
Inspire Your Little Astronaut With Out Of These World Tips For Space Day

National Space Day is a great time to help your little astronaut feel closer to space than ever before. Although bringing Space Day to your child might seem intimidating, there are actually numerous things you can do that won’t cost you a fortune or cause you to go to great lengths to make the fun happen. Most households should have everything needed to pull off most of these ideas, which can help you even plan out the day on short notice. So, get ready to spend your day out of this world as National Space Day makes its appearance on the first Friday of May.

1. Build a Spaceship
What better way to spend National Space Day than to actually visit outer space, in our imagination, of course? Building a spaceship is one of the best ways for children to connect with the theme of the day. You don’t have to go out and purchase kits to pull this off though. Most children will be able to work with a cardboard box without any instruction needed. Try to utilize craft supplies that you have at home, which can help make this craft cost you next to nothing. Paints and anything that sparkles will certainly do the trick here, but you might also consider using foil from the kitchen to help make a special windshield for the spacecraft. If you want to go the extra mile then help your child design a spaceship using a bike or tricycle. You can cut out pieces from the cardboard box to make the item come to life as a real-life spaceship.

2. Make a Space Suit
Nothing will pair with your child’s new spaceship quite like a spacesuit. You might be surprised how easy it is to make a spacesuit out of items around the house. Some parents have used a smaller cardboard box or paper bag with a hole cut in the front to create a space helmet that will inspire imaginative play. If you have a white sweatsuit on hand, then you can decorate it with tape and other items to give it a more authentic feel. The best thing is this costume can be put away and used for playtime whenever your child is in the mood to explore space.

3. Try Dehydrated Foods
If your child is interested in the life of an astronaut, then one easy way for them to get a taste of the experience is to introduce them to astronaut food. This is largely dehydrated food, but you can actually purchase some official astronaut items online if you’re willing to spend the money. There are a few recipes online that you can try out too. One of the most popular options is astronaut ice cream, which isn’t hard to make at home. It can also make a nice treat that will help your child feel confident in the kitchen as they help out.

4. Decorate with Stars
If your child is obsessed with stars, then decorating with stars is another fun way to embrace the holiday. You can purchase a pack of glow-in-the-dark stars for cheap now, which will allow you to create your own constellations or simply place them in a design the child likes. These stars may even help children that tend to be afraid of the dark. You can also purchase decals in the shape of the solar system or constellations. If you don’t want to spend money on the project, then simply cut out stars with your child that can be taped up anywhere to create a space-inspired design.

5. Build a Solar System
National Space Day can also be a great time to help your child learn all about the solar system in which they live. One easy way to do this is to build your own solar system mobile. You can make one out of supplies you have at home or purchase a kit that comes with everything you need. There are lots of tutorials online to check out if you’re not certain where to start. You can also watch videos online to learn about each planet and the sun, so your child can show off their knowledge at the end of the day.

6. DIY Rocketship
Older children might also get a kick out of creating and launching their own rocket ships. You don’t have to go to great lengths to make this happen. You can actually make your own rocket ship with supplies that you probably have at home. You can find lots of tutorials to do this, and some can be as simple as using a 2 liter and some snack supplies. Of course, if you don’t want to tackle this on your own, then you can also purchase a kit for fairly cheap. These kits are great STEM activities and will ensure your child learns quite a bit about STEM while they work on their project.

7. Watch Space Movies
During your downtimes, you might want to stop and take a break from all of the fun. Sitting down with a movie can be one of the best things you can do. Luckily, there are so many space-related movies to choose from that you won’t have to look long to find the perfect thing to watch. Almost every streaming network will have at least one space-related movie, including the free services. For older children interested in learning more about space, you might choose a documentary on astronauts or an element of space that particularly interests them. Younger children will probably prefer a cartoon, but this will still give them an idea of space and the themes surrounding it.

8. Visit a Planetarium
If you’re looking for an exciting outing, then a trip to the planetarium is going to be an awesome adventure for the holiday. The planetarium is a great place to learn about space and is designed to give everyone in the family a closer glimpse at the stars. You will find that many planetariums not only have an observatory but also offer exhibits to help people learn more about the universe that we live in. There are numerous planetariums around the globe, so you should be able to find one near you with a simple search online.

9. Moon Rocks
If you’re looking for another fun and educational activity, then you might consider moon rocks. This activity can be tackled in many different ways. For younger children, you might consider taking them outside to collect rocks that they think may have fallen to the ground from the moon. For older children, creating moon rocks can be a lot of fun. You can easily make your own using supplies at home. There are lots of tutorials to choose from so you can pick out one that suits your interests and your supply list. There are also kits to help you out as well, which might be the perfect option if you need to plan a last-minute activity.

10. Explore the Skies
Space Day wouldn’t be complete without exploring the night sky. So, take your kids outside and let them admire the stars. If you have a telescope, then you can help children spot various things in the sky and go over what they are seeing. Of course, if you don’t have a telescope then you can easily use apps on your phone to help you out. There are many apps that can identify constellations and more based on where you point the phone. Most of these apps also offer amazing information to help you share with the family.

National Space Day is a great way to help the little astronauts and astronomers in your life explore one of their favorite subjects. These ten tips will help you to enjoy imaginative and educational activities that will make this one of your child’s favorite holidays. Best of all, the ideas will stick to your budget so you can worry less about the fun you plan.

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