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About JM4 Tactical:

It's a crazy world out there these days. I guess if you look throughout history, it's all relative. What was once seen as wild or untamed looks quite different now. The whole notion of the wild, wild, West with everybody shooting each other in saloons couldn't have been the norm. Yes, people carried firearms, but they didn't go around shooting anyone they didn't like. Mostly, the weapons were for self-protection. And I believe in the right to protect oneself. And, if a gun is dispensed to a buyer after he/she has been through a litany of background, criminal, and mental health checks, that shouldn't be problematic. The constitution allows for citizens of the United States to own a firearm. But, it should just be for defense, sport, or hunting. Military-grade weaponry should never be in the hands of a regular Joe, especially one who is under age or has mental health issues. At least those are my feelings. Others may disagree, but that's also another right and freedom we have. With that said, I've been shopping around for a new pistol holster. I carry (and have a permit) for my firearm. I have for over two decades. has some very sweet-looking holsters at very reasonable prices. I like the look and sound of the magnetic click and carry. It's very simply designed, nothing too fancy. Some guys like to show off their holsters. For me, it's more about quality of product and functionality. I also like the color choices.

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