
Shopper Resources: Shopping Safety Tips

Being a safe shopper entails a number of different areas that people should be concerned about. Shopping is generally a fun experience, however, shoppers need to be concerned with potential problems such as large crowds, leaving your car in dimly lit parking facilities, carrying large amounts of cash and shopping online.

Potential danger exists in large crowds because of possible pickpockets looking to steal cash and credit cards of shoppers. Possible danger also exists when shoppers leave packages in their car and return for shopping. Also, where a car is parked presents additional danger if the car is in an isolated area or if the surrounding area is not well lit. And, while online shopping is a convenient way to shop, it presents additional problems such as identity theft, compromised credit card numbers and the potential dangers in providing personal information online.

While shopping is mostly a fun experience, if you take needed precautions, it can also be a safe experience. To learn more about protecting yourself while shopping, please feel free to browse the following resources:

Personal Safety

Carrying Cash

  • Money Safety Tips - useful information for shoppers and travelers on how to protect yourself from carrying cash.
  • Holiday Safety - practical information on how to protect yourself while shopping and safeguard your cash.
  • Shopping Safety - useful article dealing with suggestions on how to be a safe shopper.
  • Tips for Carrying Money - helpful information on how to safely carry money while traveling or shopping.
  • Cash Carrying Tips - informative article discussing tips for carrying cash safely for travelers and shoppers.
  • Wallet Theft Prevention - very helpful resource from the police regarding how to protect your valuables.

Car Safety Safe Shopping

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