
Allergy Relief that Comes at A Frugal Price

It’s official, Spring is here! With all the flowers bursting to life, amazing smells on the cool breeze and rainy mornings you’re probably walking on cloud nine, right? Well, okay, I guess I did leave out the part about the sneezing, itchy eyes and other misfortunes that the season brings along with it. If you spend your mornings waiting for the news to announce pollen counts in your area then you’re probably also wasting quite a bit of money to maintain your allergy dilemma. There are a few ways you can stop the sneezing in its tracks right away though and, luckily enough, it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. So put your wallet away and enjoy the season of life without carrying around extra tissues!
1. Consider Bedding
Believe it or not, but your bedding can contain a lot more allergens than you think, even if you do wash it all of the time. Dead cells as well as dust mites don’t just get into your sheets, pillows and blankets, but they also find a home in your mattress. This means you can still have an allergen attack after you put on fresh linens. One of the best ways to remedy this problem is to vacuum your bed often during the allergen season. This will help your mattress last longer to begin with, but will also ensure you get most of the problem taken care of before you put your sheets back on. You should still wash your bedding often during this season, especially your sheets, as this can cut down on allergens substantially. You may want to consider finding a milder soap though as some soaps can be more irritating to the nasal passage when you’re already fighting off allergens in the air. Another way to help out the problem is to buy a mattress and pillow covers. If you can find antimicrobial covers at a great price then you’ll be one step ahead of your allergies throughout the year!

2. Mold Inspection
Although dust and pollen are some of the more common allergens during spring time, mold is a pretty big culprit that can cause more damage than you think. If you can, hire someone to come look at the interior and exterior of your home to see if mold is becoming an issue. There are some companies that offer these services for free or a low cost so look online and see where you can find these services. You may also want to contact your insurance company to see if they can offer you a deal or at least cover the majority of the cost. If you can’t afford to do this then buy a home kit. It will give you a basic idea of what needs to be done and the actions you’ll need to take to get rid of the mold for good. You can buy products in stores to get rid of mold, but there’s also a lot of home remedies that are better for the environment and your budget. For instance, you can use vinegar, vodka or hydrogen peroxide to take care of most molds you’d find in the home.

3. Carpeting
You should pretty much consider your carpets to be a club house for allergens. Carpeting is nice and all, especially when it comes to regulating home temperature, but during the spring it’s an allergy attack waiting to happen. One of the best things you can do is vacuum it daily, but sometimes this won’t even help reduce the allergies in your home. If you have carpeting that is really old or in front of doorways then this could be a huge problem for your sneezing attacks. You may want to consider removing this carpet for good or at least replacing it. Old carpet has years of allergens just waiting to mess up your day while carpets in front of doorways easily latch on to the allergens when people walk in or outside. If you love your carpeting then consider keeping a hardwood or tile entrance way to reduce the problem. You may also want to consider deep cleaning your carpets once a month to bi-weekly. This can help out substantially and won’t cost you too much if you have your own machine.

4. Dehumidify
Humidity is one of the main reasons allergies act up. Let’s face it, there’s typically a ton of moisture in the air during the spring time so you’re not going to escape the torture any time soon. You can, however, fight back. One of the best things to do is install dehumidifying fans in your bathrooms. These are surprisingly cheap to find and will cut down on moisture in the rooms that have it the most. You may also want to put some of these fans in your garage as this can help reduce some of the moisture in the home. Finally, if you’re still having issues then you can easily find a dehumidifier for the bedroom or other living spaces. These can be found in most department stores and won’t cost a lot either. Simply fire it up when you’re sleeping and you may begin to feel better in no time at all.

5. Change Air Filters
It’s really easy to forget about your air filters, but keeping up with them can save you a whole lot of money and allergy relief in the long run. Typically, you should change them out every season, but a lot of people end up putting it off until a later day. This can be really bad when the pollen count begins to rise, as it means your home is going to be filled with allergens that will make the whole family miserable. Changing the air filter only takes a few seconds and won’t cost a lot either. You can usually buy bulk packs for a small price which will keep you stocked up for the full year. You should also consider changing the filters in your heating and cooling systems to as you may need to use one or the other and you don’t want their allergens spreading through the home!

6. Dust Often
Winter is typically one of the worst seasons for dust, but you may find your allergies react to it more during the spring time. This is why it’s important to dust often during this period, especially during early spring when winter’s dust may still be hanging out on picture frames and the like. You should try to dust two to three times a week if possible, but if you can’t make the time then once a week should be a firm rule. You can spend a fortune on dusting supplies, but there’s really no need to. In fact, a damp wash cloth can do most of the work for you. Just adding a little water to a cloth will help you grab more dust while preventing it from flying in the air and irritating your allergies even more. If you’re worried about the dust causing a problem then you may want to invest in an anti-dust spray that could help keep it off of your surfaces for a little longer.

7. Invest In Neti Pots
For generations, many cultures have used Neti Pots to help heal illnesses as well as ease allergy problems. Recently, they started to become popular in Western cultures again, which has helped many people get rid of allergies and other nasal problems for good. You can buy Neti Pots in a lot of different locations, so make sure you shop around to find a price that suits your budget. Some people even make their own Neti Pots with clay or by recycling similar items. The Neti Pot requires you to use warm water. Simply tilt your head and place the spout in one of your nostrils. The water will flow through the nostril and out the other, getting rid of toxins and allergens trapped in your nasal cavity. Make sure you follow the instructions for this remedy though! With a little luck, this natural process will soothe the sinuses so you can skip out on expensive remedies.

8. Change Your Diet
You’d be amazed at what changing your diet can do for your body’s immune system. With a few simple changes during the season you can actually enjoy more allergy relief than you would by popping a pill. Honey is one of the more common items people tell you to eat when you’re suffering from allergies; however, this is actually an old wives tale. Honey does do you a lot of good for your immune system, but it’s not your best option for allergy relief. Turmeric is actually one of the best ways to combat allergies and it offers you a wide range of food options to cook with it. Enjoying a variety of soups can also help with the problem. Generally, eating hot soups helps clear the nasal passage so you can breathe easier while getting plenty of nutrients. Eating enough fruits and vegetables will play a big part in keeping you healthy no matter what you’re facing, so do your immune system a favor and keep to the food pyramid where these items are concerned. You may also want to eat more chicken than beef as this has been proven to cut down on allergies throughout the year. There’s a lot of other food options to choose from, so do a little research to help find what works best for your diet!

9. Allergy Shots
A lot of people don’t want to get a shot for something as small as allergies, but they actually help. Unfortunately, they’re not as common as other shots, like the flu, so you may not be able to go just anywhere to get it. Try to have a conversation with your doctor about getting an allergy shot. A lot of the time, if your allergies are severe enough, they may actually suggest the option. Some doctors may send you to a specialist though, which could cost quite a bit of money. If this is the case, try to mention the shot to your doctor or ask to get a second opinion. With one shot you can eliminate your symptoms, which will cut back on the items you need to buy to keep your allergies at bay.

10. Bulk Medication
Natural remedies don’t always help us get the relief we need, which is why many people actually turn to medication to help out. There’s a lot of great brands out there that can help relieve most, if not all, of your allergy symptoms. If you can, get an appointment with your doctor to see which medications may help you out the most. You may also want to ask for a generic brand. However, if you know an over the counter medication is all you need then head to your local wholesale store to see what deals they have to offer. Most allergy medications, even generic brands, can be bought in bulk to save money. Even department stores offer these items in bulk, so don’t lose out on money by buying a single container. This is probably the best way to purchase the medication, especially if you need it for the whole family!

Allergy season doesn’t have to leave you in a fog, nor does it have to hog all of your rainy day funds. With a few simple tips you’ll find that taking care of your allergy problem is a lot easier than you think. With a little diet experimentation and a little elbow grease around the home, you may find your allergies will soon become a thing of the past!

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