
Keep Spring Frugal With These Fun at the Park Ideas

Spring is the perfect time to get outdoors and play. Going to a park is one of the cheapest and most exciting things you can do with your family. However, if you frequent the park then you might find that the kids may be getting a little bored of the playground alone. These ten tips will help you find some extra forms of entertainment that will allow you to enjoy the park all the more without spending a lot of money. Your entire family should find something to do when you enjoy these activities at the park. You might even find that your children request a visit to the park more often.

1. Have a Picnic
Sharing a picnic at the park is probably one of the most iconic activities that you can engage in. You don’t have to go crazy with your picnic either. Simply use a bag or basket you already have around the home instead of going out to purchase a traditional basket. You may even just pack food in your kid’s lunch boxes to help you keep items cool or hot. As far as food is concerned, you shouldn’t stray too far from what you would normally serve for lunch in order to save money. However, there are cheap recipes and foods you can pick if you choose to go the more traditional route. Most kids will just be happy to get to enjoy food outside, which is typically out of the ordinary. Make sure to bring items to sanitize hands to keep your family safe though.

2. Capture the Flag
If your playground has an awesome structure to play on, then a game of capture the flag is definitely in order. This game is fairly simple as you just need to break into teams. Each team has a flag that is hidden somewhere on the structure. You can use just about anything for the flag too, but if you want to add to the appeal then you may consider having kids make their own flag. The team to find the other team’s flag and return it to their base without getting caught wins the game. This game can take some time or can be done in short bursts, which makes it a great game for all attention spans.

3. Bug Hunt
When it comes to bugs, playgrounds offer a huge selection of insects to explore. Usually, there are a lot more bugs at the park than there are at home, so kids can have a lot more fun exploring the area and discovering new species. You may have to look up the types of bugs in your area and print off a sheet so children can look for specific bugs as they explore the world around them. You can even have a race to see who can discover the most species of bugs which will add a new and exciting element of fun. If kids are interested in photography, then taking pictures of the bugs will also add to the experience while teaching children different photography skills. After visiting the park, kids can even draw pictures of the bugs they saw to help them unwind from all of the chaos.

4. Scavenger Hunt
Apart from looking for insects, you can add a bunch of exciting things to a list for kids to search for when they grow tired of playing on the playground. You might add things like tires, flowers, screws, anthill, and other common items that can be found in the playground itself and the area around it. You can customize this to suit the children in your life as well, which will make it simple for you to enjoy for a variety of different age groups. The best thing about scavenger hunts is you can totally mix them up so kids can enjoy them every time you go to the park. They will also help children develop the skills necessary to find items, which can help them in so many ways.

5. Meet People
Socialization has been a little on the low side of the spectrum over the last year. So, meeting new people, especially children, can be very hard. Going to the park provides children with the opportunity to have a little fun while they play. This can help boost socialization skills, especially for young children that may not otherwise have a chance to meet people. Of course, you should still take precautions when socializing with new people. Make sure you wear masks, keep your distance, and sanitize. You might consider playing ballgames that keep kids far apart or enjoy relay races where kids take turns on the equipment. When parents cooperate with each other, it should be fairly easy to figure it out and have some fun.

6. Get Sporty
Another way to add some fun to the day is to bring in some of your kids’ favorite sports. Simply bringing a ball to the park can transform the entire dynamic of the visit. Once children are bored with the play structures, you can pull out the ball and come up with fun games to help make the play structure even more enjoyable. You can create races, obstacle courses, and more with a simple ball. You can also utilize the playing fields near the park to add in a game of catch, or simply kick the ball around for soccer practice. Many parks also have basketball courts, which can help you teach kids how to play with ease. You can also enjoy less common sports like frisbee, which can be played in so many different ways.

7. Watch Clouds
After getting plenty of exercises, you might want to have your children unwind for a little while before you put them in the car. One of the easiest ways to do this is to have them watch the clouds. You might bring a blanket along with you, so everyone can lay down and watch the clouds pass them by. Children can point out the shapes they see in each cloud or talk about the various types of clouds they see. Kids may even enjoy bringing along a journal, so they can draw the clouds that they see each day. This can help kids cool down after playing hard and may even help to bring a sense of mindfulness to the day. Younger children may even nap during this time, which will allow you to easily enjoy some quiet moments in the fresh air before heading home.

8. Utilize Imagination
Playing with your children is healthy in terms of bonding, but it also helps to encourage children to build a strong imagination. On top of that, having children come up with their own games helps to boost creativity. So, while you’re at the park, take the time to play with the kids. You can enjoy whatever game they come up with. May it be storming the castle or searching for lost treasure, your child is certain to invent a game that you’ll love playing. You can even help your child shape these games into stories, later on, to help improve their storytelling skills.

9. Clean Litter
Teaching kids to do right by the environment is always a must. So, one of the best things you can do when you’re at the park is to clean up litter. You might start by talking about the importance of cleaning up your own litter so kids will understand the concept at an early age. After that, you can work on picking up litter that others may have left behind. Consider bringing gloves, trash bags, and other supplies to help you find and pick up the litter safely. Behavior like this can actually inspire the community to work harder to help others to take care of the community too. If children aren’t sure why they need to pick up garbage, there are lots of lessons you can utilize online to help them understand. This can really change the way children feel about their planet, which can help them set lifelong goals to protect Mother Nature.

10. Explore Events
As the weather grows nicer, many communities are actually offering events to help keep kids busy and active. You might want to check the event calendar for your community to see what is going on in your neighborhood. Of course, during this time, it is still important to maintain caution when you’re out with others. One of the easiest things you can do to ensure your family’s safety is to look at the rules for Covid-19 within the community. You can also stop and observe the event before you choose to attend. Many community events include races, scavenger hunts, art walks, movies in the park, and so on. So, you should be able to find something for everyone in the family.

Heading to the park can be a whole lot of fun, especially if you’ve been cooped up all winter. These tips will help your kids fall in love with park time while maintaining their interest in the area. You may even find that some of these activities become a part of your routine even before kids become bored with the park.

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