
Archive for November 30, 2020

Ten Comforting Ways to Celebrate Hanukkah with Your Children During the Pandemic

With Hanukkah coming up and many children being forced back into remote learning, you might be wondering how you can make the holiday special. There are so many things that you probably shouldn’t do this season because of coronavirus, which might make your holiday a lot less fun. However, if you want to keep some of the Hanukkah vibes alive then you might want to try out some of these fun tips.

1. Share Holiday Stories
If you have younger children in the home, then one of the best ways to connect the holiday to meaning is to share stories with your children. You can share the stories you grew up with or those passed from generation to generation. However, one of the easiest ways to share stories is through books. There are many books with vibrant, colorful pictures that will engage children while helping them to learn about the holiday and all of the special actions that surround it. You can find books for all age groups too, but you might have to dig a bit deeper to find options for younger children.

2. Holiday Themed Masks
Masks are currently going to be a theme for just about everything that you do in life. That doesn’t mean that you can’t own them or make them more fun. Instead of just wearing masks as a necessity, transform them into a fun way to share greeting for the holiday. All you really need are plain masks for this, which can be purchased or made from old fabrics. Once you have your mask, you can work with fabric decals or use paint to create your designs. If you work with an assortment of holiday themes, then you will have the perfect masks for the occasion. Having fun with masks will also help children to see that they don’t have to be something to fret.

3. DIY Dreidel
One fun way to help the kids fell like things are slightly normal, is to have them sit down and make a dreidel. You can choose an easy dreidel craft a day, so kids have lots of options, or you can come up with a more complex design that will allow kids to work on a project throughout the holiday. You’ll find a ton of crafts online to give you ideas on your DIY dreidel, or you can go back to basics and teach your age appropriate child how to whittle their own dreidel. Once the dreidels are complete, spend the day playing with your kids. It will add even more joy to the holiday for them and for you.

4. Pass Down Heritage Stories
During the holidays, it is easy to lose sight of the important things in life. This year, especially with the coronavirus taking over, you might want to sit everyone down and talk about family. For generations upon generations, families have dealt with hardships and overcome them. No family lacks a story of courage and inspiration. So, let this holiday be the time to help your children understand just how strong their ancestors were. If you’re not entirely sure about your heritage, then this is also a great time to rediscover it. If you have older children, then you might begin tracing your line together as a fun activity that is perfect for a holiday such as Hanukkah.

5. Car-Top Menorah Parade
At this point, you’ve probably heard about birthday parades, but have you heard about a car-top Menorah parade? Believe it or not, but this is a thing. In fact, it was even a thing before covid turned the world upside down. In some cities, people gather to do a parade every year. However, if you’re not up for organizing a big parade, then keep it small. All you have to do is create a Menorah to put on the top of your car. This can be made from almost anything, but make sure you secure it as tight as possible. You can also add signs and other fun elements to your car before you drive around. You might consider driving the homes of friends and family, but you should aim to drive by the elderly people in your life that may otherwise not be having a great holiday.

6. Embrace Food
There is no harm in letting your favorite foods play a bigger role in this holiday celebration. If you can, whip up all of your favorites and enjoy eating them with your family. If you have loved ones that are struggling, then drop off some of the extra food. You might also take this time to work with he kids to teach them all about the recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation. This will allow you to easily share a piece of the family with little ones, which will make them feel like they have a bigger role in the holiday.

7. Gift Covid Supplies
Gifting this season doesn’t have to be all about little things that the kids won’t use. Instead, you can make gifts a bit more fitting for the times by giving them some covid supplies to encourage their safety. For instance, you can include face masks that you know your kids will love into their gifts. You can find popular options right now just about anywhere, which will allow you to customize to suit your child’s personality. Other options for gifting would be soaps that they enjoy, sanitizers that they can leave in their room or take with them on the go, as well as lotions to help combat the dryness from all of the sanitizing.

8. Get the Kids Involved
A lot of the time, kids get put on the back burner when it comes to the holidays. Sure, most of the things we do to make the holiday amazing revolve around them, but they are largely expected to kick back and just enjoy the celebration. Since this holiday season will be a bit less chaotic, with fewer people around, you might use the time to transition your children into larger holiday roles. For instance, you can help teach them recipes that they can be in charge of making for future celebrations. You can also allow them to light the menorah. If you like to use homemade decorations, then let them get started with their own crafts to help make your home even warmer.

9. Contact Family
Don’t let the holidays pass you by without talking to the loved ones that you would normally see during this time. A simple phone call is easy and will help keep everyone connected. However, you might also consider going with a video chat to add a more personal touch to the call. For Thanksgiving, ZOOM removed the meeting time limit to suit holiday chats. Although they haven’t announced if they will be doing this in December, it is something to keep an eye on. Of course, there are other video chat services that will allow you to chat non-stop with one other line, so if you don’t need to talk to a lot of people at once then this is a fantastic option for you and your loved ones.

10. Online Temple
If you are having a hard time with the fact that you can’t go to your synagogue during the holiday, then there are some ways to combat this. Numerous temples are doing services online, which can help you ease your need for tradition. You might check around to see if your synagogue will be doing this, but even if they are not there are countless options online that you can enjoy. This might not ease your need to be social during the holiday, but it can help you feel like you are a part of the bigger picture.

Like other holidays this year, Hannukah doesn’t have to be a time in which you have to give up on the holiday season. This year, you can easily enjoy the holiday by adding a few twists to your typical way of celebrating. This is certain to allow you to enjoy the holiday despite everything going on around us.

Ten Cheap Things You Can Bake to Add to Your Holiday Fun

The holidays are here, which means it’s time to finally enjoy one of the best seasons for baking. If you’re not a fan of running the heater, then this season is going to be a great time to truly channel your inner baker. However, baking can really add to your grocery budget if you’re not careful with the items you choose to make. There are some great foods that you can enjoy, as well as some substitute ingredients that can help you cut down on the cost of baking while enjoying some of the tastiest treats around. So, get ready to make this season the tastiest yet without forcing you to flex your budget.

1. Cookies
There is no doubt about it, cookies are a timeless classic during the holiday season. Not only are they the perfect item to leave behind for Santa on Christmas Eve, but they are also entirely easy to make. On top of that, cookies can be made from an assortment of ingredients, so you can have a wide variety of items to choose from while baking. Cookies all tend to have the same base, which gives you quite a bit of freedom to use supplies that you already have in the home. You can keep it simple with a sugar cookie or you can go wild with chocolates, nuts, and fruits. There are lots of substitutions for cookies too. For instance, you can substitute sugar for apple sauce, which can be cheaper and much healthier.

2. Tomato Soup Cake
If you want to add even more flavor to a spice cake, then a tomato soup cake is the way to go. You can make this cake from scratch if you really want to, but more often than not it is cheaper to make when you use the cake mix that comes in a box. The recipe for this cake is very simple. All you have to do is add the ingredients on the box and then toss in a can of tomato soup. Your cake will come out incredibly moist, which will ensure everyone enjoys it all the more. If you want to add even more fun to your cake, then toss in some apples as they will work wonders with the spices already in the cake mix.

3. Apple crumble
Another easy way to make a delicious treat for less is to try out a nice apple crumble. This simple recipe will give you the joy of a pie with more texture and sweetness in each bite. The joy of a crumble is, you can easily make the filling from scratch. A few apples with cinnamon and sugar and you’re on your way to success. The crumble aspect of the dish is also simple to make, but you might have to play around with recipes that will suit your skills and taste preferences. The great thing about a crumble is you don’t have to stick with an apple. You can use whatever you have in stock to help create the perfect dish for your home and your budget.

4. Muffins
Whether you’re looking for something for breakfast or dessert, a muffin is definitely the way to go. This baked good is simple to make with a packet bought from the store or from scratch. There are even some people that make muffins out of pancake batter and leftover fruit. No matter how you choose to tackle muffins, you’ll find them to be tasty and a fantastic breakfast for busy mornings, such as Christmas. Muffins will keep you full for longer and can even be made with health-conscious ingredients to ensure your sweet tooth doesn’t get the best of you.

5. Fruit bread
You might not think about fruit bread when it comes to baking, but it is one of the most common things to make these days. Of course, if you followed quarantine trends then banana bread was probably one of your go-to recipes in the early days of rediscovering baking and sharing your treats on social media with friends. However, if you’re a banana bread fan then you have already discovered a great recipe that won’t cost you a fortune. On the other hand, there are other bread that you can make with items in your home. For instance, you can make an apple fritter bread that won’t let you down. Zucchinis might not be a fruit, but they can be transformed into some of the most delicious bread around. You can even go for a strawberry bread that will make you reconsider how much you love cake.

6. Cake Cookies
If you’re working hard and don’t have the time to mix things up from scratch, then cake cookies are a wonderful option for your household. All you have to do is grab your favorite cake batter and mix it with just oil and eggs. Then, add your favorite add-ins. You can go with fruits, nuts, candies, or even other cookies. Then, all you have to do is scoop the dough on a cookie sheet and you’re ready to bake. This is a fun way to get the kids baking too, as it doesn’t require a whole lot of work. Plus, your cookies will come out fluffy and soft, which pairs well with your favorite form of milk.

7. Cinnamon Rolls
Nothing says breakfast like homemade cinnamon rolls coming straight out of the oven. Cinnamon roll recipes can easily turn into a household favorite, but you might have to play around with recipes to choose the best one for you. Of course, when it comes to cinnamon rolls, you can add just about anything that you want to the mix. Some people like cream cheese frosting, others love to add fruit and nuts to the center. As long as you have a little patience with the yeast you are working with, you should have no trouble working from scratch on this baked treat.

8. Scones
When it comes to adding a bit of fun to your breakfast or snack time, a scone is the way to go. This baked good starts out with a recipe that is very similar to that of a biscuit. So, if you already have a biscuit recipe then all you have to do is make a few quick adjustments and you’re on the right track to success. Scones can be a whole lot of fun to work with too because you can make them out of almost anything. This makes it great to experiment and try out new things. These little treats can help bring the family closer together as you have tea parties or simply embrace a quick breakfast.

9. Cheesecake
If you’re looking for something rich and creamy then you will definitely want to try making your own cheesecake. The ingredients for this dessert are simple and can be purchased cheaply in bulk to help you enjoy more of your favorite treat. Cheesecake is an easy thing to get the hang of making. Once you have the original recipe down, you can start on new and exciting add-ons. For instance, you might add some fruit to the top, enjoy something with a nice peanut butter crunch, or even enjoy swirls in the cake itself. Cheesecake can be frozen to have later on down the line too, which will allow you to get even more out of your baking experience.

10. Oatmeal Pie
If you grew up on oatmeal pies, then you’ll be happy to know that this treat is very easy to make and it won’t cost you a fortune either. One of the best things about this snack is you’ll probably have all of the ingredients in your home. You can also alter the recipe to create a healthier and more enjoyable snack for your household. There are lots of oatmeal pie recipes to choose from, with some of the options offering add-ins like raisins. You will have so much fun making them too, that you might forget all about Little Debbie.

When it comes to baking, the holiday season is the perfect time to have a little fun. These ten baked goods will ensure you to give in to your sweet tooth while allowing you to share your baking skills with your loved ones. If you really want to keep to a budget, these ten tips will definitely help you to enjoy all of the wonders of baking.

Quick Frugal Tips To Make the Most Of Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is coming up in the first week of December, which means you might want to start making up your game plan if you intend to participate in the holiday. With the economy down and covid-19 changing the way we live life; you might not be able to give like you normally would. If that is the case, these ten tips will help you find the best possible way to give without breaking the bank or pushing you out of your financial comfort zone. So, don’t let Giving Tuesday pass you by if you want to participate, because the holiday doesn’t mean you have to give up the money you don’t have to part with.

1. Give Time
This year, money doesn’t have to be the only way to give. If you don’t have funds to help, then use your time. There are so many ways you can donate your time, especially if you’re quarantined at home. For instance, you can make tutorials for those hoping to learn English or you can even tutor a child that is struggling with distant learning. If you can help out a non-profit with your knowledge, then you can do so in a video chat at no risk to you. If you are able to get out safely then you can donate time handing out meals or making them. You can also clean up trash in public areas, walk dogs for the elderly that can’t get out, and so much more. There are really countless ways to give back, so put some thought into what you have to offer and share it with the world.

2. Start a Fundraiser
Not having money to give doesn’t have to detour you from the giving spirit. In this day and age, you can easily start a fundraiser for a cause or a person in need. Online, there are numerous options to choose from that will allow you to get your fundraiser going. All you really need to do is research the best fundraising websites for you. When it comes to fundraising, you can start by opening an account that sells products via a company. This is very common with schools currently. However, you can also go with sites that allow people to donate money to support a cause. Both of these methods will keep you safe at home, which will make you feel better about giving.

3. Promote a Non-Profit
Non-profits do a lot for the world, but they receive very little support. One of the best ways to help out a non-profit is to offer any assistance you can. Even the smallest act can help them out. For instance, you might consider starting out your support by sharing posts that non-profits make. If you can take a step further, then you might see if you can work with the non-profit to help organize fundraisers and more. If money isn’t an issue then you can even donate. You don’t have to donate large amounts as even the smallest donation can help out.

4. Donate Supplies
Supplies are tough to come by for some charities and non-profits. So, if you want to lend a helping hand then you might consider donating supplies. One of the easiest ways to donate is to give food. You can donate to a food bank, people, school, nursing home, and so on. During the holiday season, there will be many food drives, so you won’t have to look far to give. Apart from that, there will also be toy drives to ensure children get the toys they desire for Christmas. If you have pet supplies like food, old towels, old carriers, and so on, then you can donate these to shelters, clinics, and so much more. Of course, this is only the beginning when it comes to donations.

5. Donate Blood/Plasma
Our hospitals could really use blood and plasma right now, which is why this is one of the best ways to donate on Giving Tuesday. Currently, there have been many natural disasters, fires, and of course coronavirus that have left many hospitals in dire need of supplies. So, by donating your blood or plasma, you can easily give the gift of life to so many. Right now, some places are using donated blood to help with research in regard to coronavirus too. You may even get test results back that let you know if you’ve had the virus. Some places also give money for blood and plasma, which will help you out for doing such a good deed.

6. Round Up Options
No one said that you have to give a lot in order to give. While you’re working on your holiday shopping, you might take a moment to help out others when you go through the website’s check out. Currently, a lot of websites have a round-up option that is convenient for you. All you have to do is round your purchase to the next dollar and the money is donated to the website’s charity of choice. This will allow you to donate anywhere from a penny to ninety-nine cents. It might not seem like a lot, but whenever you do this you are helping quite a bit. So, if you don’t have a lot to give then you might enjoy rounding up all of your Giving Tuesday purchases.

7. Amazon Smile
Another way to give back while shopping is to shop with Amazon Smile. This actually doesn’t take any money away from you, which makes it one of the easiest and most efficient ways to give back. Amazon makes it very easy to operate this function too. All you have to do is go to the smile webpage before you check out. You also get the opportunity to choose which charity your money will go to. There are a large number of local charities that you can use, or you can go for larger name charities that you already trust.

8. Research Charities
If you are interested in giving your time or money to a charity when things are a little easier, then you might spend Giving Tuesday exercising your good intentions. You can easily look up charities that you are interested in online or look for charities that help some of the causes that you are interested in. You can even search for those aimed at assisting those struggling during the pandemic. This will help you get a good idea of who you would like to donate to. Once you make a decision then you can easily begin to look up reviews for the charity. This will help you to feel more secure about your options when you do decide to give money.

9. Shop Small Business
Giving doesn’t have to be the only way to enjoy Giving Tuesday. If you want to make a difference in the lives of many then you might consider shopping small businesses instead of the big names that you might normally work with. Shopping small business actually helps you to support the lives of these business owners that may be struggling to get by due to the pandemic. This, in itself, can be one of the best gifts to your community as it will ensure you are helping the local economy while making the lives of others all the more special.

10. Volunteer
Volunteer time is especially valuable during today’s crazy world. If you’re not sure how to volunteer safely then consider what you have to offer the world. If you know how to code or make graphics for websites, then offer this skill. You can also work on finances, advertising, and more. Apart from that, you can volunteer to do manual labor such as repairs or unloading trucks. The sky is the limit here. You never know, you may actually enjoy the tasks you are doing and find your volunteer time to be a new career prospect or at least a hobby.

This year, more than ever, Giving Tuesday is a great time to give back and show all that you are grateful for. These ten tips will allow you to work towards helping others while still keeping to your own budget. So, you can start the holiday season off on the right foot.

Ten Ways to Save Money on Your Holiday Lights

National Christmas Light Day is on the way, which is around the time many people begin to put up their holiday lights. Whether you’re decorating now or later, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you’re looking to save some money on lights. If you’re not careful, your holiday lights could eat into your spending budget, which might cause you to have to cut back on other aspects of the holiday. With these simple tips, you should be able to enjoy your holiday with ease which will help you to feel jollier.

1. Use What You Have
With seasonal sales happening earlier than ever, you might want to spend some money to get yourself in the holiday spirit. Sure, there are a lot of amazing things to check out this season, but next year they won’t be as trendy so you’ll be stuck with even more things to put into storage. If you already have a pretty good selection of holiday lights to use then try to use what you have. Sure, you might do a light check to make sure everything is still working, but after that, you should be good to go. By doing this, you’ll save yourself the hassle of shopping for items that you already have. You will also save quite a bit of money, especially if new lights are something that you don’t exactly need.

2. Skip the Cheap Stuff
There’s no doubt about it, you’re going to be able to find some pretty cheap holiday lights this year. Some may even be under the $3 mark, which is pretty tempting for most people. Unfortunately, these options aren’t going to be sustainable in many ways. For starters, they’re going to eat up more energy than a lot of other holiday lights will, because they aren’t made with LED lighting and aren’t really made to help you save. Another thing to consider is the lights lifespan. Are you going to be able to use these again next year? The answer is probably not and even if you can do you want to spend another year with lights that are going to drain your power. In the end, the truth of the matter is, these lights will probably be landfill soon, which isn’t great for you or the planet.

3. Invest in a Timer
It isn’t always easy to remember to turn the lights off at night, especially since they are only up a few weeks. Leaving the lights on all night long can be a huge drain on your power too. One of your best options is to get a timer for your lights. This will allow you to keep them on during the peak hours of the night, while turning them off when no one is going to be driving around to look at them. You can even set them to come on at certain times, so you don’t even have to worry about it each night. This can help give the illusion that you are home

4. Use Accents
There is no rule saying you have to use lights everywhere. Instead of spending hours stapling them to the roof and home, why not just use them as accent pieces? You can place them on other decorations to help illuminate them, add them to entry ways for a little extra light, or even square off the yard with them. By doing this, you will need less lights, which will help you to save some money on holiday spending. You will also need to use a lot less power, especially since you won’t have to illuminate them every night for people to enjoy your directions. This allows you even more freedom while cutting back on the spending you may have other wise done.

5. Look for Solar Powered Options
Believe it or not, but there are solar powered options to check out when it comes to holiday lights and decorations. You might have to look a little harder, but a simple internet search should get you where you need to be. These options aren’t necessarily expensive either, which will help you save money in the long run. If you don’t want to deal with the solar powered lights, then you might consider getting a small solar hub. This will allow you to power any décor that you have, which will definitely save you even more money.

6. Embrace Fiber Optics
When it comes to decorating the home, especially the interior, you might consider using fiber optics to give you a little more style. Fiber optics create a stunning effect in the home which will allow you to feel the warmth of the season all the more. You can find fiber optic decorations, trees, and even interior lights, which gives you a lot of fun options to work with. Fiber optics aren’t harsh on the eyes either, which will allow you to truly enjoy the beauty that you are seeing. Best of all, fiber optics are one of the cheapest options to work with, which will allow you to embrace the holiday without spending a small fortune.

7. Utilize the Light
If you plan on decking the halls with lots of lights, then you may also consider utilizing the lights to help you save money. For instance, if you have your Christmas tree on, as well as the rest of your décor, then turn off the lights you would normally use. Unless you are reading or working on something that requires light, this should be enough light to create a wonderful atmosphere. You can also use this technique at night. Instead of leaving your porch light on, consider using the holiday lights to illuminate the yard and home. This will definitely cut back on power usage to ensure your home saves as much money as possible.

8. Unplug During the Day
No matter how many holiday lights you put up, you should consider unplugging them during the day. Even when you turn an item off, it still has the capability of pulling energy from the plug. These energy vampires can cost you a small fortune if you’re not careful. One of your best options is to plug things into a surge protector if you can. This will allow you to shut them all down at once, which is definitely handy if you’re in a rush. By unplugging everything, you won’t see as much of a spike in your power bills, which can make your decorating seem a lot more fun.

9. Research Lights
One important step that you should take when it comes to purchasing new lights is to research your options. In this day and age, there is a lot to choose from which makes decorating seem a little bit harder. Research can help you to find the perfect light for your home’s needs though and will allow you to pick options that will stay with you year after year, so you won’t have to worry about shopping for more in the near future. When researching, you should look up brands, types of lights, quality, and so much more. After reading reviews, you should feel more confident about your purchase.

10. Enjoy Other’s Lights
If you’re on a tight budget or you simply don’t feel like putting in the work to get your holiday lights up, then there’s no harm in just checking out other people’s lights. You might consider walking around the block to check out all of the options near you. Of course, there should still be many lightshows available to view too, but you might have to wear a mask and practice social distancing if you do walk through them. Driving around to check out lights is always a fun thing to do with the family too. You can even look online at some of the best light attractions around the country and the globe.

Putting up holiday lights can be one of the finer points in the year, especially in a year that has had so many downsides. So, this year, enjoy your lights while still saving a bit of money. These tips might help to bring you the light show you’ve always dreamed of, without all of the added stress.

Ten Ideas to Embrace Thanksgiving While Social Distancing

The holidays are coming up which is going to make social distancing hard for a lot of people. If you don’t know how to handle the holiday season without your family then you do have a few options that you might consider. Of course, many are simply looking for a way to enjoy the holiday by giving back to the community. You still do have a lot of options for the holiday season, but you will need to exercise extra precautions. These ten tips will allow you to enjoy the holiday without worrying as much about covid-19, which might be the most grateful thing about the holiday. So, don’t give up on the holiday season yet, because these tips will help you to get through this Thanksgiving without sacrificing too much.

1. Quarantine Ahead of Time
If you don’t think you can give up another holiday to covid-19, then you do have an option to help you see your family. However, it only really works if your family lives within driving distance, as this will reduce the chance of the spread of covid-19 during travels. If everyone is working from home and you are getting grocery deliveries or you have two weeks of food stocked up, then you can quarantine. Make sure you quarantine for two weeks to make sure there is no chance of passing on coronavirus, or anything else for that matter. If you do this two weeks prior to Thanksgiving then you should be set to enjoy the company of loved ones. However, you should still take precautions and make sure everyone practices good hygiene and doesn’t spend time sitting too close together.

2. Eat Outside
Another way to enjoy the company of others is to simply eat outside if the weather allows. You will still need to practice social distancing here, but you will be able to enjoy the company of more people without having to worry as much about getting sick. Of course, there are some factors to keep in mind when it comes to an outdoor gathering. For starters, you will need sanitizing stations to make sure everyone is able to clean properly before eating and after handling things others may have touched. Food should be carefully portioned out, perhaps even ahead of time, to avoid exposure to covid-19. On top of that, people should still wear masks and stay six feet apart. It might not be the warmest holiday meal ever, but you will at least have some time together.

3. Virtual Gathering
Of course, if you’re not ready to risk getting sick, then there are virtual options to make Thanksgiving feel as normal as it possibly can this year. Even if you have a big family, you can create a ZOOM chat that will help bring everyone together without worry. This will allow those that are vulnerable to feel like a part of the fun, which might mean more to them than you think. Your video chat doesn’t have to be continuous chatter either. Rather, you can all set up activities to make it seem a little less chaotic. You might work on family recipes in the kitchen together, play a traditional game, watch the football game, and have your meal together. It is as close to being together as you can get, which will definitely make the holiday a little better than going at it completely alone.

4. Donate Food
The magic of Thanksgiving might not be a possibility for some people this year due to a bad economy and other factors. Some may not even be able to get out and get their shopping done. So, you might find that donating food is one of the best ways to help you feel like you’re truly celebrating Thanksgiving. You have many options here. For starters, you might just donate canned and boxed goods to food banks to help them reach the extra need. Another option is to give part of your meal away. You might see if anyone in the neighborhood is in need. Of course, you can also check on social media with your friends and family to see if anyone there is in need either. When prepping and transporting the food, you will have to exercise extra precautions to ensure nothing spreads to those you are donating to.

5. Try New Recipes
The holidays might not be the same this year, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be special. This Thanksgiving, you might help to spice things up by trying new recipes. You can find a long list of modern and fun recipes that will allow you to exercise some creativity while you whip up your holiday meal. You can even base your new meal ideas on items that you already have around the house to help you save money. Of course, new recipes doesn’t mean that you literally have to choose new recipes. Instead, you might give some of the family recipes that you’ve never tried to make a try. This will allow you to feel closer to your family while trying to make your meal as traditional as you possibly can despite having to stay away from those that you care about.

6. Keep to Tradition
Even if you’re not spending time with your family this year, that doesn’t mean you have to give up on holiday fun. If you can, try to stick to tradition as much as you can. For instance, if your family watches the Thanksgiving Day parade every year, then make sure to tune in. You should plan dinner for the normal time, and chat with loved ones that you would typically see on a video chat or the phone. You might have to alter some of your traditions. For instance, if you typically go to the parade in person, then you may have to settle for watching it on TV. However, if you can keep the traditions as close to normal as possible then you may very well feel like the tradition and the holiday are as normal as possible.

7. Make a Gratitude Tree
It has been very easy to lose sight of the good things in life right now. So, during this time, you might want to make a gratitude tree. This tree is the perfect family activity as it will help to put things into perspective. You can tackle the tree in many different ways, especially when it comes to the tree itself. If you’re not sure where to start, there are actually a lot of tutorials to choose from. The real power comes in the leaves. You can trace real leaves onto paper, make etchings, or print out leaves. Once you have your leaves ready to go, place the things that you are grateful for on each leaf. Then, you can add a leaf each day or put them all up at once. This will help you to see your true bounty, even when things feel grim.

8. Start New Traditions
2020 has definitely changed people. So, going into such a big holiday as Thanksgiving may make you feel different about the way you choose to celebrate. Instead of following all of your traditions, you might try to find some new ones. Even if you go back to your normal Thanksgiving celebration next year, these new traditions might help you to remember the year of social distancing while celebrating the freedom you will regain. There are so many exciting things you can add to your holiday celebration. For instance, you might choose a movie to watch every year. If this isn’t your thing then think about getting outside and planting some seeds in your garden to show your bounty. You might decide on new recipes or make up a brand new game for everyone to enjoy. No matter your new tradition, it will hold a special meaning that will help you embrace the growth process you experienced this year.

9. Make it a Game Night
Spending time with family is important during Thanksgiving, so make this holiday even more fun by bringing everyone together to play games. You can use games that you already have or make up your own. If you’re low on the game front, then there are numerous deals on games since Black Friday deals are pretty much running all month long. Of course, you can extend your game night out to others. Thanks to technology, you can play games on video chat or you can play games via apps. This should help everyone bond and have fun as if Thanksgiving was celebrated in a normal fashion.

10. Craft Time
Crafts are pretty much a great idea for almost any holiday. So, don’t be afraid to pull out your supplies and have some fun. This year, you might even consider crafting early so you can use some of the things you create for decorations. You don’t have to stick strictly to the holiday or even autumn though. Instead, you might want to get a jump start on crafts for the numerous holidays coming up in December. If you’re low on gifting money this year, this can also be a great way to make sure everyone gets a present on your list. There are plenty of ideas online, so make sure to check out a variety of things to keep you and your family busy.

Thanksgiving can still become a fun holiday even if you can’t reunite with those that you care about. This holiday, you might try out a few of these options so you can truly make the most of the year, even if it isn’t what you typically expect out of a holiday. So, don’t let self-isolation orders get you down this year, instead, create a Thanksgiving that you will remember for years to come.

Frugal Ways to Keep You Cozy During Sleep Comfort Month

November is sleep comfort month, which might be good news to you if you’re having trouble getting comfortable in bed. Often, people tend to toss out the items they think aren’t working for them in order to purchase new items that they aren’t sure will work for them. This can be a very expensive way to handle your comfort. There are a few things that you can do to help find some extra comfort in your home that doesn’t require you to give up money to ensure your comfort is secured. So, get ready to make this month the month that you feel more at ease while you prepare to sleep.

1. Know Your Mattress Needs
A lot of people are sleeping on the wrong mattress. This can be a problem with regard to comfort and your health. However, there isn’t a lot of education on mattresses when you go to purchase one. So, many people just choose the mattress that they think they should be sleeping on, which in most cases is based on their comfort levels. Luckily, many furniture stores are starting to help people find their sleep comfort zone. You may even have a different comfort zone than your partner, but there are ways to make sure everyone gets what they need. If you choose to purchase a new mattress there are options that cater to both people’s needs. However, you can also find padding designed to help everyone out too.

2. Rediscover Pillows
If you’re trying to keep things simple, then you might reconsider the pillows that you plan on using. If you have the wrong pillow, then you might not be sleeping well at all. In order to figure out which pillow is right for you, you might have to try a few different kinds. You can even mix and match to see if there is a combination that suits your needs too. However, before you start shopping, you should consider doing a little research on your options. This will allow you to make wise decisions instead of just picking what you think looks nice. If you’re fine with the pillow you sleep with then you might think about other options. For instance, pillows for your knees and legs can help with other aches and pains that might take away from your comfort levels.

3. Keep your Room Cold
Another major factor when it comes to sleeping comfortably is having a cold room. In the winter, this shouldn’t be very hard to achieve and it will save you some heating costs. However, in the summer you might have a bit more trouble with this. You don’t have to blast the air conditioner in order to get the cold you need to sleep comfortably. Instead, you might consider some cheaper options. For instance, you can use a cooling pad at your feet to help make your body feel cooler. Another great option is a cooling pillow, which is perfect for people that find themselves sweating often. Other than that, you can use a fan to keep cool. There are even fans that attach to the bed to blow cool air under the sheets as you relax.

4. Sound Machine
If you have trouble waking up with every single noise in the house, then a sound machine might be the answer you’ve been looking for. Most sound machines will offer a variety of options to help you too. For instance, many will offer white noise, wave sounds, and even the sound of rain. You can also find machines that have timers if you don’t want the noise going all night long or you simply want to save on power. A sound machine is a great option for those suffering from anxiety too or if your children are dealing with sleep problems. Best of all, you can purchase one for less than $20 if you are trying to save money. However, if you have a music app that doesn’t have commercials then you can get the same effect for free.

5. Weighted Blanket
If you haven’t tried out a weighted blanket yet, then you’re definitely missing out. Weighted blankets are a great way to soothe the body, especially if you have anxiety or sensory processing issues. Weighted blankets can be on the pricier side of things, but if you shop efficiently you should be able to find a great deal on one that won’t ruin your budget. Weighted blankets come in a wide assortment of weights too. You can even purchase them for children six years of age. A weighted blanket can be covered to suit your décor too, but you can also choose from an assortment of soothing colors depending on where you shop.

6. Black Out Curtains
Our biological clocks can determine when we feel like going to sleep, which can be a major problem if our work schedules or children try to push us against this natural cycle. One way to combat this is to purchase blackout curtains. This will allow you to go to bed before the sun goes down or stay asleep when the sun has come up. Blackout curtains come in all shapes and sizes too, which makes them a great asset for you when it comes to decorating. Luckily, these won’t cost you much more than other types of curtains, so your budget won’t be harmed. Plus, when you pair these curtains with blinds, you’ll get even more protection, which will definitely make life easier.

7. Essential Oils
If you’re a fan of aromas in the home, then you might want to consider using essential oils to help you find your comfort zone. There are many essential oils that actually help you to calm down and relax before you go to bed. One such example is lavender, which also leaves a nice relaxing scent in the air. Of course, you can choose your essential oils based on your individual needs. There are a lot of websites dedicated to talking about essential oils and helping you find the right options for your personal needs. Best of all, all you really need to maximize the use of essential oils is a diffuser. If you have pets, then you do need to take precautions as some oils might be toxic to them.

8. Choose Bedding Wisely
Many people go out and purchase sheets without getting the opportunity to sample the fabric or learn how the sheets are going to hold up to day to day wear and tear. Some simply get bedding as gifts and end up stuck with it because they don’t want to purchase more. The truth is, you shouldn’t put up with bedding that is uncomfortable, itchy, scratchy, and anything in between. Rather, take your time and look at reviews on the products you would like to get. You should also consider finding a store that puts out displays of their products so you can sample what they feel like and more. This will help you find so much comfort and may even change the way you sleep. Another option that many people don’t think about is splitting sides of the bed. Sure, you’ll probably have to share a bottom sheet with your partner, unless you invest in two twin size beds. However, that doesn’t mean you have to have the same top sheet, or comforter, especially if someone hogs the blankets or is always kicking them off at night. This will also help you prevent getting too hot or too cold while maximizing individual comfort.

9. Invest in Pajamas
Another issue that many people face is their pajamas. If you don’t have comfortable pajamas, then you’re going to be uncomfortable every night. Your best option is to take your time and consider the pajamas you are buying. If you can purchase a set first and see if they suit you before buying more. You might also repurpose some of your clothes that you find comfortable to sleep in, so you know you’re getting exactly what you want. Apart from that, you can easily just go nude if that is something that you prefer.

10. Reconsider Your Décor
One major issue that many people don’t consider is their décor. Some people try to keep their bedroom vibrant and fun, which isn’t exactly something you’re going to want in your bedroom when you’re trying to settle down. Vibrant colors help to stimulate the mind, which is going to keep you up, rather than help you relax. When it comes to décor, think of dark colors or soothing colors to help you ease into sleep. You’ll also want to consider decorations that make you feel comfortable and at peace. Another simple way to cut back on stress is to keep things minimalistic, which might mean losing some of your wall art. A simple salt lamp can also set the mood while reducing anxiety.

Creating the perfect setting is one of the best ways for you to enjoy your rest. These ten ideas can help boost your sleep comfort without forcing you to change everything about your bedroom. With any luck, you’ll be able to find a level of comfort that makes you happy to settle in at the end of the night and forget about anything that is stressing you out.

Ten Ways to Avoid Porch Pirating During the Holidays

With the holidays rapidly approaching and Black Friday deals already here, spending too much money shouldn’t be the only thing on your mind. This time of year is particularly rough when it comes to porch pirates taking off with the things you’ve purchased with your hard-earned money. Unfortunately, many companies also won’t insure the items that you lost and often the police can’t capture the person that stole your property. There are a few things that you can do to make it harder for porch pirates to strike when it comes to your home. These ten tips will ensure that your money isn’t wasted as you enjoy the holiday season and gifting to those that you love.

1. Choose a Convenient Delivery Day
One of the most effective things that you can do whenever you purchase something online is to choose a delivery day that is convenient for you. If you’re not going to be home on a Tuesday, then simply select a day that suits your needs. Some carriers will even help you to do this by allowing you to make a delivery request. Many stores like Amazon are also hopping on board with this concept with fun ideas like Amazon Delivery Day, which allows you to receive all of your items on one select day. This option can sometimes even earn you digital credit, which will make securing your packages even sweeter.

2. Consider Alternative Delivery
Although we live in a world where staying home is the thing to do, it isn’t always an option. If you work long hours or are gone on the weekdays, then you might want to consider an alternative delivery method. For instance, if you have a trusted friend, family member, or even a neighbor that you know is going to be home and alert, then you might ship your item to their home. Of course, you should always get their permission first and keep them up to speed on when your item will be delivered. If this isn’t an option for you, then you might ship it to your place of work. This will ensure the item is in your possession when it is delivered. If you live in a gated community or an apartment building, you can also request that your item is delivered to the front office.

3. Package Lockbox
Package lockboxes are becoming increasingly popular as porch pirates becoming more popular. These boxes are something that you have to invest in, but they are definitely worth every penny. That is not saying that they aren’t entirely affordable though. For instance, you can order one lockbox that is simply a bag that secures when items are placed inside, and it is secured firmly to the home. There are many boxes to choose from that allow special access to delivery workers. You can also choose options that are large enough to insert items but require a key to remove them. If you want to go a bit higher tech then you can also consider signing up for Amazon’s delivery program. This uses a special mechanism that allows Amazon Delivery drivers to place the package in your home or vehicle. Don’t worry, the device records everything so you don’t have to worry about someone tampering with your belongings.

4. Ship to Store/Locker
Another immensely popular option is to ship your items to the store that you’re buying them from. Of course, this does mean that you will have to enter the store which might not be the most comfortable thing with covid still at large. However, most of these facilities require social distancing and are sanitized frequently. They also are quick and easy to use so you will be in and out in no time. If you don’t want to ship to the store, then shipping to a special locker is another option. Many companies are offering these now and will make sure you can pick up your item with ease.

5. Require Signature
If you are home, but your delivery driver seems to never ring the bell, then your best option for protection is to require a signature upon delivery. This will require the driver to get someone in the home’s signature before they drop off the item, so you can rest assured that it won’t sit out in the open. Some delivery services will take the item to a neighbor if you don’t answer, but they do have to note where the item was left so you don’t have to worry about it disappearing. If they can’t get a signature from you then they often will just have you pick up the item, which will still keep it secure.

6. Set up Cameras
One way to help prevent porch pirates is to invest in cameras. These will help to capture footage of people trying to take off with your items. You don’t have to spend a small fortune here. In fact, if you want, you can also build up to improve your coverage over time. Usually, the presence of one camera is still enough to keep pirates at bay. However, if the camera doesn’t detour the criminal, then at least you will capture the criminal on camera, which might help to lead to an arrest. If you don’t want to invest in a camera, then placing a security sign in the yard or windows and adding decoy cameras might be enough to keep criminals away.

7. Talk with Neighbors
If you can’t really go to any extra measures this holiday season, then you might want to chat with your neighbors. If you know some of your neighbors are going to be home, then ask them to keep an eye on your items or to pick them up for you. This is especially helpful if you’re going to be gone for a long period of time. Working together as a community can help keep porch pirates from even considering your neighborhood, especially if a possible criminal sees the community in action. This might also help you to build up trust with each other.

8. Create Clear Area
A lot of criminals prefer areas that can shield them from the public eye. So, if you’re getting packages placed in hidden areas like the shrubs or a dark entryway, then you might try to create a new place for the delivery service to leave your items. Your best option is a clear area that is in broad daylight so that neighbors can see. Sure, some criminals will want to grab your items, but these are the criminals that are most likely to be caught. This tip is straight from police officers and ex-burglars, so you know you are doing right by following this tip.

9. Sign Up For Delivery Notifications
Sometimes, we aren’t entirely sure when an item is coming, so it is tough to put in those extra safeguards. This is also true when people send you things without letting you know. There is a way to keep track of your mail via USPS though. Mail notifications can actually help you take the extra steps necessary to protect your mail because you will know exactly what is coming. Even if you aren’t using USPS, you can still sign up for delivery notifications with other services too. Most of the time this is basically putting in your phone or email, so the automated system can let you know when your package is scanned as delivered.

10. Insure Packages
Sometimes, we can do everything in our power to safeguard our packages and still wind up having them stolen. If you tend to live in an area where porch pirates are prevalent or you simply don’t trust people to not steal your items, then you might want to pay for insurance on your packages. Most items actually do come with insurance on them now, but if you’re dealing with a company that doesn’t pay for it then you might ask if it is an option for your delivery. If not, and the store offers pricey items, you might consider shopping elsewhere just to be safe.

It is hard thinking about our hard-earned money being stolen due to porch pirates, especially during the holiday season. These ten ideas should help you to protect your items without spending a fortune. With any luck, you will find that you feel more secure with your deliveries even after the holiday season is over.

2020 Black Friday Days to Enjoy Safely at Home

Black Friday is definitely going to be a lot different this year, but that doesn’t mean that you have to feel down about it. This year, you might actually get even more out of the holiday season by staying at home and shopping. This will help you and retail workers to enjoy the holidays with family rather than spending it in a potentially dangerous and immensely stressful situation. Since this year is going to be different, here is a look at ten of the top Black Friday stores around the United States. This guide will hopefully help you plan your shopping in a way that will save you lots of time and money.

1. Target
If you’re hoping to score some deals at Target this year, then you might already get a head start on your shopping. Every week during the holiday season, Target will be offering new deals, which will help you to save some big money. So far, there have already been quite a bit of deal on electronics, so if this is what you’re in the market for you will find headphones, earbuds, and other entertainment options. Target is also going to be one of the major distributors for Amazon products, like the Ring, Dot, and so on. Of course, Target will be leading, or at least tying, when it comes to toys. However, Target does have a deal with the Disney Store, so you might find more options from this brand there. Many of the deals they will offer will involve gift cards, so you can save in this way too.

2. Walmart
Walmart’s deals begin online on November 4, and there will be a few other dates for the release of special deals. Walmart is usually pretty good about offering a wide assortment of things for you to pick from, so you might want to hold out until you see what they have going on. You will find large deals on toys, electronics, appliances, clothes, and more. Many of these deals will be online only, but Walmart will have small deals offered in the store. However, they are allowing you to do curbside for these deals so you can protect yourself and their associates during this time.

3. Amazon
Amazon is used to doing online deals for Black Friday, so they will probably stick with their proven method. However, you might find that there will be more deals earlier this year to compete with the other major stores in the area. As you probably imagined, most of the deals, especially the early deals, are going to be on Amazon’s products and services. You will find things like the Ring, Dot, and Kindle on sale at a pretty good price. In true Amazon fashion, you will have to stay tuned to the website though. They constantly have flash deals and daily deals that will allow you to save more than you would expect. Of course, Black Friday will immediately move into Cyber Monday, as per usual.

4. Best Buy
When it comes to electronics, Best Buy tends to be the best place to go. However, the store will be stepping it up a notch this year to compete with the big names. Although their Black Friday ad isn’t ready yet, you’ll find that the store will be offering more early deals than normal to draw people in. Unfortunately, some of these deals are already in effect and a few have actually sold out, so you might have to act fast. If you’re in the market for a TV, smartwatch, games, or console, then you might hold out and see what Best Buy has to offer before you purchase elsewhere.

5. JC Penney
Although JC Penney might not feel like your typical Black Friday store, you will find that many people love to shop for the deals because they offer tons of good options for clothes. JC Penney offers some of the top brands in the industry and are feature options for the entire family. Apart from clothes, you’ll find a lot of accessories, shoes, and even fun gift sets to help make holiday shopping easier. The store is also known for houseware and some tools, so you can find a little something for everyone. Although the ads aren’t out now, you should base the Black Friday planning on previous years. You can also keep up to date with sales and others updates when you sign up for their newsletter. This will also provide you with a 25% off coupon.

6. Kohls
Kohls has been a big contender on Black Friday for the last few years. This retailer really steps up its came when the holiday season rolls around. You will find some incredible deals on clothes during the Black Friday event. Although they will have adult options available, you will find that Kohl’s has a great collection of some of your kids’ favorite character clothing. Of course, Kohls has more to offer than clothes. Like JC Penny, you will find deals on makeup, accessories, shoes, and gift sets. Kohls also offers a huge selection of toys, which can help you get most of your shopping done at once. You can even use Kohls Cash to cut back on your spending.

7. Costco
When it comes to bulking up, Costco is going to provide you with a whole bunch of cool options this holiday season. Their deals begin on November 5 and will continue throughout the holiday season. If you’re in the market for TVs then this is going to be one of the prime stores to keep an eye out for. Of course, this is only scratching the surface of the electronics that will available for you to choose from. Apart from that, you will find a whole lot of houseware items and small appliances, like vacuum cleaners. Another major thing to look for at Costco is holiday items, as Christmas trees and more will definitely be on the list for sales items.

8. Home Depot
If you’re in the market for a good set of tools, then the Home Dept is going to be one of the best places to begin your journey. Home Depot will have its usual deals on toolsets and other items that are easily gifted. However, if you’re looking to expand on your shopping experience, you will find that there are lots of houseware items and appliances that will be on sale. This will easily become one of the best times to add a new stove to your kitchen. Of course, Home Depot does offer an abundance of holiday items too which are bound to be on sale during Black Friday.

9. Sam’s Club
Sam’s Club is another bulk chain that will help you find some pretty amazing deals on the stuff you need for the holidays. The store is already offering a few deals to help make your holiday shopping easier. Your first stop might be electronics as you will find that there will be tons of deals on televisions, earphones, and so much more. Sam’s already has lots of amazing Disney inspired dolls in their collection too, which will make most kids happy. Other than that, you’re going to find deals on alcohol, bulk foods, appliances, furniture, housewares, and so on. Sam’s will also be giving out gift cards with certain purchases, which can help you save all the more.

10. Lowes
This year, Lowes will still be offering their typical deals on tools. However, you will find a lot of options for home security and electronics. Home security, like camera doorbells and alarms, is going to be one of their more popular items, so if you’re in the market make sure to shop fast. Of course, Lowe’s will also be competing with appliance sales and more. The sales will definitely be competitive so make sure to shop around.

Although you might not be pushing and shoving in the fray of your favorite store, this year doesn’t have to be a bust when it comes to Black Friday. You will definitely want to catch some of the deals these ten stores are offering.

Frugal Fun For Diwali During the Covid-19 Outbreak

This year Diwali begins on November 14, so there is still plenty of time for you to plan out your celebration. Generally, this holiday is spent with friends and family and generally involves the attendance of many social gatherings. Unfortunately, Diwali might look a little different for many families this year due to covid-19. However, you don’t have to let this get you down. Instead, you might consider working hard to make the holiday unforgettable by creating new traditions and altering all of the traditions that you might not be able to do this year. These ten ideas are only the beginning of the fun you can have while saving money on this holiday.

1. Clean and Decorate
It might not be your favorite way to celebrate the holiday, but cleaning is a tradition that you should definitely keep up with this holiday. For obvious reasons, cleaning will help to keep your family healthy during the pandemic. However, cleaning also helps you to make room for the new and get rid of the old. In times like these, cleaning can be a way to find hope during what is going on in the world. Once you finish up with your cleaning then don’t skip out on decorating. There are a lot of things you might not get to do this year, so decorating can create a sense of normalcy while also bringing a little joy to the setting. If you can, try to use the decorations you have or make your own, as going out to shop might not be the wisest idea right now.

2. Focus on the Light
These days, focusing on the light is one of the best things you can do considering what is going on. So, this season you might do the same when it comes to your Diwali celebrations. You might look at all of the different ways that you can add light to your home. For instance, you can try your hand at making paper lanterns, which is a wonderful craft for the whole family. You might also add lots of candles to the home to help light in a beautiful and subtle way. If you really want to get crafty then try to make your own candles. There are numerous ways to bring light to the home, so have some fun with the concept.

3. Digital Family Feasts
It might not seem the same to have Diwali without a family feast. However, family feasts can be especially dangerous this year and traveling isn’t a great idea. Instead of risking getting covid-19, you might look at an alternative for your family feast. Try to have everyone schedule a ZOOM call together where you can all eat a meal with each other. You might even have older family members teach recipes over the call, which can help add that special touch to the holiday. You might not be eating exactly the same meal as your loved ones, but it will definitely help you to feel closer to everyone as you try to make the holiday as fun as possible.

4. Drive Through Lights
If you don’t want to miss out on the beauty of the holiday, then consider driving through festivals. These have become increasingly popular during 2020. Simply contact venues or hosts that might have set up a celebration before to see if they are doing a drive-thru celebration or know someone that is. If you can’t find anyone doing this then you might consider just driving around to see if there are any light displays up. People are eager for the holidays to start, so there is a good chance that you might find some light displays up pretty early.

5. Decorate a Face mask
This year, face masks are going to be a part of every holiday. So, you might want to just own it and make a mask to suit the occasion. You can choose a mask in any color to add a wide variety of decorations too. This can truly help you to have a little fun with your style even if you aren’t going out to celebrate. The mask can help to show others that you’re not giving up on your celebration, which will inspire them to do the same. Plus, making a mask can be a lot of fun and will let you channel your creative energy.

6. Firework Alternatives
Fireworks are generally a big part of many Diwali celebrations. However, this year, many officials are asking people not to set off fireworks. There are many reasons for this. For starters, there have been numerous fires this year and fireworks are one of the greater causes of fires. On top of that, a firework show might bring people how to watch, and if they not social distance it could lead to further spread of covid-19. There are firework alternatives though. You might consider doing fireworks in a jar for the kids. This is an easy indoor activity that can be a lot of fun. If you love the firework element, then consider watching an old show as this might give you some of the same joy.

7. Crafts
Diwali is a great time to let your creativity show by enjoying some crafts. As mentioned before, you might consider making your own paper lantern as this will work with the holiday and will help bring some light to your night. Of course, there are many other crafts to enjoy too. For instance, you can try to make an accordion fan with lots of vibrant paper. Another fun idea is to decorate a candle holder. You can find an assortment of other ideas online to suit age requirements and personal interests. So, don’t be afraid to look around to gather a few ideas to last you throughout the holiday.

8. Get Dressed
Dressing up for Diwali is part of the fun, so don’t skip out on this small detail just because of the self-distancing order. Getting dressed can help make the holiday feel more of a reality, which can help you get out of any funk that you might be in. As a matter of fact, there is plenty of research that backs that getting up and getting dressed can actually help your mental health. So, even if it seems to be pointless, get up, and get dressed. You will feel more festive, your self-esteem will go up, and you will enjoy the holiday a bit more.

9. Enjoy Old Celebrations
If you’re feeling like you can’t handle not having a celebration, then you might look up old celebrations. This will allow you to feel some of the energy while moving along with the celebration you’re watching. You can find celebrations from large areas, or you might simply watch some of your old celebrations with family. This should help you feel a bit warmer about the holiday, especially if you are keeping away from everyone. In order to create more of a bonding experience, you might also consider asking friends and family to share their videos of old celebrations, which will help create a sense of unification.

10. Follow CDC Guidelines
If you do plan on doing anything for the holiday, then your best option is to follow CDC guidelines. When you go out, always wear a mask and keep 6 feet or more away from people that are not in your household. You should use hand sanitizer often, but only when you cannot wash your hands. You should also avoid touching your face, especially before washing your hands. Following these guidelines should help you to stay safe and protect others if you do choose to pick up food or groceries and visit the graves of ancestors for the celebration.

Diwali doesn’t have to be a bust in 2020. These ten ideas will help you to make the most out of your holiday while allowing everyone to save money and stay safe. Although the holiday might not be what you’re looking forward to, you might find some redeeming elements that you may want to include in future celebrations.