
Archive for September 29, 2022

Celebrate Evaluate Your Life Day with These Simple Tips to Improve Your Finances

Evaluate Your Life Day is coming up quickly and may leave you wondering how exactly you’re supposed to celebrate a holiday such as this. One of the easiest ways is to choose an aspect of your life that you’d like to improve on. For so many, that area of life tends to be their finances. That makes Evaluate your Life Day the perfect time to figure out ways to improve your finances. This might be easier said than done, but there are several ways you can easily do this. These ten tips can help you get on track while helping you to keep your budget on track.

1. Write Down Everything You Spend
The first step that you should take in this process is to stop and write down everything you spend. From a dollar on a drink to the gas you put in your vehicle, every expenditure should be fully documented. This will allow you to see with your own eyes where your money is going. After a week, take a look at your money logs and total up the amount you’re spending on food outside of your grocery bill, your groceries, your bills, entertainment, clothing, and frivolous spending. Then, you should take a look again after a month’s time. This will help you to understand your money better and will even allow you to make the changes you need to keep more money in your bank account.

2. Re-evaluate Your Budget
A lot of us create a budget and stick to it if it works. However, a budget should be updated to suit what we currently need in life. That is why re-evaluating the budget might be one of the best things you can do for this holiday. When it comes to your budget, you should take into consideration things like inflation when you price items like groceries and basic necessities. You will also find that there are plenty of entertainment subscriptions you may not need as much now that things are open again and you may not even be working from home anymore. After re-evaluating your budget, come up with a new one and check on the budget every few months to ensure that it is still honestly working for you and your family.

3. Deep Dive Into Your Spending Habits
If you have disposable income on your hands and tend to just purchase whatever on a whim, then you might want to take a deep dive into your spending habits. Your spending journal will come in handy with this aspect of your life evaluation too, so make sure to use it. For this, you should concentrate on how you’re spending money, especially in ways that aren’t important. You should also look into how you’re saving money. If you’re spending hundreds on things that bring no value to your life, then you might want to make a commitment to put at least half of that into your savings. This will allow you to get what you need in your life while actually helping to improve your financial situation immensely.

4. Learn New Ways to Save
Let’s face it, saving is not as easy as we would like it to be. When given the choice to spend or save, most people would rather enjoy the instant gratification of savings. Luckily, there are ways to save that actually trick your mind, which can make it so much easier. For instance, you can create a coin jar that you put money into whenever you engage in a bad habit. May it be a swear jar or a jar that you put money into any time you skip the gym, this technique will boost your savings while also allowing you to break bad habits that you’re engaging in.

5. Lock Up the Credit Card
Your credit can be your worst enemy when it comes to spending. Instead of keeping your credit card in your wallet where you can make impulse purchases, you should put it up. One of the best places to store it is in your safe, which makes it inconvenient to grab. You should also remove the card from any place you may have stored the number on your computer or phone. This will completely remove the temptation to use it. After following this procedure for a month or two, you may find it a lot easier to just say no to things you may have otherwise purchased. This will allow you to use your car for other things.

6. Use the Reward Method
If you don’t want to part ways with spending money on new things, then you don’t have to. However, this doesn’t mean you should purchase items whenever you feel like it. Instead, you should consider using a reward system to purchase new items. For instance, if you do something like finish a big work project or maintain your diet for a significant amount of time, then you can purchase yourself a little something special to help boost your happiness. This will save you a lot of money because you know if you do well in something you’ll be able to enjoy a reward soon after.

7. Go Over Frivolous Spending
There are a lot of frivolous things that we like to spend money on. Some of them that we’re aware of such as going out to eat or purchasing too many clothes. However, there are a few things that might slide under the radar. For instance, you might consider canceling some of your subscription services. You can easily download an app to help you keep track of these, but it isn’t hard to just go over your bank statement to figure out what you’re spending money on either. By cutting out things you don’t use or shouldn’t take part in too often, you’ll be able to keep a lot more money in the bank.

8. Change Diet
The way we eat can actually cost us a small fortune if we’re not careful. One of the easiest ways to cut back on spending is to change our diet. If you’re going out to eat often, then you might cut back on doing this as it is unhealthy and costly. Apart from that, the foods you buy in stores can set you back too. You can easily change your diet to include more scratch-made meals. You can also choose to purchase frozen vegetables, so you don’t have to worry about waste. There are lots of frugal eating tips on the internet, so make sure to browse around to make sure everything works for you.

9. Consider Making a Hobby Lucrative
If you’re feeling like your finances aren’t where you’d like them to be, then you may be better off finding a little extra cash flow to enjoy. One way to do this is to take a hobby and make it lucrative. Chances are, you probably have a hobby that can earn you a little extra money. If you don’t, then there is always time to learn something new to help you enjoy your free time a little more while also allowing you to earn some. Everything from offering music or language lessons can help you earn, as can selling arts and crafts. With any luck, you may even have a side hustle that can earn you big over the upcoming years.

10. Make a Financial Plan
One of the best things you can do for your entire financial situation is to create a financial plan. This can be extremely intimidating, which might cause you to feel overwhelmed by the entire thing. You can hire someone to help if you want to spend money. However, there are a lot of great tutorials online to help you out with the entire process. Once you have your financial plan all mapped out, make sure to stick with it. It might be hard at first, but you’ll find after some time has passed that it will make you feel more confident with your money.

If you’re ready to maximize the benefits of Evaluate Your Life Day, then this is a great way to start. These ten tips will help you with the financial aspect of your life, so you can improve your self-confidence and make yourself proud of the financial work you have done without sinking money into your financial planning experience.

Get Ready For Get Organized Week With These Frugal and Functional Products

The first week of October is officially Get Organized Week. Getting organized can feel like a huge burden especially when it comes to purchasing items to get organized. Organizing can be really expensive if you need new products to help you get your things in order. Luckily, there are some really awesome products on the market to help you get where you need to be. These ten 2022 products are not only budget-friendly but will help you to get your home in tip-top order, so Get Organized Week will be more efficient than ever.

1. Shelf Dividers
Stacking items upon items in the top of your closet can not only look unappealing but also can make it almost impossible to find the things you need. One way to cut back on this clutter is to purchase some shelf dividers. Clear shelf dividers are your best option because they will help create the illusion of more space in the area, while still allowing you to keep things tidy. However, if you’re looking to save money then color options might be your best option. These dividers are easy to place on most shelves and will help you to keep everything from clothes to books looking tidy in the smallest of spaces.

2. Pan Organizer
If you’ve ever burned a dish because you were too busy fumbling around looking for the pan you need, then a pan organizer will be the right match for your organizational needs. A pan organizer will fit neatly into your pantry and allows you to stack pans with ease. You won’t have to deal with loud noises as you pull out pans or put them away. Nor will you have to constantly rearrange your cabinet when you cook. Some pan organizers even have a place for lids which can add even more convenience to your cooking experience.

3. Backseat Organizer
The car can be one of the toughest places to keep organized, especially if you have children in the vehicle. A backseat organizer can be one of the most efficient ways to keep your car clean and efficient while you’re on the go. Backseat organizers come in all shapes and sizes, so it should be easy to find one to suit your needs. There are some that hold just the basic items, like trash bags, tissues, and so on, while others will hold tablets and fold out to be used as tables. There are lots of organizer guides online to help you choose which option works best for you too.

4. Can Rack
If you have a lot of canned goods in the home, then a can rack is going to help you stretch your pantry space a lot further. A can rack allows you to stack several rows of cans. This allows you to save time and space because you won’t have to dig in your pantry for the cans you’re looking for. A can rack is a great option for smaller or larger pantries, especially since it allows you to organize as you please. You can also use a can organizer for soda cans and other items that are similarly shaped. These organizers are fairly priced too, so you can add as many as you need to ensure your pantry is well organized.

5. Fridge Organizers
Your refrigerator can be stressful when it comes to keeping it organized. Luckily, there are a lot of organizers on the market to help you make your refrigerator more efficient. Some of the organizers are designed to separate goods, so you can easily fit more into the refrigerator. These are especially good for snacks and individually packaged products. There are organizers that are actually designed to help you keep produce fresher as well. These can help save you a lot of money and make it easy for your family to know what is in the refrigerator, so things are less likely to go to waste. These organizers make it a lot easier to clean your refrigerator too, which is an added bonus. When you’re not using these organizers in your refrigerator, you can place them in your cabinet. If you’re not sure which organizers are right for you, there are lots of product guides on the market.

6. Magic Hangers
If you find that there is never enough space in your closet, then a magic hanger might be the right answer for you. These magic hangers rest on the rod of your closet so you can fix several different items onto them. Then, they fold down to create a vertical space that will allow you to fit even more in your closet. These hangers are great for items like pants, but you can use them for tops, purses, belts, scarves, and so much more. There are so many options on the market too, which will allow you to find the perfect match for your needs.

7. Storage Ottoman
Let’s face it, we all have a lot of items that we’d like to hide away, right? From excess blankets to shoes, there always seems to be something unsightly in the home. A storage ottoman is the way to go when it comes to these items. Storage ottomans can be found in all shapes and sizes, which makes them great for any room in the house. Some ottomans have storage below which makes them wonderful for entryways or living rooms. Some offer plush designs with ample interior space, which is great for nurseries and children’s bedrooms. Some can even be placed in the living room to complement a couch and to be used as a footrest. There are numerous different types to choose from, so make sure you shop around to find the best possible price for your needs.

8. Lazy Susan
There’s nothing new about Lazy Susans, but they can be one of the best organizational products on the market. The best thing about these devices is you can find them almost anywhere, including dollar stores and most of your popular retailers. Lazy Susans are more than cost-effective and are great for organizing so many things. You can pop one in your refrigerator for an easy way to organize condiments without having to worry about stacking them. You can place one under your sink for all of your cleaning supplies. Apart from that, you can use them in your pantry, on your kitchen table, in the bathroom, or anywhere else that you think they’d come in handy.

9. Hanging Shoe Organizer
A hanging shoe organizer might not have been on your radar before, but this organizer is great for storing so many items. For instance, if your child has a lot of dolls or toy cars then this is going to be a great asset for you. You’ll find that you can hang it on the back of the closet door and find that so many toys fit there, which will get them off the floor and out of sight. You can use these organizers for cleaning products, kitchen products, bathroom supplies, and anything else you can think of. Of course, they also come in handy for shoes if you don’t mind the appearance of the organizer in your room or closet.

10. Wall Hangings
Anything from metal mesh to corkboard is going to make a huge difference in your home. These wall hangings are a great way to store anything from kitchen supplies to notes, which can help you stay organized on many different levels. The wall hangings are a great way to add a touch of style to any space too, especially since you can customize them to suit your needs. If you’re feeling handy, you can easily make a wall hanging for much cheaper than you could purchase one. There are plenty of tutorials online to help you along the way.

Get Organized Week is the perfect time to prepare your home for the upcoming busy months. These ten products have been all the rave throughout 2022 and are sure to bring you plenty of conveniences as 2023 arrives. Best of all, they’re all budget-friendly so getting organized won’t be a burden on you.

Celebrate International and National Coffee Day Without Breaking the Bank

Coffee can make your day spectacular. From giving us plenty of energy to get through the day to satisfying the taste buds, there is no surprise why so many people want to celebrate this wonderful beverage. September 29th marks National Coffee Day while October 1st marks International Coffee Day which means it’s time to celebrate your favorite beverage. There are many budget-friendly ways to make the celebration fun so make sure to enjoy the holidays and all that they bring to the table.

1. Enjoy a Cafe
With two different coffee-inspired holidays to choose from, you’re bound to find some amazing deals during this period of time. When it comes to finding deals, you should look to your local cafes, but some chains might also participate. If you tend to frequent chains, then you might consider trying a new local place for the holiday. Spending time in a cafe can help you relax and enjoy your time with your coffee. It can also allow you to embrace different beverages, especially if you like to try out the house special or other unique drinks. Enjoying a cafe is also the perfect time to meet up with a loved one to catch up and enjoy one another’s company.

2. Try Something New
Coffee and versatility go hand in hand, which is part of what makes it exciting. During the coffee holidays, you might use this time to try something new. You might start with a new cafe but then expand to a new type of coffee. You can try a new brand of coffee that comes from a part of the world that you’ve never tried before. If you’re feeling set on the coffee you enjoy now, then you might try to spice up your coffee with a new flavor add-in or a different type of milk. Apart from that, you can also enjoy a variety of different brewing methods. There are many guides to help you choose what might be the right option for you.

3. Shop Clearance
Right now, so many things are being put on the clearance rack, which means you can treat yourself to something special. Currently, you’ll find the best possible deals on espresso makers and coffee machines. These will help you make the best possible cup of coffee at home while allowing you to save some money in the process. Upgrading the equipment, you already have may also be an option now, especially if you find a good deal. Some coffee will also be clearanced, which will allow you to try new things for less than you’d typically spend.

4. Learn about Coffee
As a society, we drink a lot of coffee. However, do we ever fully learn about where our coffee comes from? During the coffee holidays, you might take some time to learn a bit more about coffee as a whole. There is a lot that you can learn about coffee. You might start by where the different types of coffee come from and how they are farmed and roasted. You can also look into different forms of brewing coffee. You might find a method that suits your needs more than your current system. You may even learn about new recipes to help you create a brew that won’t fail to satisfy. There are plenty of coffee books on the market, but there is also information and videos online to help you on your way.

5. DIY Barista
Spending money on coffee from a professional barista can really add up. However, learning how to become your own barista doesn’t cost much at all. There are plenty of great tutorials online that can help you make top-of-the-line coffee at much less than you’d expect. You can also learn to create your favorite signature drinks from your favorite cafes or come up with your own signature recipes as you learn the skills of the trade. This can help you save money and have fun. If you learn better in person, some coffee shops will offer classes which can make for a fun activity for friend groups or dates.

6. Coffee-Based Foods
Drinking coffee is probably one of the most popular wants to enjoy the coffee bean. However, there are lots of recipes that allow you to transform your favorite coffee beans into delicious treats. Some of the more common options are coffee cakes, but you’ll find a lot of other great dessert recipes online like coffee ice cream. You will also find unique recipes that call for coffee in marinades and so much more. The options are limitless here and make an extra special option to celebrate special occasions.

7. Share with Others
One way to celebrate the coffee holidays, without going too crazy with spending is to share with others. You might consider making a large batch of coffee to bring to work. There are many latte recipes that you can make in your crockpot which will help you create large batches that are great for sharing at the office or with your friends. You can also bring coffee to a friend to spend some time together over your favorite beverages. Of course, this is only the beginning, so share in the ways that you feel fit.

8. Coffee Tour
If you have time to spend the entire day, or even just a few hours, celebrating the coffee you love then a coffee tour is the way to go. Some cities will offer coffee tours to help show off the best cafes around, which can bring so much joy to coffee lovers. A coffee tour allows you to go from one cafe to the next sampling the coffee on offer. This is great to try out new things and enjoy the holidays even more. Of course, if you can’t find a tour, then many cafes will offer flights of coffee that allow you to sample their brews. This can be a great date idea or a fun way to hang out with friends.

9. Coffee Subscription
There are a lot of great options when it comes to coffee subscriptions, which is why this is a great option if you’re hoping to do something special for the coffee days. Coffee subscriptions come in all shapes and sizes, to suit your needs and your desires. To begin with, you can simply subscribe to your favorite coffee and have it shipped to your door so you don’t have to worry about shopping. There are other coffee subscriptions that might pique your interest though. Some pair coffee with books or vinyl records to make the experience all the more enjoyable.

10. Coffee Pairings
One important thing that you can learn on either of the coffee holidays is how to pair specific types of coffee with food. This will allow you the opportunity to enjoy food and coffee even more. Coffee pairings can be simple or complex, which is why learning them can really transform your life. There is a lot of great information about coffee pairings online, but you can also sign up for courses to help you learn more about the subject.

National Coffee Day and International Coffee Day are great times to stop what you’re doing and embrace your love of coffee. These ten ideas will allow you to easily have a little fun with the holiday without spending a lot of money. You may even find new ways to embrace your love of coffee that you’ll utilize week after week.

Celebrate Rosh Hashana Without Going Over Budget

Rosh Hashana is just a couple of weeks away and if you’re looking to celebrate the Jewish New Year, you might be stressing about your budget. Luckily, you can easily enjoy this holiday on a tight budget. You might not enjoy the extravagance that you normally would, but you won’t miss it after using a few easy budget-friendly trips. These tips may even help you shape a new way to embrace the holiday so you can fully enjoy celebrating the New Year without leaving your budget overly stretched.

1. Say Yes to Substitutions
When it comes to Rosh Hashana, food is definitely a big deal. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to spend a small fortune on an extravagant meal. Yes, the meals associated with the holiday tend to be more formal, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make substitutions to make the meal budget-friendly. To begin with, you might consider having chicken as the main dish instead of dishes like lamb or beef. This will cut back on the spending substantially. You might also consider using items that you already have in your pantry. For instance, if a recipe calls for prunes, but you have raisins in your pantry, then use these instead. These simple substitutions won’t change the quality of the meal and they’ll help you save quite a bit of money.

2. Beauty in Simplicity
There is so much beauty in simplicity, so make sure to use this in your favor. You can make so much of your celebration simple. For example, choose a meal that caters to everyone’s favorite flavors. For instance, a meal heavy in homemade bread and soups will excite the family while still offering plenty to rejoice in. Choosing items that are simple and cheap to make can make the holiday feel more enjoyable as it will take some of the pressure off of you as you celebrate. Even keeping décor to a minimum can make the holiday more enjoyable. So, this New Year, don’t concentrate on going all out, instead treasure the beautiful things in life that have been cherished by your family for generations.

3. Enjoy Water
Beverages tend to take up a large portion of a budget when you’re hosting a meal for loved ones. There are many ways to cut back on spending money on this part of the budget while leaving your guests completely satisfied with what you have to offer. Instead of wasting money on sodas, wines, and other beverages you might consider going with water. You can create a wide assortment of infused waters that will make your guests wonder why they don’t enjoy the mixtures on a daily basis. With fruit playing a major role in the holiday, you can enjoy the fruits you have to make your water delicious. There are many recipes online that can help you truly get more out of your water.

4. Shop in Bulk When Needed
Shopping in bulk is a great way to cut down on the budget of any holiday. However, it isn’t always the most frugal of options. If you’re shopping in bulk, then you need to be careful because it won’t always suit your budget to do so. Only shop in bulk for items that are actually going to be used. If you’re purchasing items in bulk because the price is low, then there is a good chance your buying items that may not be used. Even if the deal seems great you should pass it up if you don’t actually need it. Unless you want to share the cost with others and split up the items, so they aren’t as overwhelming in the home.

5. Apples and Honey
Apples and honey are traditionally a major part of the Jewish New Year. This tradition can also help you save a lot of money. You can use apples and honey throughout the celebration. So, make sure to add it to your budget for appetizers, snacks, and desserts. You can also use apples and honey as ingredients for recipes to help stretch your budget even further. Apart from that, you can set out apples and honey as decorations, so you can easily save money on décor as well.

6. Accept Help
When it comes to holidays, you might be reluctant to receive help when you’re hosting. Many take it as their duty to make their guests experience incredible. You don’t have to take it all on alone though. If someone asks to bring a dish, then it will help out immensely if you graciously accept their offer. This will cut down on the money you need to spend on the event as well as the time you have to spend in the kitchen. Apart from that, it allows others to share a piece of their story with you, which can make the experience all the more incredible.

7. Embrace the Farmer’s Market
The Farmer’s Market is going to be a great asset for your holiday experience. A trip to the farmer’s market will help you find the best possible ingredients for your holiday dishes and snacks. Best of all, everything will be local which means it will be better for you. You’ll find most of the fruit you need for your meal, but you might also use the farmer’s market to purchase honey. Honey purchased locally not only helps locals, but it can help your immune system and cut back on allergies. During your trip, you’ll probably find some fun things to do which will add to the entire experience.

8. DIY Card
Sharing some love can be hard when you don’t live near your loved ones. That is why sending out cards can be a great way to bring joy during Rosh Hashanah. Of course, you can purchase cards in the store, but this takes a lot of fun out of the experience and will cost you more money than you’d expect. Creating cards can help you show off some creativity while giving everyone a personal message that comes from the heart. This is also a great way to engage the kids in the holiday, as they help you to create fun cards for family members.

9. Pottery Gifts
If you’d like to give gifts during the holiday, then making them yourself can be a lot of fun and save you some money. One of the easiest things to make is pottery. This is great because so many aspects of the holiday use pottery in one sense or another. One easy thing you can make is a tray to display fruit. You can paint it with apple accents, or anything else that strikes your fancy. Other than that, you might consider trying your hand at making a honey pot. This will make a great symbol for the holiday and will ensure people remember you whenever they enjoy some honey.

10. Visit a Farm
Keeping the family busy during the holiday can be tricky especially if you’re trying to stay on a budget. One of the easiest things to do is head to a farm. Usually, farms that offer fruit picking have plenty to do during the autumn months as they hope to get rid of some of their harvests. When you head to the farm, you can easily pick the apples you need for your holiday celebrations. You can also take part in fun activities like corn mazes, fruit picking, country inspired games. This will help you purchase what you need while allowing you to help out local farmers in the process.

Rosh Hashanah is a great time to bring the family together while celebrating. It never has to be an occasion that is going to cost you a small fortune though. These ten tips will help you choose the best possible option for you, so you can get the most out of your holiday and your budget.

Ten Things to Budget for in the Month of September to Help You Move Through the Rest of the Year

September might seem like the right time to sit back and relax when it comes to your finances. However, it is actually the perfect month to help you begin preparing for the upcoming holiday season and the many other expenditures the year will bring. If you’re not sure what you should be budgeting for yet, then these ten ideas will inspire you to begin the planning and shopping phases that will help you prepare everything that you’ll need to feel financially confident about the upcoming spending season.

1. Halloween
Halloween will be here in the blink of an eye and items to satisfy this holiday have already been on the shelves for weeks. This doesn’t mean it’s the right time to stock up on all things Halloween. That is, unless you come across a big sale. This year, retailers are getting in a lot of excess stock, so you might be able to score some lower prices right away. However, if it’s an item you can wait on then the prices will definitely drop again after Halloween is over. Costumes aren’t great to buy now either, but you may be able to score a costume that isn’t going to be popular this year, such as those from movies that were a hit in the past. If you plan on making your costume, now is a great time to start. There are many ideas to help you along the way too. The best thing you can do now is shop around to see the prices for the items you want. This will allow you to budget your money, so you won’t miss out due to a lack of budget.

2. Tailgating
Football is back in season, which means tailgating is in session. If you’re looking for deals here, then you’re in luck because retailers will be trying to move their tailgating gear. Of course, tailgating gear like chairs, apparel, and so on won’t be on sale until after the season is over. However, you may luck out and find great deals on fryers, grills, and other supplies that will be on clearance in the summer section. What you should stock up on is food. There are so many sales during this season, so buy things when you can. This will allow you to freeze excess items, so you can always enjoy a good tailgating party without having to worry about spending money every time.

3. Storm Supplies
With the changing weather, there are bound to be some storms on the horizon. That is why it is incredibly important to budget for some storm supplies during September. Autumn can be dangerous in some places and even if it isn’t a cause for concern where you are, the winter months might be. So, if you can, stock up on bottled water, canned foods, flashlights, candles, extra batteries, and a first aid kit. If you already have these items in your storm kit, you might check out the expiration dates just to ensure everything is ready to go.

4. Thanksgiving
It might feel like it’s too soon to even consider Thanksgiving, but the holiday will be here before you know it. That doesn’t mean you should purchase the entire meal now. Instead, consider looking for specific items that are on sale. You might have luck finding cranberry sauce, supplies for dressing, or even some of the drinks you like to serve. This will allow you to cut back on some of the spendings when you need to purchase the larger ticket items. You may even be able to get a few of the items that sold out early last Thanksgiving, so you won’t miss out this year. If you don’t want to shop early, then you might also consider just putting some money back to help make your holiday meal incredible.

5. Fall Weddings
Although it might seem like most weddings happen in the summer, there is actually a surge during the autumn months. So, you might want to set a little out in your budget to ensure you’re ready for the wedding invitations you’re bound to get. One thing you should keep in mind when budgeting is autumn-friendly wedding attire. There are lots of great affordable options to choose from and even a few style guides to check out before you purchase. Apart from that, you may want to budget in for gifts. If you find sales on small appliances and other household goods, then these are great to have on hand. If you don’t use these items for the wedding season, then they can also work as holiday gifts or can be saved for next year’s wedding invites.

6. Holiday Shopping
The gift-giving season is barreling towards us, which can be pretty overwhelming. If you begin to budget in September, things can be a lot easier for you though. In September, you might start setting aside the money you would like to spend on all of your holiday fun. This gives you more than two months to save before Black Friday deals begin. You might also start looking around for items that are on sale. Many retailers are adding to their clearance toys, clothes, and other items which makes it the perfect time to swoop in and find the deals that will suit your gift list. Combining the two methods can ensure you are ready for the holiday fun.

7. Next Summer
You probably don’t want to think about all of the expenses next summer will bring, especially since we’re still currently enjoying the summer solstice. However, now is the best time to stock up on summer gear. Clothes are going to take a huge price hike during this time, so if you purchase a size or two larger you should be able to have a good collection of items for the family to wear when the weather peaks again. If you live in an area that stays warm most of the time, then this is simply a great way to add to your wardrobe on the cheap. You can also find lots of outdoor toys, pools, patio furniture, and so much more so you’re ready to make next summer amazing.

8. School Supplies
With school in session, you might not want to budget any more money for school supplies. However, if you want to save, now is the best time to do so. Most school supplies will be on clearance so stores can clear the excess amount that they have. So, you’ll find things for mere pennies, which will be great for your budget. You can purchase excess for the whole year and maybe even some options for next year too. Other than that, you’ll have plenty on hand for the household or if other things come up at school that your student may need.

9. Photographers
The autumn months tend to be busy when it comes to pictures. School photos happen during the early months of school, as do photos for all of the autumn-based sports. Many families like to take advantage of the autumn scenery as well, which can range from photos of leaves, apple orchards, or even fields of sunflowers. Apart from these photos, many are beginning to think about their family holiday photo. These things can be pricey, so you might look into them early to see if you can get some early bird discounts. Many photographers are happy to get holiday photos out of the way early so that their workload isn’t as stressful. If you ask around, you may find one that offers the right price.

10. Winter Supplies
If you act fast, September might be the sweet point for you to get your winter supplies if you’re lacking in anything. These items may not be popular on shelves at the moment, but if you find them then you might find the price is better than it will be in a month or so. Buying winter supplies now will ensure you have the items you need because they can sell out in winter especially if the season is particularly bad. Prices tend to go up when signs of winter begin which can cause even more problems if you’re not stocked up.

It might seem intimidating to know there is so much to prepare for in the upcoming months. However, if you start now, things won’t be as stressful for you. These tips will help you to plan ahead so you’re more than ready to embrace the holidays with your budget.

Bedroom Upgrades That Will Satisfy Your Budget

If your bedroom is currently less than impressive, then you might consider doing a few upgrades. This can make time spent at home even more enjoyable, especially as the cooler temperatures arrive and more time is spent inside. Unfortunately, doing a full upgrade can really cost a small fortune. These minor but effective upgrades can go the extra mile to help you make your bedroom pop without spending all the money you’ve been saving.

1. Swap Duvet Covers
One simple trick that can totally refresh your bedroom is to swap out your duvet cover. Purchasing a duvet cover tends to be less expensive than investing in a whole new comforter set or even doing anything major to your space. Duvet covers are a great option if you get bored with your color scheme or want to show off a new print in the home. On top of that, you’ll find that a duvet cover can inspire you to bring in other new elements that will help spice up the entire room. If you’re in the market for a new duvet cover, then you might consider shopping clearance sections first, as this will help you maximize your savings.

2. Declutter
Another major problem that can make a room feel uncomfortable is clutter. May it be things piling up in the room over time or too much décor, having clutter in the room can really transform a space. It can be hard to get rid of items though, especially if you’re not sure what is a clutter and what should actually stay. There are many guides to help you with this if you’re struggling to get rid of items. Of course, you can also put up shelving if you have items you’d like to keep, but they seem to clutter up the current surfaces.

3. Ditch the Carpet
Carpet can really make a room feel bland. On top of that, it can make it a little tougher to clean up, which might make your room feel less than comfortable. Unfortunately, carpet can also absorb odor, which also isn’t great for the appeal of your room. If you live in an older home, you might peel up a piece of the carpet in your space. When you do this, you’ll be able to see what is underneath. In some cases, you might find hardwood floors. They may need a little refurbishing, but they may prove to be an excellent asset to your space. If not, then you may need to add in some tiles, laminate, or anything else that strikes your fancy. You can also hire someone to do this, which can be budget-friendly if you shop around and get quotes.

4. Accent Wall
Another fantastic way to breathe a little life into the home is to bring in an accent wall. This wall can be added to any space in the room, but you might take some time to consider which wall you’d like to choose. Once you pick out your wall and clean everything from it, you can then add the wallpaper or paint of your choosing. This will add pizzazz that will draw in the eye while allowing you to show some personality without investing in a lot of paint or wallpaper. An accent wall also allows you to use any color of your choice without making the space feel small.

5. Add Mood Lighting
The lighting you choose for your bedroom can really transform it for the better. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to bring in an electrician to truly change the space. One easy way to add a bohemian flare or a touch of romanticism is to add in string lights. These can be draped from the ceiling, hung from the wall, or added anywhere that you can possibly think to add them. If string lights aren’t your thing, then you might consider swapping out your light fixtures. This can be a simple task and won’t force you to need an electrician. Adding some lamps to the space can also bring a fresh new look to the space.

6. Black Out Curtains
Although it is nice to have a bedroom that inspires comfort and brings out your personality; it is also nice to have a space that actually allows you to lock in as much sleep as possible. That is why you really need some black-out curtains to top off your bedroom’s style. These curtains are designed to completely block out the sun coming in from your windows, so you can sleep in on your day off. These curtains will also help to block out heat and cold to help with your energy bills. Apart from that, you’ll find that these curtains do come in all shapes and sizes so you can find a look that truly suits your needs.

7. Decorate Headboard
The bedframe quickly becomes the focal point of the bedroom, because it is one of the largest piece of furniture. Replacing a headboard can be pricey, but one way to save some money while switching up the way this focal point appears is to refurbish the headboard. If your headboard is made of wood then you can always paint it, add appliques, string along flowers, and anything else that strikes your fancy. Fabric or wood-based headboards can also be refurbished with fabric, which gives you the freedom to transform it with a variety of colors or prints. If you don’t have a headboard, then making a DIY headboard is no problem. You can easily create one using plywood and fabric, but there are many other ways to pull this off too. A simple search online will reveal lots of inspiration and tutorials to help you along the way.

8. Accent Rug
Another way to breathe new life into a room is to add in an accent rug. You will be surprised by how much a rug can transform a room. Not only can you give a room a new look, but a rug can also transform the style of a room. You should consider everything from color and print to shape when you choose your rug. When shopping, you might consider secondhand options before you go for new ones. A little TLC can help restore a rug in no time at all. However, there are many great deals on new rugs that you might not want to pass up. Other than that, there are new options that allow you to choose a rug pad and then purchase thinner rugs that attach to the pad. These can easily be pulled up and tossed in the washing machine, so you don’t have to worry about stains.

9. Refurbish Furniture
If you’ve already got a lot of furniture in your space that you don’t want to get rid of, but you also don’t like it as much as you used to, then refurbishing it can be your best option. You might consider straining it to a color that you prefer or giving it a coat of paint. Adding a stencil to some furniture can also ensure it looks incredible. Another great option is to swap out the knobs. This is easily done and very cost-effective. You can make your own knobs, or purchase some that are already on offer. If you’re not sure how to transform a piece of furniture, you might consider looking online for inspiration. There are many tutorials to help you get the furniture of your dreams.

10. Comfort Accents
One way to always bring a little extra comfort to your space is to add some cozy accents to the home. A snuggly blanket or an accent pillow is always great to help make you feel right at home. These pieces are also easily customizable to help you freshen up your space without spending a lot of money. Consider keeping blankets that are solid colors so you can alternate them to suit your mood. Pillow covers are also a better investment than pillows that have designs printed onto them, as you can swap them without having extra pillows that you have to pack away when you’re not using them.

These ten ideas will help make your bedroom all the more comfortable for you, so you can truly feel like you want to spend time in your space. The projects will even add a touch of fun to your redecorating experience as it will give you control over the space you’re creating.

Autumn Essentials That Will Leave You Cozy on a Low Budget

September has arrived and hints of autumn are already in the air. If you’re looking to make this autumn one of the coziest yet, then there are a few essentials that you might want to invest in. Luckily, these ten items won’t break the bank, so you can get more out of the cooler months. Many of the items will last for a long period of time, so you won’t have to worry about investing in them again, while other items will take the place of some of the monthly purchases you already make. This should help balance your budget while leaving you happier as autumn passes by.

1. Loose Top
Keeping warm is what the autumn months are all about. In prior seasons, form-fitting tops or cropped sweaters dominated the fashion industry. This season is all about loose tops, which will give you the feeling of wearing a blanket while you’re out and about. It doesn’t matter what kind of warm top you choose either. A cardigan, wrap, hoodie, or traditional sweater will all do the trick. This will make it easier for you to shop around and find a style that suits your personality and comfort needs. Even if loose tops aren’t in season next year, these items can still be worn comfortably at home. This trend should also move through winter and these items will pair well with a larger coat to bring more warmth to your day.

2. Amazing Moisturizer
With the crisp autumn air headed your way, you’ll want to make sure you have a moisturizer that is going to work magic on your skin. Before you choose the right moisturizer, you should do a little research online. Visiting a dermatologist can also help steer you in the right direction, especially if you’re dealing with skin problems. When you’re shopping around, you should keep in mind some of the ingredients that may be harmful to you. There are lists online that can help you find the right match for you, to ensure your shopping experience is better than ever.

3. Coffee Subscription
Chances are you’re already spending quite a bit of money on coffee. Whether you’re heading to the café to grab a latte or you’re brewing at home, coffee can be pricey. Shopping for coffee can be frustrating too because there are so many options to choose from and it’s hard to say what is actually going to taste great. A coffee subscription will take the guesswork out of shopping for coffee. A subscription will give you new options to try every couple of weeks to a month or will have your favorite coffee shipped directly to your home. This will save you time and money while ensuring you always have a warm brew to make autumn all the more exciting.

4. Cozy Sheets
Nothing is quite as inviting as sliding into bed at the end of a long, cold day. A good pair of cozy sheets will help you feel all the snugger. Today, there are so many sheet options on the market that can help you feel like you’re living your best life. For years, polyester cotton blends flooded the markets, which they still do today. If you’re ready to break away from sheets like this, then you might consider bamboo as an option. Bamboo sheets are sustainable, antimicrobial, and can help you feel cool all night like. 100% cotton is also a nice breathable option that can help you stay comfortable all night. If you like to stay extra warm during the colder months. There are many websites dedicated to helping you find the best possible sheets for your needs.

5. Cool Thermos
With the cold months headed our way, a thermos is going to go a long way to keep you feeling comfortable and satisfied. With the market saturated in thermos options, you’ll find so many choices that it will be easy to find a cool thermos or three. There are many Etsy stores that will allow you to order a custom tumbler that works to keep your drinks piping hot for hours. Of course, you can also purchase thermoses from some of the highest-rated brands. These are commonly found in stores, so if you keep your eyes peeled you may even come across some on sale.

6. Audio Book Subscription
Autumn is one of the best times to read but sitting down with a book isn’t always possible. One way to take in more books during the autumn months is to enjoy an audiobook subscription. This will allow you to find the books you like and enjoy them whenever you can. Audiobooks are perfect for working out, commuting, cleaning, and any other time your hands are busy, but your mind isn’t. You may be able to find some audiobooks for free, but ultimately if you’re looking for best sellers or new books then a subscription is probably going to be the only way to go.

7. Wireless Earbuds
Whether you’re a podcast fan, love audiobooks, need a soundtrack wherever you go, or like to take calls without having to hold onto your phone, a good set of wireless earbuds will help you enjoy your day-to-day life. Wireless earbuds are such a convenience that having a good pair will definitely allow you to find so much more enjoyment in your day-to-day life. These are handy while commuting, walking, running, or even just lounging around the house. Apart from that, they are really handy in the winter. You won’t have to fumble with them once in, so removing your gloves to adjust is a thing of the past. They can also block some wind from entering your ears which can stop those pesky ear infections that the autumn chills tend to bring.

8. Aromatherapy
Nothing says comfort quite like walking into a home that smells warm and comforting. Aromatherapy is one of the best ways to perk up the senses and move gently into relaxation mode. You can find aromatherapy in many different ways, which allows you to work with the items that you personally love. One of the easiest ways is to just purchase candles. This can be a bit pricey though and may leave you with containers you’ll need to reuse for something or recycle. An alternative to the candle is a wax melt. You can find wax melters in many different styles to help you show off your personality. Melts are pretty cheap too and will leave your home smelling delicious. Another great option is essential oils. Some say the right combination of essential oils can change the mood and improve overall health. However, some may have adverse effects on children and pets, so make sure to do your research before you buy.

9. Baking Kit
Baking is a great way to keep yourself busy during the autumn months. Not only does the warmth of the oven keep the home feeling comfortable, but it gives the house a nice aroma that is welcoming and cozy. A book baking kit can help you get started on your baking journey for the season. If you’re new to baking, then you can actually purchase a baking kit to help you bake most of the things that interest you. If you’re a seasoned baker, you might consider just purchasing the pieces that you want to help build the baking kit of your dreams. You should always put in a little research when you invest in these items though, which will ensure you’re not throwing your money away.

10. Crock Pot
If you don’t have a crock pot on hand, then this is an autumn essential that is going to take you far. Crock pots come in a variety of sizes, so you might want more than one, especially if you find yourself cooking meals that require multiple cookers. You can also find them with a wide variety of designs, which is great if you like to show off your personality. With a crockpot on hand, you’re ready to create healthy soups for all the colds the kids are bound to bring home, hearty stews, dump meals, as well as your favorite pumpkin spice lattes that will cost you less than the café.

Autumn is the time to be cozy at home. These ten essentials will help you to feel more at home in your space while adding an extra level of convenience to your day. Best of all, they won’t force you to spend a bundle that is great for your budget and your wellbeing.

Autumn Decor Trends That Will Leave Your Home Feeling Warm on a Budget

Autumn is basically here, which means it’s time to upgrade your decor. If you’re ready to embrace the autumn months, you’ll be happy to know that many of the decor trends for this season are functional, stylish, and easy to maintain on a tight budget. These ten ideas will make you feel like your home deserves to be featured in a magazine while allowing you to fully embrace your artistic side to create a warm and inviting home.

1. Earthy Tones
In true autumn fashion, earthy tones are going to be one of the biggest trends of the season. This year you’ll want to purchase items with stunning browns and oranges. However, there are many other tones that are considered earthy which will make your home truly pop. If you want to go all out for the autumn months, then an accent wall in earthy tones will truly transform the space. However, if painting is too time-consuming or not something you’d like to do then there are so many other options. Accent pieces, such as decor items, flowers, pillows, and blankets are a great choice. You can even add in art pieces to highlight the earthy tones and bring out your love of autumn.

2. Wooden Accents
Wooden accents are going to be big this season. If you’re looking for a big project to undertake, then you might consider adding wooden paneling to your home. Replacing the floor with wood or faux wood options will also pop. Apart from that, you might consider adding wooden furniture that will stand the test of time. If you don’t want to purchase new furniture, then you might consider adding wooden accents to the furniture that you already have. Other than that, wooden sculptures or art pieces will add plenty of charm to the home while satisfying the trends.

3. Weaving
This season woven things are certainly making waves in the trendy section. If you want to add comfort to your home, then purchasing woven items will do the trick. Decor that features weaving is going to be very easy to spot in more stores. You’ll find everything from furniture options to small decorative pieces that you’ll love showing off. The best thing about this trend is you probably already have many options to choose from in your home. You can also create your own weaving to show off in the home.

4. Crisp White Focal Points
Another simple trend to hop on board with is crisp white focal points. This can be anything from your walls to stylish decorative items. This trend is easy to channel too as many homes already feature white walls. All you need is to freshen them up for a look that everyone is going to compliment. Apart from that, you’ll find that adding hints of white to furniture is almost effortless, A white pillow or blanket accent can do the trick. However, older items might look incredible when reupholstered. Pieces of art that are largely white or white sculptures can also define a room and make it trendier than you’d ever expect. The crisp white trend will make most rooms more spacious and cleaner which can make you feel more at home.

5. Wreaths
Wreaths are returning as a trend you’ll want to hop on board for during the autumn months. Typically, you’ll find wreaths with leaves and other fall elements in stores. The wreath can also be swapped out to suit the holidays. For instance, you can add Halloween or Thanksgiving wreaths to ensure that you have a change of flavor during the season. There will be lots of wreaths to choose from on the market, but you’ll also find that wreaths are pretty easy to make on your own. This can save you hundreds of dollars.

6. Pendant Lights
Boring light fixtures are out this season, which might be cause for concern if you’re trying to keep up with trends. Swapping out light fixtures isn’t really a hassle though. With a few tutorials, you’ll be able to jump on the task without batting a lash. This season, pendant lights that become the focal point of the room are the way to go. You’ll be able to choose from a wide variety of selections with many suiting a wide range of budgets. Of course, following trends like crisp white colors or earthy tones will also help you to keep up with the fashion trends with ease.

7. Curves
Curvy is big this season, which will help make your home look incredible. You can find curvy in so many aspects of design. One of the more common ways to add it in is through furniture. Chairs with curvy backs, rounded tables, and accent pieces that are curvy will definitely make your home look incredible this season. You can also stand out with red blankets or rugs. One of the easiest ways to incorporate curves into your home is to add in art pieces that show off circular designs. You can even make these yourself, which can add to the personalization of the home.

8. Marble
Marble is big this year. Although it is typically found on countertops and can be very expensive, you’ll find that marble can be added to many aspects of the home. You can even make your own paintings that look like marble. Adding these special touches to the home can transform the way it looks and feels, which is incredible for helping you add a luxurious feel to the home while still catering to the autumn vibes.

9. Patterns
This fall is all about the patterns which will make decorating a lot of fun for everyone. You can choose from a wide variety of patterns too. Florals, vintage prints, and even subtle designs will be trendy. However, checkerboard patterns are going to be the best possible choice for you. You can add patterns to just about everything too, which makes it a simple way for you to decorate without having to go the extra mile. An easy way to incorporate patterns is to use contact paper on surfaces or add fabrics as accent pieces. This will certainly keep things on the cheap side while allowing you to explore your creativity.

10. Mirrors
Another big trend for the season is mirrors. You can place these everywhere to add to the home. The great thing about mirrors is they help to create the illusion of space, which can truly add to a room. Your choice of the mirror really doesn’t matter either. You can choose mirrors with vintage frames or those that offer a modern appeal. You can even have mirrors that stand in the place of art or complement an art piece. How you use the mirror depends on your own personal taste, so have fun with it. If you’re looking for a cheap way to add mirrors to the home, then hitting the thrift store would be wise.

Decorating for autumn can be a fun way to make the most out of your home’s aesthetic. These ten ideas will keep you on budget while allowing you to truly feel confident in your setting. Between the warm colors and stylish designs, you’ll feel even more at home in your surroundings without stretching your budget.

Save Big on Hotels to Ensure your Travel Plans are More Than Affordable

The holiday season is around the corner, which means it’s time to start planning all of the holiday traveling that you hope to do. Unfortunately, hotel stays aren’t exactly budget-friendly. Luckily, there are quite a few options that can help you save money on the hotels that you actually want to stay in. These tips can help you ensure holiday travel won’t leave you hurting as you recover from the holiday months and will ensure you have more enjoyment as you take to the air or roads.

1. Travel in the Off Season
If you can avoid holiday travel, you absolutely should. Staying with a loved one is always a better option during this time. Instead of booking hotels for this period of time, you should save your money and book for the off-season. This will allow you to find hotels at a more affordable price. It will also mean you can travel without dealing with crowds. You may even get a better room during your stay and won’t have to share the amenities with a lot of other people.

2. Read the Fine Print
A lot of hotels like to take on hidden fees. So, when you’re quoted a price, this often isn’t the price after the fees that are tacked on. One of the best things you can do is look at the fees before you sign anything confirming your room. If you don’t see anything on this, then call up the hotel and ask what their fees are. They will have to disclose this information. If you don’t agree with a fee, a lot of the time you ask for it to be waived. Many hotels will do this, especially if you’re looking for a room during the off-season.

3. Enjoy Continental Breakfast
A lot of hotels offer a continental breakfast to draw in customers. This is included in the pricing the hotel creates, so utilizing this amenity can help you save extra money. Some hotels go all with a breakfast that rivals local restaurants. Other hotels will offer the basics like bagels, yogurts, oatmeal, and so on. No matter what you choose to do, enjoying your breakfast at the hotel can cut out the price of one of your meals. Most will also offer coffee options, so you won’t have to go out to purchase coffee either. It might not seem like a lot of money, but as the days pass, eating breakfast for free will help cut back on the price you pay for your travels.

4. Use Loyalty Points
If you travel a lot, then loyalty points may be your key to cheaper hotels, especially around the holiday season. Most hotels are a part of a chain, so when you stay with any of their branches you will receive loyalty points that you can use within the branch of the chain. Every time you stay in a hotel you will earn points, but some hotels will offer other ways to earn points. So, it is important to do some research to know which loyalty programs you’d like to join. This will also allow you to know exactly what perks you will receive when you sign up.

5. Use Your Credit Card
Although charging expenses might not be your cup of tea, it can actually be beneficial when it comes to booking a hotel. A lot of credit cards will give you extra points for hotel rooms, which means you can use these points for rewards later on. Of course, you should know about your credit card reward policy before you book your hotel through this method. You should also pay attention to the interest rate on your card, so you can easily pay it off when you can. If you have questions about this, you might call your credit card company. Sometimes, they will offer special deals for specific brands.

6. Always Book in Advance
When planning a stay in a hotel, the most important thing that you can do is to book in advance. You should try to do this several months in advance if possible. You will be able to not only secure your room but choose a room that is nicer. You may even have a better chance of upgrading your room when you check out, which can make your stay even better. Booking early can also earn you some major savings which will be great for your travel experience.

7. Business Hotels
Business hotels can be a great asset for anyone hoping to save some money. These hotels are designed for individuals that might be traveling for conferences, or even those that may need to stay in an area a little longer. Typically, these hotels don’t book up on the weekend though, because most business takes place during the work week. So, you might look into booking at one of these hotels on the weekend when booking rates tend to be lower to entice people to stay. There are lots of great business hotels out there, so make sure to do research to find which works best for you.

8. Browse Listing Sites
Listing sites can be your best friend when it comes to finding a hotel to suit your needs. However, in order to find the best possible deal, you should browse all of the listing websites available. This will not only allow you to compare prices, but it will help you find the lowest possible deal. Most of these websites also offer reviews, so you can spend your time reading them and finding options that will suit your unique needs. This can be a big help as it will allow you to book with confidence.

9. Bundle with Airfare
If you’re planning on traveling a long distance or simplifying your destination, then you’re at an advantage when it comes to your savings. Often, when you bundle with your airfare, you’ll get even deeper discounts on your hotel stay. Many airlines will partner with chains to make this happen, so you can feel satisfied that you’re going to get your money’s worth. You’ll have to go through a travel agent or a booking website to find these deals, so make sure to shop around using both options to lock in the best possible price.

10. Call the Hotel
Booking online is incredibly convenient, but you may not get the best possible price when you do this. Instead, you should always try calling the hotel before you book online. Sometimes, if you call the hotel then you can haggle down the price or even upgrade to a better price. Even if they aren’t willing to negotiate, you can take down a price so you can compare it with other hotels and online prices.

Booking a hotel doesn’t have to leave you fearing for the price that you’re going to have to pay. These ten tips will help you to find the best possible deals so you can enjoy your time away from home without dealing with the prices of staying elsewhere. You may even be able to find a new hotel chain that you enjoy, which can make traveling a lot easier for you.