feeling really ambitious then you might want to bring out the projector so you can have a large screen edition of the party.

4. Use Christmas Decor
You don’t have to go out of you way to find exciting ways to decorate for New Year’s. In fact, a lot of the items you need might still be in your home from Christmas. With New Year’s occurring just a week after the Christmas buzz you may want to forget about putting up some of the decorations until you’ve coasted into the New Year. Sure, if you have a real tree then it might be time to get it out of the house, but there’s plenty of décor that can stay. For instance, tinsel is one of the most exciting ways to give your home a look that will celebrate the New Year. The metallic colors look great laying on mantle pieces or the table and will really brighten up a party. You may also want to leave out your holiday lights, especially if you have blue or white. These lights can be strung in different places of the home so you can turn out the lights while still having enough light to dance by. Holiday snowflakes are also a great decoration item that can keep your New Year’s looking festive.

5. Bring Champagne
No New Year’s party is really complete without the champagne to toast with so you might ask your guest to bring a bottle of their own. This will ensure everyone has something bubbly to drink as you count down while also saving you quite a bit of money. Of course, if you don’t want everyone bringing their own champagne you could also ask some guest to bring other beverages like wine or soda water. By having your guest help you out with the party it will start the New Year out with a more unified feeling which can help set the tone for the upcoming twelve months. Beverages are one of the biggest cost of a party too, so your guest will help you keep out of the pricey range so everyone can enjoy themselves.

6. Pajama Party
It might be tradition to dress your best during the holiday season, but sometimes traditions can be altered. One fun way to get your guest and yourself to save a bit of cash this New Year’s Eve is to skip the formal attire and move straight on to the pajamas. Pajamas will offer everyone a lot more comfort to dance and play games in so you won’t have to be as selective about the party entertainment you choose. Dressing up in pajamas also takes an edge away from the party that might make some people feel uncomfortable which can help promote more conversation and fun. One of the best things about guests wearing pajamas is if they don’t have a ride home after drinking then they can easily just find a place to sleep at your place. So, this season you may want to drop the hours of shopping for the perfect party dress and just rock the pajamas Santa brought you.

7. Board Games
If you’re having a hard time finding a cheap way to entertain your guest then don’t be afraid to go old school and bust out the board games. You might be surprised by how many people will gladly hover over a Monopoly board for hours. Depending on your collection of games you may want to set up a few tables with some of the classic favorite so people will be able to go from game to game throughout the night. Of course, if you aren’t a board game person there is no need to go out and buy all new games just for the party. There are countless improvisation and charade games that will make most guests happy to play. Sit down and right some titles on a paper for a quick game of charades or come up with some off the wall scenarios for people to act out before the party begins. If you’re not feeling creative then take to the internet and find some free ideas. You could also set out a few decks of cards and see how the party goes from there if you’re unsure of what your guest like to play.

8. Designated Drivers
One of the most dangerous aspects of hosting a New Year’s Eve Party is dealing with people who need to get home. Chances are a lot of people have already made arrangements, but sometimes plans fall through. Before the party begins you should have a couple of people pledge to be dedicated drivers for the night. You might also want to look for taxis who offer a discounted rate during New Year’s to ensure you always have a back up plan. With drivers set you should always have a game plan as to which guest live close enough together so they can be put into groups with drivers. This might sounds expensive, but at least you’ll know everyone is home. Of course, if you want to help alleviate some of the spending then you should ask for each guest to donate a dollar or two to help pay for the gas. If your party isn’t in your home then make sure you follow the same designated driver rules for yourself. One party isn’t worth jail time, heavy fines, losing your license or death.

9. Cheap Snacks
Feeding your guest is important, but it isn’t losing $100 on one cheese plate important. Sure, you want to make a great impression and keep everyone happy over the holiday but you don’t have to lose out on a ton of money to do so. When planning out snacks you should always check to see what is on sale in the freezer aisle. The better the bulk deals the more you’ll have to serve your guests. If you’re worried about the type of foods you should serve then step back and relax. When people are drinking they tend to crave the same kind of foods you’d feed a teenager, so don’t worry about loading up on frozen pizzas and tacos. You may want to grab a few vegetables like carrots or celery and a nice dip for those who aren’t into junk food though. You might also want to drag out a few of those leftover desserts from Christmas so they won’t go bad in the freezer. With a little improvisation you can get a pretty good snack bar going for less than you’d think.

10. No Paper Invites
In this day and age there is really no reason to waste money on paper invites for your New Year’s Party. Chances are a lot of people may still be out of town for Christmas and the mail might not even get all of the invites to the recipients in time. So, why waste money on something that can be done with the click of a mouse? Instead of getting paper invited try to log on to your favorite social media page. Most of them will have something to keep track of parties so you can easily invite everyone and have them RSVP in one simple area. Of course, there are many people who still don’t like social media pages so make sure to utilize email reminders or text people individually. You may even find it easier to remind people at work or give them a call to see if they’d like to come to your party. Whichever way you choose to invite people it will still save you more money then buy paper invites and sending them through the mail.

New Year’s Eve parties can be one of the best ways to give the New Year a fresh start so don’t mess it up with over spending. With these easy tips your party will be a huge success without you spending a small fortune on it. This party will help you find peace in the old as you happily welcome the new.

Create Kwanzaa Memories Without Spending a Fortune

Celebrate an important culture this Kwanzaa when you bring together friends and loved ones for your Kwanzaa party. Although you may have spent quite a bit on getting your party together in previous years you may want to look into more cost efficient ways to keep your celebration fun. Sometimes Kwanzaa is particularly hard to fund because it falls between Christmas and New Year’s which can really overtake a budget. There are numerous ways to make Kwanzaa less about the money and more about learning about and celebrating a beloved culture though. With these easy to follow steps you’ll be able to utilize every aspect of Kwanzaa without having to stretch your budget even farther. So, stop stressing out about how you’ll meet all three holiday demands and let your Kwanzaa celebration begin.

1. Use Fruit
Kwanzaa is actually a celebration of first fruits so it makes sense that fruit would be one of the most prominent aspects of your celebration. Instead of worrying about decorations for your party you may want to utilize fruit to give your party an exciting look that can’t be beat by more expensive decorations. Fruit is simple to add onto wreaths, displays and other crafty ideas so don’t be afraid to get creative with your designs. To make your fruit last longer you may want to give it a vinegar bath which helps keep the fruit edible for longer. This will allow your guest to grab a snack whenever they feel hungry during the seven day celebration. If you aren’t really interested in using real fruit for your decorations then you might want invest in some plastic fruits. These are usually fairly inexpensive and can be used year after year to create the perfect Kwanzaa vibe in your home.

2. Celebrate Colors
When it comes to Kwanzaa you may want to keep things simple by following a simple color scheme. Typically you’ll want to decorate in red, black and green which opens up your decorating possibilities substantially. One easy way to add some colorful décor to your home is to shop the clearance section of a fabric store and find fabrics that fit the theme. If you stick with solid colors then you’ll easily be able to reuse the fabrics for other celebrations throughout the year. You can easily hang the colors on your wall for a simple background or you can create table clothes and napkins for a fun dining experience. You might also want to find flags for the kids to color in with these colors which will always make them feel like a part of the holiday while still providing your home with some fun décor.

3. Be Artistic
When it comes to Kwanzaa nothing is more fun than bringing out your artistic side. Instead of spending hours online looking for cultural pieces that could cost you a fortune you may want to take measures into your own hands. Instead, try looking up some traditional art online and using clay to mimic to the statues. You might even want to get some green, red and black playdough for the kids so they can come up with their own cultural statues to display in the home. After a few years you’ll have so many decorative pieces you won’t know where to put them all. You could also download some Kwanzaa printouts to keep the younger kids busy. If you aren’t into sculpting then you could lay out paper for and paint images of what Kwanzaa means to you. Once they’re dry make sure to find the best place to display them so everyone can talk about your art and how they feel about Kwanzaa too. If you’re low on artistic ideas then you may want to take to the internet to find even more crafts you can do for this holiday.

4. Utilize Farmer’s Markets
When it comes to your holiday feast you may want to steer clear of the local grocery store. Kwanzaa is a time to celebrate the fruit of the land, so what better place to shop then your local farmer’s market. Try to make a menu that works around some of the best priced local fruits and vegetables so you can feel like you’re celebrating the season as well as your culture. The Farmer’s Market is the best place to find the fruits you’ll want to serve, snack on and decorate with so make sure you find an abundance of delicious taste. It is also the best place to buy the ears of corn that are meant for your table. For each child in the household you should have one ear of corn to represent your family’s prosperity. If you don’t have children for your celebration then come up with another reason to celebrate and use the corn to represent that. With the farmer’s market items you’ll have the best quality foods you could hope for at a price you’ll want to celebrate.

5. Homemade Gifts
Although Kwanzaa isn’t all about the gifts many family’s still like to give out a little something for the holiday. This could be pretty difficult considering many people have a small budget due to Christmas. Instead of going all out and buying gifts you may want to try to make something for each guest that comes from the heart instead. There are so many things you can make for people that spread the meaning of celebration as well as your love for them. A poem is a great way to use your talents to give someone something special that helps represent Kwanzaa and your personal relationship. If you don’t want work with words then you might want to try painting a picture, knitting a scarf in the classic Kwanzaa colors or creating a decoration that can be used for next Kwanzaa. Another simple gift is to create a bracelet that represents the seven candles of Kwanzaa by using beads. Whichever direction you decide to take your creativity in your guest will certainly feel the love.

6. Candles
Kwanzaa requires a certain kind of candle to help kick off the celebrations. Typically the candles are meant to be made of all natural ingredients and have no scent at all. You will also need three red, three green and one black. Sometimes finding these candles at a decent price could be a bit troublesome which is why it might be a better idea to learn how to make your own candles. There are many kits available now that are low cost and can get you started making your own holiday candles. If you are experienced with candle making then you should be able to buy the ingredients at a low cost. This will also allow you to make bulk candles so you can stock up for next year, give them out as gifts or keep an extra set just in case something happens to your original set.

7. Kinara
The Kinara is one of the focal points of the Kwanzaa dinner table, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on a new one. In fact, you want to try to be as natural as possible if you can. The Kinara is a simple piece to make so don’t worry if you’re not great with crafts. Typically it is made out of a piece of driftwood or other woods that don’t really cost a whole lot at the lumber store. You can easily pick out the best piece for your home though because there is no set wood for the design. Typically the Kinara has seven holes that are easy to drill to fit your candles. If you aren’t interested in making your own then you may have an easy time finding a Kinara in a drift store on a clearance sale after the holiday is over. You might even have your kids make their own Kinara made out of toilet rolls or paper to give them a key role in the holiday process.

8. Invitations
Finding invitations to send out for Kwanzaa might be a bit tough because you tend to have to order them online. It might also be a bit pricey because the invites tend to be custom orders that rarely have a discounted price. Of course, sending out invitations also means you’ll have to pay for postage and hope that the invites get to the guest in time for the party, which is particularly hard since Christmas takes place the day before Kwanzaa. Instead of worrying about all of these factors you might want to look for a cute e-invitation you can send through the email. You could also easily form an invitation group on your favorite social media site or simple text the invite to each guest. If you want to be creative then you may want to take to a photo editing program to create your own Kwanzaa card, or print out a premade invite from the internet. If you don’t want to mail them then hand them out as you see each guest throughout the season.

9. Make Own Clothes
If your family is looking to go the traditional route this season then you might want to look into making your own traditional clothing. This will allow you some creative freedom while also allowing you to save a whole lot of money on the clothing. Typically you can buy a pattern for African clothing online for fairly cheap, but if you’re looking to save even more money then you may be able to download one from the internet or watch a tutorial that will serve as a good guide for your task. You should also be able to find fabric for these clothing at a fairly low price, especially if you’re willing to shop around a little bit before you buy. Usually if you stick with solid colors you’ll save more than you would on patterns, but if you want to go the extra mile you could also use the scrap material to serve as napkins and other décor items. You might even enjoy making the clothes so much that you’ll start creating more for next Kwanzaa to sell as a side business.

10. Entertainment
Kwanzaa is one of the easiest holidays to entertain for. Traditional songs will keep your guest pleased for hours so make sure to do some research to find music to play at the party. If you’re really interested in singing for the holiday then print out lyrics for everyone so you can create an entire chorus in your home. You should easily be able to find a Kwanzaa playlist on internet radio or you might even find videos of the songs online which can help guests learn dances and songs. As the party begins to cool down then you might want to have guest ease into traditional stories or classic Kwanzaa tales that can be found in a wide assortment of books or online. Guests may also want to talk about their heritage or the meaning of Kwanzaa which is great for younger kids to learn more about what they’re celebrating. If things tend to get boring then you might want to pull out some games. You should be able to find some traditional games online that can be recreated with household items or you can easily pull out a classic board game to unite everyone.

Although Kwanzaa is placed between Christmas and New Year’s it doesn’t have to get pumped because of your budget. You should be able to pull off a holiday everyone will remember with these easy to follow steps. So let Kwanzaa become a celebration again and forget all about the expenses it might cause you because this year your holiday will be measure in love spread and fun memories rather than how much it cost to throw your party.

Show off Your Family with These Low Cost Portrait Tips

Family portraits can be a bit of a struggle when it comes to getting everything perfect. There’s outfits, uncooperative family members and the budget that cause enough of a struggle to make you want to postpone the tradition. Of course, with the holiday season upon us there are a lot more people wanting to get together and capture the memories with a professional photographer. If your family loves to have an annual portrait made then you may want to stop and check out these tips before you make any decisions. With a few extra steps during the planning stages you should be able to eliminate the financial burden of your family portraits no matter time of the year you decide to partake in the activity.
1. Join a Members Club
Anyone who knows how expensive it is to get portraits made more than once a year should know just how much a members club can help you cut down on your major costs. There are a number of portrait studios such as JC Penny and Olain Mills that have a photography club for anyone who loves to keep up with their family’s growth. Typically it is absolutely free to join these clubs so there’s really not reason not to give it a try if you love to partake in family portraits. The clubs generally provide you with a discounted price whenever you make a purchase. A lot of them will also offer you a freebie each year that will make your purchase even better. Another great aspect of the member’s club is you will always get updates that will provide you with sales information as well as when you can start getting holiday inspired portraits for you family.

2. Get the Newsletter
If you aren’t picky about where you get your portraits taken then you might want to sign up for as many newsletters as you possibly can. Newsletters are a great way to conquer the whole portrait burden while saving you quite a bit in money. Usually it’s free to sign up for a newsletter so make sure you put your email on as many as your heart desires. Most newsletters will inform you about the company’s changes, but it will also give you the opportunity to be the first to find out about future sales and deals that can make your family portraits something to look forward to. Many different companies will actually send you exclusive coupons in the newsletter as well, which can really cut down on seasonal purchases.

3. Birthday Club
Any parent should be privileged enough to know about the birthday club. For generations many photography studios have offered this club to the children of family’s who get their portraits taken with the studio. The birthday club allows you to sign up your child using their birthday and is typically no cost to you. Every year when your child’s birthday comes around you’ll get a coupon to have your child take a portrait with their upcoming age. This is a great way to cut down on your child’s portrait cost and will give you a great image to remember your child’s age as the year’s pass. Usually the coupon will provide you with a free set of images, which could help you cut down on the cost that you spend each year. If you’re interested in the birthday club then you may want to do a little online research or call up your favorite portrait studio to see if they participate in this exciting club.

4. Know Your Rewards
One of the main reasons that portraits tend to cost a lot is because many people are giving up rewards that they don’t know they qualify for. Most photo studios have a long list of clubs and affiliations that will provide you with a hefty discount as long as you know to ask for it. Of course, this could be difficult for anyone who doesn’t have a copy of the magical list. So, if you think you may have some reason to get a discount then it is always safe to ask. Some affiliations include having a AAA membership or serving in the armed forces. There are usually several local clubs that can help you save some money too. Even if you can’t get a discount at some studios you may have better luck at a different location so don’t get discouraged at first as you may be qualified for even more at a different studio. If you’re counting on a discount for your portraits then you may want to call in ahead of time so you can confirm the discount is yours.

5. Hire an Amateur
There are an abundance of amateur photographers that are looking to improve their skills and show off their work to the public. Although they may not be certified to professional work in a studio you may find their skills are perfect for your family’s portraits. A lot of students will post up ads to work with family’s in order to earn credits with the school or simply to improve their portfolio. Usually these amateurs will only charge you a fraction of what a professional studio would so it is always a great option when you’re looking to save money. When you do choose to work with an amateur you should make sure to go through the photographers portfolio first. This will give you an idea of their skill level as well as if their work will suit the type of portrait your family is looking for. With a little bit of searching around you may find that the perfect amateur photographer can provide you with photographs that outshine the pictures you would get at a professional studio.

6. Coupons/Groupons
Like all shopping you’ll always find that coupon can really make any purchase feel even better. Most professional portrait studios typically have a wide selection of coupons that will suit first time customers as well as their regulars. Before going to get your family’s portrait you should always make sure to check out the local ads or call up the studio to find out if they actually have any available coupons to use. Another great way to cut down on the cost is to look for a groupon. These coupons are perfect for couples looking to get engagement photos or for seniors who are interested in getting some group pictures taken before they have to bid farewell to friends. Groupons can be found all over the internet so you won’t have to spend hours looking for a way to save you big.

7. Order Small
One major problem with ordering portraits is many people actually want to go after the biggest package the company offers because they feel like they’ll never be able to get the prints again. Most of the time the extra prints end up in a shoe box in the top of the closet which makes ordering such a large order a huge waste of money. Instead of going crazy over the package deals you may want to take a step back and breathe before you end up wasting hundreds on prints. When it comes to purchasing your pictures you should always buy as little as you can. Most company’s require you to purchase a basic package which usually doesn’t cost a lot. This is pretty much all you will need if you also order the disc that contains your pictures. With the disc you’ll be able to go to a department store and get prints for mere cents a piece, which will really save you hundreds in the long run. It will also mean you’ll always be able to keep the photographs even if the pictures end up getting water damage or lost later on.

8. Keep it Comfortable
Wrangling up the family can be one of the toughest aspects of getting a portrait. One way to avoid making everyone entirely miserable during the process is to have everyone wear clothes that make them feel comfortable. A lot of family’s love to have the traditional dressed up look, but this can really ruin a photograph if you have small children. Until your kids are older you may want to just give in to the Spiderman t-shirt and light up sneakers, after all it is what your family looks like on a daily basis anyway. Without having to dress up for the pictures you won’t have to spend a lot of money buying new clothes for photographs anyway. This can really help you save on the amount your portraits cost your budget. Of course, with everyone feeling comfortable and relaxed you’re more than likely not going to spend as long in the studio and you won’t have to pay for pictures of a family that looks less than spectacular.

9. Schedule It
Knowing when you make the appointment for your portraits can be one of the best ways to avoid spending too much money on your portraits. Typically around major holidays prices can really sky rocket and the longer you wait to get the pictures taken the more you’re going to end up spending. Instead, try to get your holiday photos taken care of before the rush begins. You may end up having to sacrifice the holiday props, but if you bring your own the photographer usually won’t mind using them. Another thing to consider when scheduling is your own schedule. If your kids have a specific nap time or a busy day at school then you may want to wait until they aren’t tired or stressed to take the photo. The same can be said when it comes to any of the adults in the photo. If there is anything that might make getting to the studio a problem then you should always avoid it as it may make you purchase photographs that are less than perfect.

10. DIY
A lot of people tend to overlook their technology when they think about family portraits. Most people have good quality cameras that have automatic buttons so you can easily set a timer to take a family photo. Doing your own photography could allow you to capture priceless moments your family has, rather than staged pictures that tend to look stiff and unnatural. Using your own skills to capture your children is one of the best things you can do as it will help capture how they really are rather than forcing them to smile or taking them out of the element in order to capture them at a certain age. If you really want to get into the images then you can digitally edit them with software you already own or a wide selection of free software that is available online. This will allow you to give the pictures the professional edge they need so you can feel proud to present them to people you love. You may also want to try to print them at home to get the entire DIY experience. Of course, this isn’t an option for everyone so you may want to looking into department store prices so you can save the most on your final product.

Capturing the essence of your family is an important way to document they way everything has changed. With children growing before your eyes and new additions added to the household all of the time you’ll love having portraits of your family through the various stages of your life. With these simple tips you’ll be able to afford getting your family’s portrait captured as often as you like, so you won’t have to miss a single moment of your family’s change over the years.

Ten Ways to Make Peace With Your Holiday Shopping

With Christmas Day rapidly creeping up it might seem frightening to even consider how much you’ll end up spending this holiday season. Although there is always that desire to get everyone what they want for the holidays, it often isn’t financially smart to do so. There are a few ways to give some pretty amazing gifts this holiday season without forcing yourself into a debt over the items. Holiday shopping is one of those tasks that are often dreaded because of the amount of money that goes into the process. With these tips you’ll be able to find some peace and fun in this annual tradition which will leave you anticipating the holiday rather than stressing out about it.

1. Shop Early
One way to avoid the holiday stress is to simply do some shopping early. Anyone who has ever ventured out on Christmas Eve to deal with a forgotten gift knows how hard it is to find what you’re looking for, let alone pay the monstrous price for it. If you start your shopping months in advance you may find you’ll actually be able to avoid the holiday stress and instead celebrate the tranquility of the season. If you’re feeling really ambitious then you may want to start out on your shopping as early as January. If you see an item someone would love to have then go ahead and get it if the money permits. This will give you a stock of gifts before you even have to worry about who is on Santa’s nice list. It will also allow you to have money to spend on everyone, rather than trying to squeeze in the huge price tag of the holiday in three or four paydays.

2. Avoid Online Shopping
Shopping online may seem like a great option when it comes to getting everything you need for the holidays. However, unless you can find free shipping on your purchase it may not work out in your favor. There are actually very few items that can be ordered online during the holidays that will actually save you money. Instead, you should always do a little research and pick the item up at a local store. Typically, when you shop online your shipping alone could end up making your purchase $20 to $30 more than you would spend in an actual store. Occasionally there is a great purchase, but it is usually better to avoid to shopping via the internet unless you are simply window shopping. Although it may seem inconvenient on your end during this busy season it is actually cheaper to tackle the long lines to get the items you need.

3. Make Gifts
If you’re looking to save as much money as possible then you may want to put your craftsmanship to work instead of spending a fortune on commercial items. A homemade gift is a great way to make someone feel special while saving you a whole lot of money. If you’re looking to make gifts for your loved ones this year then you may want to start working on your projects early in the year as it will give you plenty of time to get everything ready without leaving you stressed out during the holiday season. A lot of people have specific skills they love to utilize, but if you aren’t sure about your crafting niche yet then you may want to look up some holiday projects online. There are a lot of websites dedicated to helping you find cool crafts and showing you how to make them. One of the most common holiday projects is making a custom holiday ornament that can be brought out year after year. You can also use your skills to make your own holiday cards so you don’t have to worry about spending money on bulk cards too.

4. Draw Names
One huge problem during the holidays is buying for everyone on your list. If you have a lot of friends or a big family then coming up with a budget to get someone a little something can really hurt your household budget. The best way to remedy this problem is to draw names during the holiday. This will allow everyone to spend a bit more money on their gift and will ensure that everyone in the group gets at least one gift. If you have multiple groups to buy for then this will certainly make the holiday gifting a lot less burdensome and will require a lot less time on your part. You may even want to turn the holiday ritual into a Secret Santa party or a game where each person gets to trade off gifts. This will even bring a little bit more fun to your holiday parties.

5. Avoid the “it” gift
It happens every single year. There is one item or another that hits the market just at Christmas time that every child or adult absolutely has to have. Of course, every year the “it” gift is ridiculously expensive and will certainly cut into your holiday budget. Although it might be everyone’s must have item you should probably try to avoid this gift at all costs. The “it” gift tends to be something that is well advertised through the season so everyone believes that have to have it, when reality is that most people will lose interest in before the New Year happens. Instead of wasting a fortune on this gift you might want to look for something that is similar. This will give the satisfaction of having the gift without forcing you to pay the price tag. For instance, there are numerous jewelry trends that feature similar items that aren’t even close to the price of the “it” item. Kid’s must have toys can usually be replaced by items that are similar or something you actually know your child is going to use throughout the year.

6. Shop Sales Only
Many people lose out on a lot of money because they only shop full priced stores for their holiday gifts. Although it may seem easy to shop in these stores, it is just as easy to take on the outlet stores who offer many of the same items for a whole lot less. These sales stores are designed to give you more for your money, so make sure you take advantage of the amazing deals during the holiday season. You may also want to avoid your favorite stores until they are having their holiday sales. This will help you get items at a better price which could help you afford more gifts for friends and family. Of course, nothing really beats shopping for items in the clearance section as there is generally something for everyone at a price that is more than friendly for your price limit.

7. Research Before Buying
One of the worst things about holiday shopping is finding an item you’ve purchased recently at a lower price. One way to remedy this buyers remorse is to do a whole lot of research before you actually make your purchase. This can be tough during the holidays because you want to make sure you secure the perfect gift, but with a little patience you’ll find your gift shopping can save you money if you avoid impulse buying. With your research taken care of you can sit back and enjoy wrapping the gifts and anticipating the day they’ll be opened. Of course, you could also research stores that will match prices. This will allow you to take back any items you find cheaper so you can still receive the best possible price on them.

8. Layway
If you tend to be an early shopper then you might want to consider using a layway program. A lot of department stores and some technology stores will allow you to go shopping and put a hold on the items you have so you can pick them up at a later date. This allows you to put down a down payment on the items so you will have a hold on the must have gifts that might fly off the shelves this season. With your gifts saved for your family you won’t have to worry about doing any more shopping. The layway program allows you to put money down on the items each month until you pay them off, which is a great way to make sure you don’t spend too much money during one particular pay period. If you end up finding an item that you’ve placed on layway for cheaper elsewhere then you can remove from the layway and get a full refund on the money you’ve already put down on the item.

9. Make a List
There’s a pretty good reason why Santa Claus makes a list and checks it twice. One of the easiest ways to save money during the holiday season is to sit down and make a list before you do any shopping. Make sure you write down anyone you may need to buy a gift for so you won’t end up doing any last minute shopping as this tends to cost the most money. Your list can even get complex enough to point out the different price levels you are willing to spend on each person. Thus, you can calculate potential spending before you actually go to the store and buy things. With this information already decided you won’t have to worry about going over the amount stated on your list which can help you avoid going crazy on shopping during the season.

10. Set a Budget
For the best possible way to save money on your holiday spending you should make a budget and stick to it. Make sure you go over your finances well before you decide on how much you want to spend over the season. This doesn’t mean you should decide to spend money based on how much you have on your credit card. Instead you should work out your finances so you know exactly what won’t leave you in a bind when the holidays are over. With this in mind you’ll be able to set a spending limit for each person on your holiday list. If you can stick to the amount of money you set up for each individual you should have absolutely no problem saving over the holiday season. Of course, the trick is actually spending the time to come up with the best possible budget for your holiday and future finances, so make sure you check your number more than twice.

As the holidays grow nearer you may be concerned about how much you’re spending on gifts. With these easy tips you should be able to get just what you need for a lot less than you’d normally spend on your holiday expenditures. You should never let the meaning of the season get lost in the commercial attraction of the holiday. Instead cool down before you make any shopping decisions and check out how much you’ll be able to save by simply following these tips. With your finances looking great you may find that the holiday season may become one of your favorite parts of the year again.

Why You Just Shouldn’t Attempt Holiday Traveling

With the month of December already upon us and moving along rapidly it may be time for you to start planning out your traveling plans. The holidays is one of the most rushed and uncomfortable times to hit the road or the airlines and can really cost you a bundle no matter how many deals you find. After the stress of looking around for traveling deals you may find that the best deal of all is simply staying at home. If you’re looking to save money this holiday season then you may want to ditch your traveling plans and enjoy the holiday festivities at home. If you’re still not certain about staying in this season then here’s ten reasons that might make you want to.

1. Traffic
It doesn’t matter if you’re traveling across country or your staying in the same city because you’re going to run into traffic everywhere. With everyone taking to the stores to get their shopping finished and people looking to travel to loved one’s home you may find that the roads take twice as long to travel on. The more traffic there is on the roads the more gas money you have to spend during the holidays and the more time you have to spend away from those that you love. If you decide to drive longer distances then you may find yourself making terrible time and having to stop more frequently compared to a normal road trip. The worst aspect about the higher traffic rate is the sheer fact that there are several more accidents during the holiday travel season which could turn your travels into a disaster. So, you might want to take the road as little as possible and find things for your family to do in the home or within walking distance.

2. Hotels
Finding a hotel room during the holiday season can be one of the biggest sources of frustration, especially if you’re looking for a room or two in a larger city. During the holiday seasons hotels tend to book up rapidly so if you don’t have a hotel booked before Halloween you may end up staying somewhere less than desirable. Hotel prices also sky rocket during this busy season as hotels know their rooms are in demand and people won’t think twice about paying the increased price. A lot of the time many of the hotels will actually increase the price of their services, such as room service or basic fees, in order to make a greater profit during this time of the year. This can really cut into your holiday budget substantially so if you don’t have a family member to stay with you may want to cancel your trip and enjoy the savings in your own comfortable home.

3. Loss of Work Hours
Everyone knows that the holidays mean a whole lot of spending and a little less working, which could cause a problem in the upcoming months. If you decide to travel for the holidays then you’re going to lose some of those valuable hours that will help you earn enough to pay off the high price of your holiday. For many, traveling takes up a good portion of their time off work too. Thus, you lose out on the work hours to spend hours trapped in the car or on a plane. If you really have to take time off work you may want to consider doing something you’ll enjoy rather than wasting the time getting to and from your holiday destination. Of course, staying home for the holidays means you can work up the actually holiday so you don’t have to miss out on the work hours nor will you have to sacrifice the time with friends and family on the actual holiday. This may even help you prevent having to catch up with work when the holidays are over.

4. Long Distance
Chances are if you’ve traveled on the holidays at some point or another you’ve gone to great distances to get to your destination. This typically means taking an airplane, train, bus or driving. Each of these means of transportation can cost you a fortune during the holiday season. Airlines book as many people as possible on planes during this busy month while still increasing the price of the airline ticket. So, for a hefty price you’re going to end up cramped with strangers for hours at a time. Trains can run pretty expensive too and with unpredictable winter weather you may find yourself stuck in a part of the country you would never want to spend your holiday in. Buses might be a cheaper way to get where you want, but most of the time they take three times as long to get to your destination of choice. So you could be stuck for days on an overcrowded bus that fails to meet your basic traveling needs anything. If you choose to drive you’re going to end up spending a fortune on gasoline while also getting frustrated with the traffic and impatience of the passengers in the car. The further you choose to travel the worse you’ll feel about going, which makes staying home seem like a dream in comparison.

5. Luggage
Leaving home during the holidays typically means lugging around a few suitcases with all of your items. Although luggage is a part of traveling all year long people tend to have a lot more when it comes to the holiday season. Between winter clothing, which takes up more space, and holiday gifts your luggage may triple during this already hectic traveling season. A lot of airlines only allow you to bring a set amount of luggage which could mean you’ll be paying some not so friendly overages each time you fly. When you fly you also run the risk of losing your luggage, which could mean a major loss if your holiday gifts disappear. It also means there could be a good chance that you won’t have enough room for all of your luggage in your car. After all, there’s only so much room in your trunk and you don’t want to leave your passengers cramped on longer trips. If you end up using an over the top carrier you also run the risk of losing some of your prized possessions on the high way.

6. Holiday Business
We all know that many places of business close down during major holidays which never seems to be too big of an issue when we’re comfortable at home. If you do plan on traveling to a different location you may find that the closed stores and restaurants could leave you in a pretty big bind on your holiday. If you aren’t spending the holiday with family and friends then chances are you’ll probably won’t to go out for a nice meal on Christmas. However, many places are actually going to be closed so it might mean you’ll have to waste a little gas to find a restaurant that’s actually open. It also might mean that you’ll pay quite a bit more for a meal you normally wouldn’t consider buying at that price. If you don’t have a car on you then you may find that hailing a taxi, or even calling one in, will take a lot more time and effort. There’s also a good chance you’ll end up paying twice the normal rate, so be careful how far you go.

7. Savings
You might not realize it at the time, but a Christmas trip can actually cost you as much as a short summer vacation. This can really be a downer when summer rolls around and the family needs the break but you can’t afford to pay for a longer vacation. Instead of traveling during the holiday season you could always put back the money you intended to travel with during the holidays and use it for an extended summer vacation that will help your entire family unwind from the busy year. It might even help you save up even more vacation days with your work place so you don’t have to fret about taking time off. If you don’t like to take long holidays then take you traveling money and buy something nice for the home. This will help keep maintenance fees down and could refresh the mood of the home. Of course, you could always use the money for a little rainy day fund that can be used whenever the house needs a little day trip.

8. Crowds
It doesn’t matter if you’re in a big town or small town if you choose to see a holiday event. Typically any type of parade, shopping center, amusement park and even ice skating rinks are going to be completely crowded. This could leave you feeling uncomfortable during the event which might make your plans feel like more of a burden than a fun time. Going anywhere during the holidays pretty much means you’re going to be batting through the crowds to get where you need to be. Thus, staying at home might be one of the best options for your entire family. Crowds can also be dangerous you aren’t careful and might be a terrible idea if you have small children.

9. Crime
When it comes to crime the holiday season sees it fair share. One of the more common problems during this season is burglaries. The Christmas season brings a lot of empty homes as people travel to see those they care about, which means it is a whole lot easier for someone to break into your home without a trace. If you do leave for the holidays you may want to make sure your home isn’t noticeably vacant and you have a security system ready to take action if something does happen. Pick pocketing is another huge holiday crime. You should always make sure your wallet or purse is secure so you don’t have to worry about losing your cash whenever you go out. You might also want to make some arrangement with your neighbors in regards to mail. If you have packages coming from a non-USPS carrier then your items could go missing if someone you trust doesn’t pick them up. You might also want to put a hold on your mail so you don’t have to worry about someone stealing important documents or packages. Of course, simply not traveling during the season could eliminate a lot of these holiday crimes.

10. Illness
Airlines and bus stations are filled with people suffering from cold and flu symptoms, so chances are if you decide to travel during the holiday season you’re more than likely going to get sick. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had the flu already or not as there are so many strands of different illnesses going around that chances are you’ll end up with something. Of course, this probably means you’re going to be sick for the duration of your holiday vacation which will make your time away from home even more miserable. If you’re lucky enough not to catch something on the way to your destination then there’s a pretty big chance you’ll catch it on your way home. Thus, you’ll end up getting sick just in time to go back to work and you won’t have the leave time to take off to make a quick recovery. If you end up staying at home then chances are you’ll be able to enjoy the holiday season and go back to work with a healthy and relax outlook.

Traveling can be a total nightmare during the holiday so it is hard to understand why we subject ourselves to it each and every year. If you’re looking to save money this holiday season and perhaps a little bit of your sanity then you may consider canceling the holiday trip and spending some quality time at home with your immediate family.

Light Up Your Holiday Decor Without Fighting Blinding Costs

We all love looking at the beautiful holiday decorations each year. Sometimes, we even pull out our own and help warm up the neighborhood with holiday cheer. Unfortunately, decorating can be expensive in a lot of different ways. There is such a wide selection of decorations that it is often overwhelming when choosing what suits the household. This can cause a lot of financial stress as we might need to over indulge or we may even choose something that might cost a lot of money to light up throughout the season. Of course, like many decorating projects there are numerous ways to avoid huge costs while still keeping up with your seasonal traditions. With these ten tips you’ll be the star of the neighborhood with your amazing holiday display.
1. Switch to LED
If you’re looking for new lights for your home this season then you might want to avoid the classic string up lights and move right on over to the LED section. You might wonder how exactly these lights will save you money as the price tag is usually quite a bit higher than the average light set, but you’ll notice a difference as soon as you get your electricity bill. Each strand of LED lights can actually save you up to $3.60 on your monthly bill. This can really rack up the savings, especially if you’re a fan of lighting up the neighborhood each holiday season. LED lights actually tend to last a bit longer than the typical light too. Thus, you’ll get a lot more use out of them and by the second or third holiday they will have already paid for themselves by reducing your electric bill. You may even find that the LED lights tend to go a bit further when it comes to lighting up your home for the holidays.

2. Timer
One of the major problems with holiday lights is people tend to leave them on for too long. The bill rises more and more by the hour which can cause your monthly bill to skyrocket before the holidays are over. If you tend to find yourself falling asleep before you turn off your lights or just forget they’re on then you may want to invest in a time. This allows you to set a time for the lights to come on as well as a time for them to go off. Thus, if you’re looking to save a lot of money you can run the lights for only a couple hours without ever having to touch the power button. This is also perfect for anyone who is going away for the holidays. The timer will give the home the illusion of being occupied which may help keep burglars away from your area.

3. Battery Power
There are a lot of battery operated decorations on the market today, which is a huge benefit when it comes to your power bill. From wreaths to light up or noise making decorations you can really save big when you buy this battery operated devices. When you have battery operated items you tend not to have to run a whole lot of power to your decorations. It also means you have to worry less about leaving items on as the batteries tend to last through the season. Of course, if you’re worried about having to keep replacing batteries or you just want to save as much money as possible then you may want to switch to rechargables. This will give you a boost of batteries in the home, especially for all of the kid’s gifts that will need them, so you won’t have to worry about using the electric for everything holiday oriented.

4. String Your Own Tree
If you tend to go for the plastic tree during the holidays then you may want to go for one that doesn’t come with lights already on it. Sure, stringing up a Christmas Tree every year can be a total hassle, especially when you have to spend hours untangling the lights and checking to see if they still work. With all of your work you’ll get a great financial reward though. Typically purchasing a tree can save you up to $200 on the final cost of an artificial tree. It also gives you the opportunity to pick out which lights are best for your household. So, instead of having a tree that drains an extraordinary amount of electricity you can buy LED lights and other energy efficient decorations for your holiday tree. With the proper selection of lights and a light up schedule you’ll notice a huge difference in your holiday season electric bill.

5. Trade Ins
Most people have a pretty good collection of old holiday lights lying around in storage. Whether you’re saving them to harvest lights for other strands or you just haven’t upgraded to LED then you may want to grab them all and take them to your nearest store. There are so many different stores that are now excepting these lights as a trade in program. Home Depot is one example of a store that will take in all of your old lights and give you a pretty good discount when you pay LED lights. This is a great way for stores to help out with the environment while getting good business on new lights each year. Of course, you might want to call in and ask before you head to the store with all of your lights as not all stores are participating in this trade in program. You may be surprised by how many stores are actually willing to help you recycle your old lights while also giving you a little treat for upgrading.

6. Less is More
One of the biggest issues with holiday decorations is people overdoing it. There are so many choices now that people tend to buy too much and end up with a very cluttered yard. This is not only ascetically displeasing, but it also horrible on your energy bill. So, stop shopping for new items and be a bit more selective. Most yards look good with one or two decorations, or a simple theme, so don’t try to create an entourage of holiday figures but create a nice display that people can enjoy as they drive by. This is one of the best ways to win or even place in a lighting contest which could earn you more cash towards your holiday budget. A simple design means less of a bill for you though, which can really make the holiday season a lot easier.

7. Display Later
There’s no law saying that you have to have your holiday décor out the moment Thanksgiving is over. Instead, let the month of December set in a little while before you get ready for the next big event. The less you have your holiday decorations out the less you will end up paying for the electricity they will use throughout the season. Try to aim your decoration task for the middle of the month, which will give everyone plenty of time to enjoy your display without cramping up your financial budget. When the holiday is finished then try to get the decorations up before the New Year so you can enjoy spending less and less each holiday season. Doing this each year will also help keep your outdoor decorations in better shape so you can use them longer. You may even find that you enjoy the holiday a lot more since you won’t end up celebrating it for the entire month.

8. Small Pieces
Choosing decorations can be one of the key points to saving the most money on your decorating. You should always look for pieces that are a bit smaller as they tend to be cheaper to light up and are easier to store. Small pieces add a classic touch to your lawn while not taking away from the beauty of the lights. If you aren’t too sure about buying smaller decorations then you may want to look at how much it cost to power up one of the huge inflatable decorations for just one hour. You may find a renewed love in the simple look of a light up tree or reindeer. Of course, in this day and age your selection isn’t exactly limited even if you are only buying smaller pieces. With any luck you’ll find something that is small and at a fantastic price so you save money on all levels.

9. Coupons/Rebates
There’s nothing like a good coupon deal to make you feel great about spending money. As the holidays grow closer and closer you’ll find there are coupons that will help you take off quite a bit from your initial purchase. The longer you wait to look for your decorations the easier it will be to find some pretty exciting deals on your holiday purchases. If you’re looking at greener purchases, such as LED lights then you may even be lucky enough to find a great rebate on the purchase. A lot of cities want to push residents to go for a more green friendly decorating scheme as it saves the city money and also help reduce the carbon footprint we leave on the Earth. Thus, so many companies will actually give you money back just for buy LED lights. You may even find these rebates on lawn ornaments and other cool holiday decorations. So, make sure you do a little investigating before you choose just what you want to decorate with.

10. Be Patient
Tis the season to exercise your skills in patience. Although it may be tough to keep your cool in the holiday lines patience is a rewarding part of the holiday season. So, instead of going on a spending spree for your décor you may want to refrain from doing any major shopping until the holiday is over. Typically the day after Christmas you’ll find a whole lot of amazing decorations and lights on sale at prices that will make you wonder why you ever shopped before Christmas in the first place. From expensive decorations to huge displays you might be lucky enough to get up to a 75% discount on some of the items you had your eye on during the holidays. Sure, you might not get to use the items this year, but they’ll look absolutely fantastic in your front yard come next season. You may even be able to find some energy efficient replacements for some of your older decorations or lights too, which will help you get rid of some of your holiday money pits that you couldn’t part with before!

It is often hard to say no to decorating when the holidays roll around. With all of the neighbors beautiful décor as well as the holiday mood in the air it could prove to be impossible to keep from decorating even when the budget doesn’t exactly allow it. With these ten tips you’ll not only be able to keep your lights on but will help improve the way you shop for your household’s holiday look. So, get ready to watch your neighbors marvel over you display, enter competitions and simply enjoy having your home as part of the holiday tradition without having to stress about your bills. After all, this fun only comes around once in a year, so you might as well enjoy it!

Trim Your Tree at Prices that Would Make the Grinch Smile

One of the biggest parts of the Christmas tradition is picking out a tree to suit the family and decorating it together. There are so many different trees and decorations to choose from that you might end up feeling overwhelmed when you go to choose yours. This can be a major problem when it comes to budgeting for your tree and holiday decorations. There are many ways that you can actually save a whole lot of money on your Christmas Tree while still getting the items you want to make it suit your family’s needs and personality. With a few simple tips to keep you on task you’ll find you have the ability to make the best financial decisions when it comes to your tree without having to lose out on the quality or design that you’ve always wanted.

1. Go Plastic
It might not be the ideal holiday tree, but some of the artificial tress you find in stores might actually make you believe you have a real tree. Artificial trees are one of the easiest ways to cut back on spending during the holiday season. Although you might end up spending up to $100 on one of these tress you will still be able to save money as the tree will stick with your family for years to come. There are numerous artificial trees to choose from, but one of the best ways to get your money’s worth out of a tree is to avoid making trendy decisions on the tree. You should always choose a tree that you’re going to use year after year, rather than one that will just be thrown out next season. Typically it is safer to go with the classic tree look rather than trees that have the illusion of snow or are brightly colored. When you choose a tree you might also want to pick one that already has lights on it, which cut down on lighting cost. If you’re still longing for the real tree smell then pick up some pine scented sticks and your home will be ready for the season.

2. Know Your Trees
If you do actually decide to buy a real tree this year then you may want to do a little research before you go out and pick one. There are a number of different holiday trees on the market, so knowing what you’re getting will help you get the most out of your money and your tree. When you visit the tree market make sure you already have a budget firmly set so you’ll know how much you can spend. It might also be wise to only bring cash so you can’t go over the initial cost. This is largely due to sales people talking many customers into buying higher priced trees. By knowing the different names for the trees you’ll be able to understand the trees worth based on your knowledge rather than how the tree looks. You might also want to take into consideration some of your household’s needs when shopping. For instance, if you’re buying a tree early then you may not want to buy trees that get dried out fast. Some trees actually have extra strong branches which is perfect for those large ornaments. While other trees have sharper needles which could help keep the household’s pets from climbing the tree!

3. Cut Your Own
For many families part of the holiday magic is to actually go out and cut down your own tree. This might not just be a great bonding experience, but could also help your family save a whole lot of money on the holiday tree. If you do plan on going for a real tree this year then this should be one of the options. Typically a permit to cut down a Christmas Tree usually runs around $10. So, if you have your own tools and form of transportation for the tree then you’re looking to get a tree at a very low price. You should always make sure to check the rules about cutting down trees before you go to do so as they are different for every given area. You may end up paying more in some areas if you choose a larger tree. Of course, you should also always keep in mind the measurements of your home as you won’t want to cut down a tree that is too large.

4. Be Patient
Sure, after Thanksgiving when the holiday buzz is in the air, it might be a bit too tempting to go out and buy a tree just so you can have your home ready for the holiday. This can be a horrible thing if you’re planning on buying a real tree though. You should always until, at least, the middle of December before purchasing a tree because real trees begin to lose moisture after they are cut down. This means your tree’s needle are going to dry up, fall out and end up in someone’s foot even if you vacuum every single day. There are ways to keep a tree alive longer, but you won’t be able to do it for a full month so try to refrain from tree shopping until the date is a little bit closer. Another bad aspect about older trees is the branches become very brittle which could cause them to break under the pressure of some ornaments. This won’t just make the tree look bad, but it will also cause your ornaments to fall down and break. So, do yourself a favor and don’t waste money on a tree you’ll have to replace before the holiday because it might end up costing you a lot more than you bargained.

5. Homemade Ornaments
When it comes to ornaments it might be hard to refrain from spending a bundle. There are so many beautiful items on the market that we tend to want to follow trends and buy new things each year. Buying one or two new things tend not to hurt the budget too much, but there are many ways to actually cut down on ornament cost almost complety. Homemade ornaments are a great way to bring the family together for the season. You can easily string together homemade popcorn for a beautiful garland that you’d never be able to buy in a store. Another great way to make the tree personal is to add photos into the tree. If you don’t want to use prints from a photographer then print the photo out, cover it in mod podge for durability and add a ribbon to help keep it on the tree. You might also want to buy some empty ornaments, which are usually very cheap, and add pictures to those for a yearly ornament everyone will love. Another way to make it person is to find some of the kid’s old toys. As long as they are small they should make a great decoration that will allow your children to look back on their childhood.

6. Big Items
If you tend to fill your tree up with smaller items then you might notice you have to keep buying to make sure there are no sparce areas. Of course, a lot of the time this could also mean that your tree is going to look cluttered because of the items you put on it. One of the easiest ways to remedy this situation is to use larger items to decorate. Sure, these items can be more expensive at times, but a lot of them can easily be made by hand. For instance, a large ribbon or a cute banner is simple to make and will take up a lot of room on the tree without it seeming cluttered and unorganized. This can help you cut down on themed trees as well which is one of the best choices you can make financially.

7. Space Out Purchases
It might be hard to do, but you should avoid buying ornaments in bulk as much as possible. A good tree is easy to add onto each year so you don’t have spend hundreds of dollars on ornaments that you’ll probably be tired of before the year is over. Instead try picking out an ornament to represent the year that can be reused holiday after holiday. This will allow you to spend no more than $20 a year on ornaments and if you do end up buying something you can’t stand next season you won’t be out a whole lot of money. You might even find that you love looking back at the ornaments you chose throughout the years when you put up your tree each year.

8. Alternatives
Not everyone has enough space for a Christmas Tree. Sure, cramming the smallest tree in the lot into your living area might be your way of remedying the problem, but you might find there are a few alternatives that don’t leaving you feeling as cramped and save you some money. Anyone who lives in an apartment, especially on the higher floors may want to try drawing their own tree. To to get some butcher paper and marker and draw out the tree of your dreams. This will make a great bonding experience for your family and you can hold on to the trees throughout the year to see how they change as the family grows. You might also want to consider using a plant as a tree. There are many plants that actually look seasonal and will help bring the holiday environment without stealing yoru space. You might even want to grab a few ornaments for your plant, but make sure to go easy as you may end up with a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree if you aren’t careful.

9. Inspect Well
One of the biggest ways to save money on a holiday tree is to do a simple inspection. A lot of trees on the market might end up looking pretty rough before you actually get it to your home. Make sure you shake the tree a bit to check out the needles and walk around it to make sure there aren’t huge bare spots. If you do notice these things and there’s some time before Christmas then you may want to move on to another tree. Of course, the closer to Christmas it gets the more you’ll be able to haggle the price down if you notice these things. Most people don’t want to end up with a surplus of trees before the season is over so they may be willing to cut the price down substantially if they notice anything major is wrong with the tree. With a few days until Christmas your new tree should last long enough for the festivities.

10. After Holiday Sales
Of course, many people just can’t resist the temptations of buying a whole new set of ornaments. For this situation it might be best just to wait until the holiday are over. Generally as soon as Boxing Day is upon us all of these items will go in the clearance bin and you’ll reap some pretty amazing savings. It might also help you feel confident about next years decorating as you’ll have a bran new look to start the season off with. This can also take a huge burden off the holiday budget as next year you’ll have a new set so you won’t have to spend the budget on ornaments until the season is over and you’ve already bought all of your presents!

Christmas Trees provide a magical experience for the family, so don’t let the price tag make the fun go away. With these simple tricks you’ll be on your way to an award winning tree in no time at all. You might even find that this year’s holiday tree seems to have brought you and your loved ones closer together as you created decorations for its beauty.