
Frugal Fun For Diwali During the Covid-19 Outbreak

This year Diwali begins on November 14, so there is still plenty of time for you to plan out your celebration. Generally, this holiday is spent with friends and family and generally involves the attendance of many social gatherings. Unfortunately, Diwali might look a little different for many families this year due to covid-19. However, you don’t have to let this get you down. Instead, you might consider working hard to make the holiday unforgettable by creating new traditions and altering all of the traditions that you might not be able to do this year. These ten ideas are only the beginning of the fun you can have while saving money on this holiday.

1. Clean and Decorate
It might not be your favorite way to celebrate the holiday, but cleaning is a tradition that you should definitely keep up with this holiday. For obvious reasons, cleaning will help to keep your family healthy during the pandemic. However, cleaning also helps you to make room for the new and get rid of the old. In times like these, cleaning can be a way to find hope during what is going on in the world. Once you finish up with your cleaning then don’t skip out on decorating. There are a lot of things you might not get to do this year, so decorating can create a sense of normalcy while also bringing a little joy to the setting. If you can, try to use the decorations you have or make your own, as going out to shop might not be the wisest idea right now.

2. Focus on the Light
These days, focusing on the light is one of the best things you can do considering what is going on. So, this season you might do the same when it comes to your Diwali celebrations. You might look at all of the different ways that you can add light to your home. For instance, you can try your hand at making paper lanterns, which is a wonderful craft for the whole family. You might also add lots of candles to the home to help light in a beautiful and subtle way. If you really want to get crafty then try to make your own candles. There are numerous ways to bring light to the home, so have some fun with the concept.

3. Digital Family Feasts
It might not seem the same to have Diwali without a family feast. However, family feasts can be especially dangerous this year and traveling isn’t a great idea. Instead of risking getting covid-19, you might look at an alternative for your family feast. Try to have everyone schedule a ZOOM call together where you can all eat a meal with each other. You might even have older family members teach recipes over the call, which can help add that special touch to the holiday. You might not be eating exactly the same meal as your loved ones, but it will definitely help you to feel closer to everyone as you try to make the holiday as fun as possible.

4. Drive Through Lights
If you don’t want to miss out on the beauty of the holiday, then consider driving through festivals. These have become increasingly popular during 2020. Simply contact venues or hosts that might have set up a celebration before to see if they are doing a drive-thru celebration or know someone that is. If you can’t find anyone doing this then you might consider just driving around to see if there are any light displays up. People are eager for the holidays to start, so there is a good chance that you might find some light displays up pretty early.

5. Decorate a Face mask
This year, face masks are going to be a part of every holiday. So, you might want to just own it and make a mask to suit the occasion. You can choose a mask in any color to add a wide variety of decorations too. This can truly help you to have a little fun with your style even if you aren’t going out to celebrate. The mask can help to show others that you’re not giving up on your celebration, which will inspire them to do the same. Plus, making a mask can be a lot of fun and will let you channel your creative energy.

6. Firework Alternatives
Fireworks are generally a big part of many Diwali celebrations. However, this year, many officials are asking people not to set off fireworks. There are many reasons for this. For starters, there have been numerous fires this year and fireworks are one of the greater causes of fires. On top of that, a firework show might bring people how to watch, and if they not social distance it could lead to further spread of covid-19. There are firework alternatives though. You might consider doing fireworks in a jar for the kids. This is an easy indoor activity that can be a lot of fun. If you love the firework element, then consider watching an old show as this might give you some of the same joy.

7. Crafts
Diwali is a great time to let your creativity show by enjoying some crafts. As mentioned before, you might consider making your own paper lantern as this will work with the holiday and will help bring some light to your night. Of course, there are many other crafts to enjoy too. For instance, you can try to make an accordion fan with lots of vibrant paper. Another fun idea is to decorate a candle holder. You can find an assortment of other ideas online to suit age requirements and personal interests. So, don’t be afraid to look around to gather a few ideas to last you throughout the holiday.

8. Get Dressed
Dressing up for Diwali is part of the fun, so don’t skip out on this small detail just because of the self-distancing order. Getting dressed can help make the holiday feel more of a reality, which can help you get out of any funk that you might be in. As a matter of fact, there is plenty of research that backs that getting up and getting dressed can actually help your mental health. So, even if it seems to be pointless, get up, and get dressed. You will feel more festive, your self-esteem will go up, and you will enjoy the holiday a bit more.

9. Enjoy Old Celebrations
If you’re feeling like you can’t handle not having a celebration, then you might look up old celebrations. This will allow you to feel some of the energy while moving along with the celebration you’re watching. You can find celebrations from large areas, or you might simply watch some of your old celebrations with family. This should help you feel a bit warmer about the holiday, especially if you are keeping away from everyone. In order to create more of a bonding experience, you might also consider asking friends and family to share their videos of old celebrations, which will help create a sense of unification.

10. Follow CDC Guidelines
If you do plan on doing anything for the holiday, then your best option is to follow CDC guidelines. When you go out, always wear a mask and keep 6 feet or more away from people that are not in your household. You should use hand sanitizer often, but only when you cannot wash your hands. You should also avoid touching your face, especially before washing your hands. Following these guidelines should help you to stay safe and protect others if you do choose to pick up food or groceries and visit the graves of ancestors for the celebration.

Diwali doesn’t have to be a bust in 2020. These ten ideas will help you to make the most out of your holiday while allowing everyone to save money and stay safe. Although the holiday might not be what you’re looking forward to, you might find some redeeming elements that you may want to include in future celebrations.

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