
Archive for December 26, 2016

Frugal Ways For Kwanzaa Beginners to Celebrate and Learn

If you’re new to Kwanzaa and don’t know where to begin then you may find it overwhelming to see how expensive it is to get this holiday off the ground. There are, of course, cheap options, but if you’re not sure how to start and don’t have guidance then spending lots of money may be the solution. There’s lots of great ways to enjoy the holiday though even if you’re not sure how to set a proper budget for it. With a few simple tips you can easily bring the holiday to life without spending much of anything. This should allow you to embrace the holiday and incorporate it into your life for years to come without allowing it to add extra financial stress during the holiday season.

1. Start Off Small
A lot of people want to simply dive into the holiday full force, which means getting décor, attire, gifts and food. Of course, if you don’t know where to start then you may end up buying things that are overly priced or those you won’t be able to cook properly. Instead of throwing a lot of money into the holiday try starting simple. For instance, Kwanzaa is actually separated into seven different principles. So, try taking one of the principles and concentrating on that for your first year. Then, next year move on to the next. You can keep adding on this way, or you can move faster when you feel more comfortable with the holiday. You can also keep things simple by tackling one traditional dish a year, instead of overwhelming yourself with a feast. As you learn to perfect the one dish then add on until you can experience the full effect. You can do this with crafts, attire and games too.

2. Go to the Library
If you want to read up on the holiday or simply find resources to help you celebrate, then you’ve probably found a lot of pricey books on the subject. This can be discouraging especially if you’re looking forward to celebrating the holiday. Luckily, your local library should have a wide range of resources to help you gain a better understanding of the celebration. You may even be able to find cookbooks and other helpful materials to get your Kwanzaa party started. Many libraries will even have books directed towards children, so you can begin teaching the little ones about the holiday from a young age. If you’re just beginning, these books may be a valuable resource to you too as they usually present the ideas in a way that creates a perfect foundation. Of course, if you can’t find resources at your library then make sure to talk to the librarians. They may be able to request information for you or steer you in the right direction as to how to find it for free.

3. Print Out Activity Sheets
When it comes to learning about Kwanzaa, the internet can actually be your best friend. There’s lots of great resources that can help you plan out ways to teach your children about Kwanzaa. This can be a great resource for parents that are learning themselves, or for those who have celebrated the holiday for decades now. Many of these resources come in the form of activity sheets, which can be found on websites designed to teach about Kwanzaa, African culture or even most homeschooling websites. These activity sheets can also prove to be a fantastic way to keep your child’s mind active while they are enjoying winter break. You might consider starting to work on the sheets when the children get out of school for winter break, or you can always wait to begin the lessons until the holiday actually begins. Either way, you should be able to teach them quite a bit about the holiday without spending more than the cost of printer ink and paper.

4. Learn a Recipe
Food can play a big part in many holidays and Kwanzaa is no exception to the rule. If you plan on celebrating with family and friends, then having a bit of food on hand is an absolute must. Thus, learning a recipe may actually be one of the easiest ways to ensure you learn a lot about the holiday through experience. Most foods have specific ties to an event, so when you pick out the item you want to learn how to cook make sure you do a little research on it too. You will learn about where the items in the recipe come from, why it is a food used in the celebration and if it still has cultural appeal to this day. This will give you a deeper connection with the celebration and will help you feel closer to ancestors and the culture and country you are celebrating.

5. Watch a Movie/Show
One of the easiest and quickest ways to learn about something is through movies and programs that show the activity. There are actually quite a few movies and TV shows on Kwanzaa, which can be a great way to begin your celebration. Try to find a streaming website or a frugal movie or show to buy for the big occasion. Then, gather up the family to watch and learn through the actions of the film. You may find deeper meaning in the holiday by doing this, which will certainly allow you to find inspiration to progress in your celebration. Finding the perfect movie may be hard though, because there are so many great options that you may want to watch them all. In fact, there’s even a Kwanzaa Rugrats special that is sure to keep the kids glued to the screen as you all enjoy the quality time together.

6. Universities/Churches
You might find that one of the best resources you can find on Kwanzaa is actually your local education facilities or churches. Although Kwanzaa is not a religious holiday, many churches will offer classes to help to teach you the meaning of the holiday and to help you celebrate whether it be on your own or with the church. Some universities and community colleges will also offer courses for the celebration around the time winter break shows up. Full courses may cost money, but if the facility hosts a guest lecture or special program then it may cost you little to nothing to attend. You may even find the institution to host its own Kwanzaa party that is open to the community. By spending time at these functions, you should be able to grasp the holiday a little better while ensuring you have a lot of fun without spending a lot of money.

7. Craft Gifts
Another way to learn more about Kwanzaa is to get your hands dirty, so to say. Try looking up some Kwanzaa crafts to see if you find something you’d like to make for those in your inner circle. When you do this, you will learn a lot about the types of crafts celebrated during the holiday and why they are often incorporated into the Kwanzaa fun. This will also give you a deeper meaning of the holiday and will supply you with cost friendly gifts to pass out to friends. You can also craft African drums to celebrate the culture. These make the perfect gift for children and will help keep them engaged in the holiday while showing them they can have a little fun. You may even look into online lessons to help the family learn more about the drums and how to play them.

8. Learn Songs
Singing is a huge part of African culture, so it goes without saying that singing your heart out during Kwanzaa is a must. Thus, you might want to start your Kwanzaa education by learning some of the songs that are commonly used. This, in itself, will give you a deeper meaning of the holiday because songs tend to layout reasons for celebration, history and culture. You can find lots of Kwanzaa songs online too, so check out spread sheet websites, your favorite streaming apps or even video streaming websites. Before you know it, you’ll be singing along like you’ve been celebrating the holiday your whole life. You may even try to find some special songs for children to ensure they get the chance to learn and participate in the holiday as well.

9. Share Family Stories
Part of the beauty of Kwanzaa is celebrating the culture of your family. This can be the perfect time to share the story of where you come from with your family. If you don’t know when to begin then this holiday might be the perfect time to uncover some of the stories that make up your legacy. You may want to start by asking the elders in your family about your roots. Make sure to write it all down in a book so you can share with your family for generations to come. If you’d like to take a closer look at your roots then you may want to look into a DNA ancestry test or a service that will help you trace your roots. You may be surprised by how far back you can trace your family tree and the stories and family you may uncover along the way.

10. Visit a Kwanzaa Celebration
Of course, if you really want to experience the beauty of the holiday and still don’t know where to begin, then you may want to talk to a friend or family member who celebrates the occasion every year. If you know someone like this they may invite you into their home to enjoy the full 7-day celebration with their friends and family. This will give you a first-hand look at the holiday, which will help you understand more about the rituals of the celebration as well as the true meaning. After seeing the holiday with your own two eyes, you should be able to plan your own holiday celebration in the upcoming years, which will ensure your family will fall in love with Kwanzaa and will take pride in the celebration.

Celebrating Kwanzaa doesn’t have to leave you feeling blindsided financially. These ten tips will help you find the resources you need to get started on the holiday while teaching the younger generation without forcing you to spend a bundle. Before you know it, you’ll be setting up Kwanzaa like a veteran.