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About evo gear:
My sister-in-law lives near Park City, Utah. She's been there since college and never left. That whole side of the family is from cold, winter-weather country, so it made sense that she would stay where there was snow for most months of the year. I grew up in New Jersey, so I knew cold, but had no grasp of the avid-skier mentality. I mean, we would go to Vermont of New Hampshire once or twice a season, tops. We'd rent skis, maybe take a lesson or two.
These in-laws are hard core. They've always had season lift-tickets to the local mountain and own at least one or more pairs of skis or snowboards. They have friends who've actually been caught in or died in avalanches. This is a different lifestyle for me. So you can imagine my culture-shock when my husband's job moved us to Idaho.
I actually loved the people right away. And although I hate the cold, I enjoy the snow. As they say, "When in Rome, do as the Idahoans...", we bought our first season passes to the local ski resort/mountain. We looked at many sites, but is where we bought our snowboards. It's an "outlet" site and there are brand names for reduced prices. We also purchased, bindings, boots, and helmets on the site as well. Descriptions and reviews were well plotted out. But because I was so unfamiliar with the sport overall, I wish I had a tutorial of some sort. Otherwise, outstanding site.
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