
What You Should Not Buy in January

With the end of the year 2012 just passing, it is no secret that shopping has been incredibly extravagant. There has been sensational deals unlike anything seen before, and it seems like one can find an outfit or piece of equipment for well over half off. While there is undoubtedly an enormous range of sales to choose from and items that are nothing short of a steal right now, some items are not on the same page. There is a wide variety of items that should not be purchased in January for the simple fact that they will not be as cheap as can be until later times. Holding off on purchasing these items until the right time will save you tons of money and make you a happier shopper altogether.

1. Jewelry
With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it may seem like the perfect idea to purchase jewelry; however, the better option would be to wait till Valentine’s Day is near when sales are going through the roof. While you might be able to find some pretty good deals in the stores right now, it is nothing compared to the deals you will undoubtedly see this February. Do not make the mistake and purchase jewelry for your special someone in January when deals seem hot. Waiting will not only save you money, but with the money you saved you might be able to find an even better diamond that will keep her happier than you have ever imagined.

2. Skis
It is not too late to hit the slopes; and with that being said, a lot of people are deciding to purchase skis and ski accessories for their next fun trip. However, much like jewelry, one should definitely wait until these items go on a sale all their own, usually during February or more towards summer. Waiting until winter is close to over will save you a lot of money. Instead of splurging and buying your new gear right now, if you can hold off, do so. You will not regret the wait when you have hundreds of more dollars in your pocket to save on other fun snow items.

3. Spring Fashion
One common mistake that hundreds, even thousands, of people do each year, is purchase Spring clothes in the middle of January. Think about it: Spring clothes have just hit the shelves, what does that mean? The price is going to be in full, and usually at a high cost. Since spring is right around the corner, retailers know that individuals will most likely be seeking spring clothes to add to their wardrobes. There will more than likely be no sales in sight, and you will be purchasing the item at full price, possibly even at a higher price then you could even imagine.

Rather than spending money on spring items you do not need, consider buying what is on sale in the month of January- winter clothes. Get stocked up on next years apparel and save a ton of money. Shops and stores are looking to completely get rid of all of their winter items, clothes, and accessories, which means you can find deals of up to 90 perfect off. That winter coat that was once 200 dollars could easily be less then 50 dollars; who wouldn’t consider that an amazing deal?

4. Bathing Suits
Bathing suits are another popular item when it comes to spring fashion. Bathing suit shopping should be avoided at all costs because much like day to day clothes, they will be marked at full price without any sales. Instead of purchasing bathing suits and other spring essentials now, wait until the end of the season when these items go on a significant sale, much like the sale you see with winter fashion today.

5. Luggage
With the winter season coming to an end and the bright, shining sun along with warm weather making its way back into our lives, many people are deciding to purchase luggage while it is ‘on sale’. The problem with this, is that the sale on luggage is more of an illusion than an actual sale. For the most part, luggage will continue to be a high priced item and typical luggage sales won’t pass 40 percent; and you would be lucky to find that. Instead of buying luggage at a high price, one should consider waiting until Spring Break is nearing to make their final purchases. As Spring Break becomes closer, luggage goes on a significant sale as retailers know that a majority of vacationers will be leaving the area around that time. Buying this item in January is a definite no no.

6. Vacations
Speaking of Spring Break, another thing that should be put off in January is the purchase of hotels or other vacation essentials. Much like luggage and other packing accessories, hotels and other companies will begin to offer incredible deals as Spring Break approaches. Rather than taking a vacation in the middle of January, make plans for Spring Break and you will be able to save hundreds on your stay.

7. Electronics
A lot of people see the after Christmas and New Year’s deals on electronics and think they are getting a steal; however, much like the aforementioned items, this is nothing more than an illusion. While you might be able to find some electronics at a lowered price that you can be happy with, for the most part, it is unlikely. Electronic companies are likely to produce and make their brand new items for sale early in the New Year, which means outstanding devices are placed on shelves for a very crazy high price. With the influx of new technology making their way on to the shelves, you are not likely to find a deal in sight; and if you do find a deal, it will be on a machine that is ‘outdated’ and you most likely won’t want it. Instead, wait a couple months until these new and improved items go on sale and you will greatly appreciate the wait and the extra money in your pocket.

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